Zhu Tianliang's face was ugly. This was the first time he had ever invited someone, but he was refused in public.

A little brother behind Zhu Tianliang jumped out and pointed to Chen Mo and yelled: "boy, you dare to refuse my young master's invitation. I think you've been kicked in the head by a donkey."

Even Zhu Tianliang's subordinates are puzzled by Chen Mo's behavior.

Chen Mo stands with his hands down and looks at the crowd, but his eyes are empty. These people can't get into his eyes.

"Why can't I refuse?" Chen Mo asked.

Yes, why can't we refuse? There is no rule that everyone should please the good of heaven. If you have no desire, you will be just. Maybe this is Chen Mo's idea.

"Ah San, come back! A mole ant, why bother with him All Tianliang said coldly, in his words, he was extremely sarcastic.

At this time, eight masked men suddenly rushed out with guns in their hands.

"Don't move. Squat down for me!" One yelled with a gun.


The rich yelled in horror.

Just after hearing that the cruise ship left the longzu sea area and entered the open sea, the robbers rushed out and obviously had long been interested in this luxury cruise ship.

Just now, all the heavenly beings who had just been invincible climbed on the ground with their heads in their arms.

Except for Chen Mo, everyone squats on the ground with their heads in their arms.

"Boy, are you tired of living? I told you to squat down, didn't you hear me! " A masked man yells fiercely and strides towards Chen mo.

The woman squatting on the ground quietly pulled Chen Mo's trouser legs: "heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. They ask for money. Don't provoke them."

Chen Mo didn't move. Instead, he looked at the masked robber striding to him and said, "I've never squatted in front of others in my life."

Those rich people look at Chen Mo with the look of a fool in their eyes.

"Is this boy crazy? This is a robber, not all Tianliang! He's not going to die! "

"No wonder he dared to offend Tianliang just now. He turned out to be a madman."

Zhu Tianliang looked at Chen Mo quietly, and his eyes were also surprised: "looking for death!"

"Die!" The robber walks up to Chen Mo, raises the butt of his gun and smashes it on Chen Mo's head.


Some of the women screamed in horror. They didn't see a murder.

The woman beside Chen Mo also shook her head in secret and said, "it seems that my feeling is wrong. He is an ignorant maniac!"

The robber shot down, but Chen Mo didn't know how to move. He grabbed the robber's throat with one hand and held it high, just like holding a chicken. It was extremely relaxed.


Everyone was stunned.

"How did he do it?"

"Let go of my brother!" One of the robber leaders roared with anger, and several other robbers immediately pointed their guns at Chen Mo, and they might shoot at any time.

Chen Mo's eyes scan the crowd and finally stop at Zhu Tianliang.

"Now, I'll let you know what an ant is!"

After saying that, Chen Mo made a sudden effort. A crisp bone fracture sound sounded, the robber's head tilted, died!

"Kill him!" The head of the robber roars, and several AK47s spit out fire at the same time, dada dada, and the bullets pour out to Chen Mo like raindrops.

"Ah They close their eyes in fear and can't bear to see Chen Mo being beaten into a sieve.

The gunfire soon stopped and there was a strange silence in the hall.

When they open their eyes, they see that Chen Mo is unhurt. He is still standing in the same place with his hands on his back.

Several robbers were scared to swallow saliva, one of the robbers was frightened and asked: "you, are you a person or a ghost?"

Chen Mo doesn't answer, and suddenly walks towards the nearest robber step by step.

"Don't come here!" The robber with the gun was so scared that his legs were shaking.

"Ah..." The robber pulls the trigger, and the bullets shoot at Chen Mo again, but when the bullets reach three feet in front of Chen Mo, they all stop in the air strangely.

There was a crash and all fell to the ground.

"My God, ghost, ghost!" The robber threw down the gun and knelt on the ground with his head in his arms. He kowtowed to Chen Mo and begged for mercy: "don't kill me. This is the first time I've done this. I'm really afraid of poverty. Don't kill me..."

Chen Mo passes by the robber without lifting his hand. A powerful dragon breathes through his body. The robber suddenly bleeds and dies on the spot!

"Some things, once done, have to bear the consequences."

Chen Mo says a word faintly and continues to walk towards the next robber.

"Shoot, shoot, I don't believe I can't kill him!" The leader of the robber yelled in surprise and anger.

Dada dada

is as like as two peas of bullets, but just like the same thing, the bullet stopped at three feet before Chen Ming and then fell on the ground, making a tinkling sound."Run away!" Seeing Chen Mo go to his robber, he throws down his gun and runs away.

Chen Mo points out that the robber was hit a small hole in the back of his head, lying on the ground, and died.

"Immortal, immortal, we are wrong, you let us go, we are willing to give you all the money!" The robber leader is really afraid. He kneels on the ground and kowtows to Chen Mo to beg for mercy.

Chen Mo had no expression. He stopped, glanced at the remaining robbers and said, "I said that once some things are done, we must bear the consequences."

With that, a dragon breathed through his body. These ordinary robbers could not resist at all. They all bled and died on the spot.

Chen Mo turned and looked at Zhu Tianliang and said, "now, you know what a mole ant is."

Zhu Tianliang's face was pale with fear. A liquid flowed slowly from his legs, and the smell was bad.

Everyone knelt down, kowtowed to Chen Mo, and exclaimed, "thank you for saving your life!"

The woman looked at Chen Mo, and her eyes flashed with Splendor: "it turns out that he is so powerful. It seems that my eyes are right!"

Zhu Tianliang seems to have just come to his senses and kowtow to Chen Mo in a hurry. The one who knocks is called hard work and bangs.

"Immortal, I'm wrong. I have no eyes. If I offend the immortal, please forgive me!"

Chen Mo doesn't pay attention to him. He leaves directly and goes up to the deck.

Those rich people get up in a hurry and go out after Chen Mo, and there are dead bodies in the cabin. No one wants to stay here.

In front of him, the land is far away. Chen Mo stands on the deck and looks at it for a while. Suddenly, he jumps forward and jumps down.

"Ah, the fairy jumped into the sea!"

"How can it be? Why can't the immortal think about it?"

Suddenly, a man pointed to the sea and said in a loud voice, "look, the immortal is not upset, but flies away!"

People's eyes followed the direction of his fingers, and saw a figure on the sea, walking like a fly, walking on the waves, in a moment, there was only a small black spot.

"Immortal, that's a real immortal. We've missed an immortal!"

Many people beat their chests and feet and regret that they have not been able to make friends with each other. If they can be pitied by immortals and give them a elixir or something, they will never be able to use them in their whole life!

Zhu Tianliang sat on the deck with a dull expression. He even offended an immortal!

No wonder he reported the identity of the young master of Guang'an group. Chen Mo still looked down on him. Even if he has more money, what can he do?

What is he compared to the immortal who lives and dies with a palm?

What's more ridiculous is that he even ridiculed an immortal as a mole ant

What are mole ants? They are the real ants!

Looking at the direction of Chen Mo's departure, the woman's eyes were shocked, but at the same time, she was also upset. If she took the initiative, she might be able to have something with the immortal

However, if you miss it, you will miss it, and there will be no if.

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