Chen Mo estimates that, if divided according to the strength level of the Chinese martial arts practitioners, the strength of this bitter monk is at least at the peak of the divine realm. Compared with the real jade dragon, he may be no less inferior.

"The judgment of God!"

The friar sang with Eagle language, and a milky light column was particularly striking in the dark sky, with a strong power of purification, covering Chen mo.

Behind him, the Russian werewolf yelled, shouting in broken Chinese: "be careful, that's the verdict of God!"

"Don't come from us, my friend! Once the judgment of God is formed, it's hard for you to go! "

Chen moxin said that this guy has a little conscience.

Chen Mo ignores the werewolf and stares at the sky seriously. The power of the attack launched by the four men is not to be underestimated. In particular, the power of the judgment of God launched by the friar is several times more powerful than that of the master at the peak of the divine realm.

However, Chen Mo is eager to try to find out which level of gas condensate Qizhong is comparable to on earth.

Just as the great pillar of light came down, Chen Mo suddenly moved.

"The third move of Tianxuan Shenquan is to control heaven and earth!"

A dark drink, Chen Mo does not retreat, but advances, step out, the whole world seems to tremble.

Several people felt a terrible attraction, and emptied the yuan force of heaven and earth within a kilometer.

One punch, giant!

When Chen Mo's fist strength and the holy light column meet, a circle of blue energy rippling away at the speed visible to the naked eye. The powerful force makes people's eyes unable to open.


A loud noise, like an atomic bomb explosion, was destroyed by powerful forces. Chen Mo and the friar were the center and swept around.

The already broken land was destroyed again, leaving only the bare brown earth.

The four people are directly shocked out by this huge force, but Chen Mo still stands in the same place, with a light face.

"Let's go!"

They got up, screamed and ran away.

The two Russians were relieved when they scolded the escaped four again.

The werewolf bowed to Chen Mo: "thank you, friend of Huaxia."

"You're welcome!" Chen Mo said lightly.

"By the way, why didn't you chase them just now?" Asked the werewolf, as if feeling sorry.

"I got hurt too," Chen said

"So it is. Let's go together. You are injured because of us. We have an obligation to protect you. " The werewolf patted his chest and swore.

Chen Mo shook his head: "no, I'll find a place to rest for a while. You should contact your comrades in arms."

"Well, how careful you are The Russians are very happy. Unlike the Chinese people, a glass of wine should be advised three times before they are willing to drink it.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't get hurt, but he didn't want to be with the two men. Although he didn't use all his strength, the four people were definitely hurt by his fist just now.

To prevent the four from killing him after he left.

Chen Mo continues to hunt and kill strange animals by himself and explores the secrets here, but he finds no useful information.

But all the way down, the strange beast has killed a lot.

Chen Mo looks at Huaxia, who has been at the bottom of the list on the counter, and finally enters a number to directly promote Huaxia to the first place.

Although there is no distinction between day and night, everyone has a sense of time. The reason why Chen Mo input numbers is because he knows that today is the third day.

"The core is enough, and the time is almost the same. It's time to join them."

Chen Mo checks the core in the ring and starts to walk back.

Soon, Chen Mo returned to the scope covered by the positioning stone, but Chen Mo found that all the Chinese players were concentrated in one place.

Chen Mo's heart moved and murmured, "something's wrong!"

Chen Mo moves forward at full speed and quickly approaches other comrades in arms according to the position of the positioning stone.

On the edge of a stone mountain, Ji Wuyuan is surrounded by hawks, Americans, Faguo and Russians.

It seems that there has been a battle between the two sides, Ji Wuyuan and others are all hanging the lottery.

Almost all the people of the five countries are gathered here, including the two Russians who were saved by Chen Mo, and the four Americans and eagles who were scared away by Chen mo.

Only Chen Mo is missing.

Ji Wuyuan looked at the Russian and said angrily, "Pude, if you do this, will you not be afraid to affect the relations between our two countries?"

PUD is the leader of the Russian team and the bear orc, the tallest and largest of all.

Hearing Ji Wuyuan's question, Pude laughed with a simple smile: "group leader Ji, I'm sorry, you are the first in China. For the sake of our country's interests, I have to betray you temporarily."

"But you can rest assured that everything here will not affect national relations, because there are no rules here, only win or lose."Zhang Zhen scolded: "I said, these bears are unreliable, but I wonder, we have been the last one, how suddenly ran to the first place!"

Lei Zhan wanted to cry without tears and said: "look at the numbers behind Chen Mo's name. Why did the boy suddenly have so many more animal cores? He doesn't mean to play with us

"I think Chen Mo must be a spy who broke into our army. How can he get as many animal cores as the six of us! It's not scientific! "

"If you input numbers randomly, the result will be invalid," Li Xiao said

Feng Mian's chest fluctuates violently, but she still doesn't forget her charming smile: "I don't think Chen Mo's younger brother is so indifferent. I guess he must have some adventure, so he got so many animal cores."

Xia Hailong said excitedly: "listen to me, deputy group leader Chen is steady. Since he has input so many numbers, there must be so many animal cores. We should believe him!"

Lei Zhan said with a wry smile, "what are you talking about now? Will these guys let us leave alive?"

"If you want to go, just destroy the counter and you can leave." Li Xiao skin smile meat not smile said.

Lei Zhan scolded: "I bah, who are you when I am Lei Zhan? Isn't it a life? After 18 years, Laozi is a hero again

The white man, led by the United States, went to a young blonde in eagles and muttered for a while.

Then, Putin, who was led by Russia, and the golden haired young man carrying the coffin in Faguo, walked over together, and the four men murmured again.

They speak in a low voice. Ji Wuyuan and others can't hear what they are saying, but they think that these people have other purposes.

However, do not know what happened, Pude suddenly scolded, angry left, seems to be very angry.

Even the eagle country and the hair country are full of gloomy faces, constantly swearing, it seems that both of them have opinions on the American.

Because angry, several people's voice also can't help but improve, Ji Wuyuan finally understand what's going on.

It turned out that the four people were not evenly distributed. The Americans wanted to take the first place, while the Russians were the first to refuse. The eagle Kingdom and the hair kingdom were not willing to do so.

Now everyone is waiting for Chen Mo to come back and ask Chen Mo how to obtain so many animal cores, so they did not immediately attack Ji Wuya and others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!