Ji Wuyuan's face was dignified and said in a low voice, "they are not evenly divided into dirty parts. The talk is broken. Now I'm waiting for Chen Mo to come back and ask Chen Mo how to get so many animal nuclei. "

"Shall we inform Chen Mo that he never comes back?" Said Lei Zhan.

Ji Wuyuan said with a wry smile: "it's late. I have sensed from the positioning stone that Chen Mo is approaching us at full speed. He should have found out we had an accident, so he wanted to come back and rescue

Zhang Zhen snorted coldly: "this boy is still a little bloody. He didn't escape by himself. If we can get out alive, I'll apologize to him!"

Lei Zhan sneered: "it's more difficult to get out alive than to go to heaven. Even if Chen Mo comes back, it's just a lot of people killed."

Several people all look heavy. Lei Zhan is right. Even if Chen Mo comes back, what can he do? They are facing four countries this time.

If we can make an alliance with the Russians, we may be able to compete with the other three countries. But now, even the Russians are jealous because Chen Mo inadvertently let China win the first place.

Amandi, an American who can speak Chinese, came to Ji Wuyuan and said with a smile, "if you can tell where you got so many animal cores, I can release that man!"

Ji Wuyuan shook her head: "we don't know, and even if we know, we won't tell you. You'll die of this heart!"

Amandi said with a smile: "I know you are deliberately provoking me, want me to kill you as soon as possible, no, no, no, I will use you as bait, waiting for Chen Mo to rescue you!"

"Don't you Chinese people value so-called comrades in arms the most? If you threaten him with your life, he will tell me the secret

"Of course, after he tells the secret, I'm killing him. That secret is mine!"

Amandy laughs evil.

"Bah, dream!" Zhang Zhen spat at Amandi with a mouthful of thick phlegm, but Amandi dodges it quickly.

Amandi became angry: "you want to die!"

Zhang Zhen scolded: "your grandfather, I just want to die. I have the kind to fight your grandfather for 300 rounds!"

Amandi's anger soon disappeared. Looking at Zhang Zhen, he sneered and said, "I won't be fooled by you. It's useless if you want to provoke me. I'll wait for Chen Mo to come and save you, and then I'll catch him in front of you

"Mean!" Xia Hailong cursed.

Amandy finished and left.

Zhang Zhen looked at Ji Wuyuan and asked in a low voice, "group leader, what should we do? Do you really want to wait for Chen Mo to come? At Chen Mo's current speed, it is estimated that he will arrive soon! "

Ji Wuyuan's face showed a certain determination: "wait, now we can't do anything, if we wait for Chen Mo to arrive, we will fight with these people to give Chen Mo a chance to escape."

"Why let Chen Mo escape? Why not you? You must live better than Chen Mo! " Li Xiao said plainly.

Several people all know the meaning of Ji Wuyuan's words. When Chen Mo arrives, the six of them will give Chen Mo a chance to escape with their own lives.

But Li Xiao is right. Ji Wuyuan is definitely more useful than Chen Mo to live.

The others didn't speak, but they all looked at Ji Wuyuan. Lei Zhan said: "if you feel that you are the group leader and you are embarrassed to live alone, you are wrong. Now it's fighting for the national interest. Personal reputation and face are in front of the national interest, nothing. I also suggest that you live, certainly not Chen Mo, this rookie is more useful to live! "

Ji Wuyuan said with a smile: "it's not what you think. According to your words, any one of the six of us is more useful than Chen Mo to live. But why are those crooked people waiting for Chen Mo to come? Because Chen Mo knows how to get more cores! "

"So, only Chen Mo is alive, we still have the hope of turning defeat into victory! Comrades, so we must fight to keep Chen Mo, only he knows how to get more animal nuclei. "

Lei Zhan and others nodded and understood the intention of Ji Wuyuan.

"Well, I hope Chen Mo won't let me down!" Zhang Zhendao.

When Chen Mo appeared, he saw that the people of the four countries surrounded the six Chinese people.

"It's really immoral. The Russians are actually in collusion with the Americans." Chen Mo's eyes are cold, and in his heart there is a desire to spread.

Chen Mo didn't hide it, so he went step by step.

"Look, it's Chen Mo!" Thunder Zhan exclaimed.

Amandi, the people were excited immediately.

"Chen Mo, you finally come here. I know that these Chinese people have their own contact information. As long as one is trapped, everyone will be drawn out."

Chen Mo has not yet gone to Ji Wuyuan and other people. Ji Wuyuan yells: "act!"

Six people immediately block between the four countries and Chen Mo, Xia Hailong yells at Chen Mo: "Chen team, you go quickly, they deliberately use us to lead you! If you continue to hunt and kill exotic animals, all our hopes will fall on you! "

Chen Mo did not speak or leave, but continued to move forward.Seeing that Chen Mo didn't listen, Zhang Zhen immediately scolded: "boy, you can't understand people's words. Didn't you hear me tell you to go? Even if you stay, you'll just die! "

Feng Mian also said with a smile: "little brother, listen to my sister's words, quick, continue to hunt and kill strange animals, don't let us die in vain!"

Chen Mo didn't seem to hear, and went on.

Ji Wuyuan frowned and said in a deep voice, "Chen Mo, retreat immediately. This is an order."

Chen Mo ignores the order and suddenly appears in front of Ji Wuyuan just a few meters away from Ji Wuyuan.

Chen Mo looks at the people of the four countries with a sneer on his face, his hands on his back, and his face is indifferent.

His voice was ethereal, as if from a distant place.

"None of you will die, because I am still there!"

Ji Wuyuan several people feel that Chen Mo is joking, but at the bottom of their heart, it seems that a voice keeps saying to them that if you want to believe Chen Mo, you must believe Chen mo.

"Are you Chen Mo? You are crazy. You are more crazy than the others. I want to know what kind of capital you have to be so arrogant! " Amandi said with a sneer at Chen mo.

Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to him. He reaches out his right hand and points like a sword.

A golden light flashed by, and Chen Mo drew a line three meters in front of him.

Chen Mo's faint voice rang out: "those who cross the border will die!"

The voice was like the voice of a cold machine, full of supreme dignity and cold killing intention.

There was a breeze blowing, helping people's faces, but they seemed to feel that they had been cut by a knife.

Amandi was shocked. The young man in front of him seemed to be the youngest of the seven Chinese people. However, it gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Even Amandi's heart even had a trace of fear, which made Amandi feel ashamed.

Lei Zhan looked at Chen Mo's back and whispered, "is Chen Mo crazy?"

Feng Mian is brilliant in her beautiful eyes. Looking at Chen Mo, she seems to have discovered a new world: "such a little brother is the most charming, I like it!"

Ji Wuyuan and others look at Chen Mo, frowning slightly. He also thinks Chen Mo is too arrogant.

How can he fight against all the four countries on his own!

Amandi stares at Chen Mo, like an eye Snake: "boy, you are more arrogant than I thought!"

"But you can't scare our great soldier. Who will take him for me?" Amandi asked aloud, looking at his team.

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