With clear water and blue sky, a cruise ship broke through the sea, stepped on layers of water waves, and sailed toward the donglinzu.

On the deck, a young man in black stood against the wind, smelling the salty smell brought by the sea breeze, and looked out from afar.

A plump, graceful, mature and beautiful woman came slowly, holding her hands on the rail of the cruise ship and stretching her body backward, exposing her beautiful side to the air.

I have to say, this is a very attractive woman. Let the man see, can't help but move some crooked idea.

The woman turns her head and looks at Chen Mo with a touch of curiosity in her eyes: "why don't you go and play with them?"

This cruise ship is a top class luxury cruise ship with all kinds of entertainment facilities, and once it sails out of the longzu sea area, there will be some entertainment items that are not available in China at all, which are specially provided to the rich people on the cruise ship.

Chen Mo takes a look at her. This woman has never known him, but since the moment they met, the woman's eyes have never left Chen mo.

"Didn't you play with them, too?" Chen Mo said lightly.

"Oh, I'm different from you. I'm 30 years old this year. You are a young man In the eyes of the woman looking at Chen Mo, there is a flash of inexplicable light.

"Young people's preferences are not the same, I like quiet." Chen Mo said faintly. He took back his eyes and continued to overlook the sea.

The woman is more interested in Chen Mo's eyes.

This is, behind the deck, a young man looks at the woman standing with Chen Mo with a look of greed in his eyes.

A clever little brother behind him immediately noticed the master's mind. He stepped forward and said in a low voice, "big little, I didn't expect that there are such wonderful creatures on this ship!"

There was a flash of fire in the young man's eyes, and he said to his men, "go and find out, what's the origin of that boy beside her?"


In the sky, suddenly dark clouds, the sea weather, like a baby's face, said to change.

The woman looked at Chen Mo with a sweet voice: "it's going to rain, go back!"

"Yes Chen Mo nods and turns back to the cabin.

In the cabin, there are melodious music, some well-dressed men and women, whispering conversation, and some have already begun to scowl.

Several of them have left hand in hand to go to their own rooms.

The woman followed Chen Mo and whispered, "can I buy you a drink?"

Chen Mo didn't look back and said, "I like quiet."

"Ha ha, the first time I invited someone was rejected." The woman chuckled, but there was no sign of anger.

Chen Mo has no intention to continue to communicate with her, and is ready to return to his room.

"Be quiet, everyone. We have little to say!" A young man suddenly came to the center of the hall and called out.

Although the hall is very spacious, but no one speaks out loud. The people on this cruise ship are rich or expensive. Everyone pays attention to self-cultivation.

So the young man's voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even Chen Mo stopped and looked at the young man.

The people in the hall looked different. Some were not happy, some were curious, and some were holding a wait-and-see attitude.

I don't know which young master wants to show off in such an occasion.

A handsome young man with gloomy eyes walked slowly to the center of the hall with his two men.

"Young master!" The young man, who had just called out, nodded and bowed at once, and then retreated quietly behind the young man.

Some people in the crowd began to murmur, "whose child is this? Don't he know that all the people on this cruise ship are billions of dollars? It's his turn to show off here

A middle-aged man with a red wine cup, with a scornful smile on his face, said: "this boy, it is spoiled at first sight!"

In the face of the cold words of the crowd, the young man did not care at all. Instead, he raised his head and looked arrogant. He said slowly, "I am Zhu Tianliang of Guang'an group. All the expenses here today are mine. You can play as you like."

"The big and small of Guang'an group!"

All the people were shocked when they heard that the young man reported to his family.

Guang'an group can rank in the top three of the dragon clan and the top 100 in the world's top 500. Moreover, there are family businesses. Therefore, the young master of Guang'an group is basically the successor of Guang'an group in the future.

After hearing the identity of the young man, everyone changed their faces and looked at Zhu Tianliang with a look of flattery.

"It's the young and the big. It's disrespectful! I'm Liu Guangdi from Qingtian trading company. I had dinner with my father last time. I didn't think that I should have the chance to share the boat with all the young people today. How lucky is Liu

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Wang Qinghai of Qinghai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. in North China. Do you remember me?" Another middle-aged man came forward to please.

Then, one after another, the rich came forward to please all Tianliang.Although we are all local tyrants, the local tyrants are also graded. Local tyrants like Zhu Tianliang can easily make most of them poor.

Therefore, they are all trying to ingratiate themselves with the goodness of heaven.

However, only two people are exceptions. One is Chen Mo, and the other is the woman who follows Chen mo.

Zhu Tianliang exchanged greetings with those people, but his eyes always paid attention to Chen Mo and the woman.

"Hum, a nameless boy, he was indifferent to my identity! It seems that if you don't learn a lesson, you don't know the height of heaven and earth! " There was a flash of gloom in the eyes of all Tianliang.

The woman behind Chen Mo chuckled: "young master of Guang'an group, why don't you make friends? It's a rare opportunity. "

Chen Mo looked back at her and said, "why don't you go there?"

The woman covered her mouth and chuckled: "I'm not interested in money and power."

"I'm not interested either." With that, Chen Mo turns away.

The woman smiles and follows Chen Mo away.

Zhu Tianliang's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't want the woman to leave.

"This brother, don't hurry to leave. How about a drink for my treat today Zhu Tianliang raised his glass to Chen moyao and said in a loud voice.

The faces of the people around him were strange. It seemed that they suddenly understood why Zhu Tianliang suddenly appeared.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Chen Mo's eyes, showing a touch of pity, and some of them were schadenfreude.

However, we are also curious that Chen Mo didn't come forward to please Chen mo after Zhu Tianliang showed his identity.

Is it hard for Chen Mo to even look up to the young master of Guang'an group?

In any case, Zhu Tianliang has opened his invitation in person, and I believe no one will refuse.

Chen Mo didn't even look at him. He stepped forward without stopping: "no interest."


It seemed that there was a slap in the face of all Tianliang. Although it was silent, it was heard by all the people.

"What is the status of this boy? How dare you offend the gods

"I'm young and frivolous. I'm sure his family knew that the big and young members of Guang'an group invited them in person, but they were turned down by him. They would certainly beat him to death."

"Give up the chance to make friends with Guang'an group and choose to offend in public. Is this boy crazy?"

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