"The lower tolerance is equivalent to the outer realm warrior of your dragon family's martial arts realm, the middle tolerance is equivalent to the inner boundary martial arts person, the upper tolerance is equivalent to the master, the special forbearance is the master who looks at the divine realm and the quasi divine realm, and the earthly tolerance is the strong one in the divine realm. As for the heavenly forbearance, even I don't know about it."

"However, I know that Liu shengyidao is the descendant of Liusheng Yidao. This generation of Liusheng Yidao has become a di Ren ten years ago. If anyone of the Donglin people is most likely to become Tianren, it must be Liusheng Yidao."

Chen Mo looks at akiichi Okamoto, thinking about the information in his words.

If Di Ren is equal to the powerful one in the realm of martial arts and Taoism of the Dragon nationality, what realm is Tianren equivalent to?

It seems that the martial arts realm of the Dragon nationality is above the divine realm, and there must be a higher realm.

Chen Mo looked at Okamoto Mingyi and said faintly, "so, are you a tolerance?"

Okamoto nodded: "yes, it has been three years ago, but it has not been able to break through. Maybe a war with you can help me break through."

"So, I look forward to fighting you, master Chen!"

Chen Mo stands upright and looks quietly at Okamoto, whose fighting spirit is boiling. His voice is flat: "let's fight!"


Okamoto's figure disappeared in place, as if into the air.

Chen Mo was slightly surprised: "can I even hide my divine sense? The concealment skill of the Donglin clan warrior is really extraordinary. "

Okamoto can hide from Chen Mo's eyes and from Chen Mo's divine consciousness, but he can't escape the law of heaven and earth.

Chen Mo stretched out his hand and drew a mysterious track in the void in front of him, which was a large-scale blocking technique in the five elements prohibition method.

The five elements of heaven and earth, the concealment technique used by these warriors of Donglin clan, is actually to use the force of the five elements to disguise themselves as any of the five elements to hide from the opponent's eyes.

Of course, the stronger one's own strength, the more insidious the art of concealment will not be seen through. Powerful people like Okamoto's use of concealment can even hide Chen Mo's divine consciousness.


Chen moo lightly drinks a sound, a pair of complex and abstruse array chart is thrown into the air by him, instantly merge with the heaven and earth road.

As soon as the fluorescence flashed, the sky and earth seemed to be one of the dark, and a figure in black gradually appeared.

At the moment, Okamoto still maintains the posture of punching forward and has a distance of three meters to successfully hit Chen Mo's ribs.

But at the moment, he stopped attacking.

"You've broken my concealment!" Okamoto appeared shocked.

Chen Mo didn't answer because the facts were already in front of him.

"I can't even break Liu Sheng's sabre. Although I'm not as talented as he is in martial arts, I'm not inferior to him in terms of accomplishments in concealment."

Okamoto looked up and sighed at the sky, "I didn't expect that you could break my concealment skill!"

"Concealment, xiaodaoer, how can you surpass Liusheng in martial arts Chen Mo said lightly.

"Don't waste my time, quick decision!"

After Chen Mo finishes, the sword suddenly becomes big and cuts off at Okamoto.

Okamoto quickly retreated and said in a deep voice: "although my accomplishments in martial arts are not as good as those of Liu Sheng, you can't underestimate them."

With that, a samurai sword appeared in Okamoto's hands. He held up the samurai sword in both hands, and gave a big drink. He suddenly cut out Chen Mo's Sky Sword.


A huge sound of gold and iron cross Ming, the sky sword was shaken back. But Okamoto, too, was blown upside down and stopped at the other end of the cobblestone road.

"Cut in the air!"

Okamoto stops a little, immediately jumps up, hands up the samurai sword, facing Chen Mo, a knife.

There is no knife light or sharp blade. It seems that this Dao has no powerful power.

However, Chen Mo did not dare to be careless. He stepped out one step: "the third move of Tianxuan Shenquan is to control heaven and earth."


With a loud noise, a circle of transparent energy ripple rapidly rippling in all directions.

The cobblestone ground under Chen Mo's feet is like a tortoise pattern, which cracks inch by inch.

Okamoto was shaken back a few steps again, but Chen Mo was still standing there, seemingly unaffected.

Okamoto's face was dignified, and his hands held the samurai sword high again. However, this time, his movement was very slow. He lifted a very heavy long sword to an old man who was in his old age.


When Okamoto raised the samurai sword, his speed suddenly reached the extreme. In one second, he cut hundreds of swords at Chen mo.

Innumerable blades of Touming, from all directions, were like innumerable sharp arrows, which rained on Chen mo.

Chen Mo pinches the seal formula, and the sky chopping sword whirls around the body quickly. All the blades with energy condensation are blocked by the sky chopping sword, making a crisp sound."Juhezha!"

Okamoto saw as like as two peas in the second strokes, which still could not work. The whole body flew up and burst into the same light as the samurai knife in his hand.

That one out, heaven and earth seem to be darkened, as if the sky and the earth, only Okamoto's only figure.

"Man and knife in one!"

Chen Mo is slightly surprised. Compared with nangongyu's sun shining, this knife is not bad, even better.

It is true that he has been in the realm of the deity of Miyamoto for more than a few years.

Chen Mo does not dare to neglect it. The sword, like a Nirvana Fire Phoenix, sends out a light sound of earth shaking and goes against the sky.

If Okamoto is now a bright full moon in the night sky, then the sky sword is a scorching sun.

"The nine swords of the road Split sky

A sword light seems to have broken through ancient time and space and came from the end of the sky. Such as Pangu's creation of the sky when the light, gorgeous, incomparable!

It seems that the sky must avoid this sword!

God block kill God, Buddha block kill Buddha!



Okamoto's long sword, cut into two pieces by Chen Mo's sword, falls to the ground with his sword.

Below, the cobblestone paved 10 meter path, directly attacked by two people, the residual energy, the bombardment of fragmentation, unbearable.

Okamoto's body, from the shoulder to the thigh, there is an amazing gap, if not for the powerful true Qi to protect the body, now he has broken into two pieces.

Okamoto struggled to raise his head and looked at Chen Mo with a shock in his eyes: "you, you..."

In the end, he said nothing, his head tilted and he died.

Chen Mo turns around and looks at the two small buildings in front of him. He knows that the owner of gongnan's family has fled.

However, since Chen Mo dares to let him go, he has a way to catch up with him.

Gongnanmingya has already left from the back door at the moment, and has boarded a Toyota Crown car prepared in advance, and is heading for gongnan's Secret refuge.

However, Chen Mo has already left a mark on him. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he cannot escape from Chen Mo's palm.

Chen Mo stops a taxi and follows gongnan Mingya to gongnan's Secret refuge base.

The taxi driver saw that the road nearby was getting more and more remote, and he was afraid of it. He said it in the Donglin language for a while.

But Chen didn't understand. Take out the currency of Donglin nationality and throw it on the dashboard.

The driver with eyes showed a greedy look, happily grabbed the notes and nodded to Chen mo.

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