Chen Mo followed gongnanming cliff to the foot of a remote mountain.

Looking at the two black Toyota Crown cars parked at the foot of the mountain, Chen Mo knows that they are the vehicles that gongnanmingya escaped in.

Chen Mo takes out some notes and throws them to the driver, and then goes to the car on gongnanmingya.

Gongnanming cliff has already got off the car, but Chen Mo has left a mark on him. He couldn't escape anyway.

Looking at the mountain, Chen Mo judged that the altitude should be about 2000 meters, which is already a very high mountain in Donglin nationality.

This mountain looks no different, but Chen Mo can feel that there is a faint sense of the chill in the mountain.

According to Chen Mo's impression on gongnanming cliff, gongnanming cliff is now in the middle of the mountain.

"It seems that there is mystery in this mountain!"

After closing the curtain, Chen Mo quickly finds a hidden hole in a mountainside.

Chen Mo's figure moves, and the next moment he appears next to the hole.

Looking at the hole which can only be used for one person, Chen Mo knows that this should be the entrance to the mountain.

However, Chen Mo also knows that most of them are secret bases operated by gongnan family for many years. Once inside, there will be a lot of crisis.

However, Chen Mo is aware of the smell of fire in the mountainside. He speculates that the people of gongnan's family may have hidden the fire in it.

Therefore, even if it is a sea of mountains and rivers, Chen Mo has to go in for a walk.

Chen Mo stepped back two steps, and his heart moved. The sword of chopping the sky flew out of the gate of bittern. One sword was cut against the big black iron gate at the entrance of the mountain.


The power of this sword can be split by Chen Mo even if it is a hill, but only a small hole has been cut out of the black iron gate.

"It's a strong material. It seems that gongnan family spent a lot of effort here."

Inside the base, the whole mountain has been hollowed out. There are all kinds of modern weapons in it. There are more than 20 members of gongnan family.

The whole base is built according to the ground buildings, with many rooms and even entertainment facilities.

All the members of the gongnan family gathered in the hall. Nanmingya, the head of the family, sat in the first place with a solemn face.

"Master, the boy is attacking the gate!" Gongnansong, the younger brother of gongnanming cliff, said.

Gongnanmingya didn't speak. He seemed to be thinking about something.

The crowd quietly looked at gongnanming cliff, waiting for his instructions.


Another big noise came, and the whole base trembled like an earthquake.

"Master, say it, we are willing to live and die with the gongnan family!" A young son of gongnan's family called out.

Gongnanming cliff clenched his teeth and finally made up his mind: "then prepare to start the destruction device."


"This is to die with master Chen!"

Although they were ready to die, they were still reluctant to hear the order from gongnanmingya.


There was another loud noise, and the metal alarm sounded in the base immediately: "alarm, alarm, the gate has been damaged, and outsiders have broken in!"

There was another panic!

"The gate was made of the material of a cosmic satellite, and it was broken so quickly!"

"Even Okamoto is dead in his hands. How long can the gate be blocked?"

"Let's listen to the patriarch and activate the destruction device. Let's die with the boy."

Gongnanming cliff raised his voice and said again, "activate the destruction device."

Gong Nansong gnawed his teeth and nodded: "yes!"

Shortly after Gong Nansong left, Chen Mo's figure was already standing in the middle of the hall.

All the members of gongnan's family are looking at Chen Mo with surprise and anger.

Chen Mo's face is calm. His eyes pass through the crowd and look at the back of gongnanming cliff.

"Give up my friend and spare you from death!" Chen Mo said coldly.

Gongnanmingya sneered: "hand it out, I'll die faster!"

"You can't believe it, but if my friend loses a hair, I'll leave your gongnan family without a living." Chen Mo's voice is cold, like a devil from hell.

In the eyes of the gongnan family, there was a sense of panic, but they had already seen Chen Mo's great power. They believed that Chen Mo's words were not empty.

Gongnanming cliff stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of Chen Mo and said in a solemn voice, "master Chen, if I let that girl go, can you really let go of our gongnan family?"


"Master! This... "

Gongnanmingya's words puzzled gongnan's family. Just now gongnanmingya has ordered the destruction device of the base to be turned on. Now he talks to master Chen again?

But on second thought, the people of gongnan family understood the mind of gongnanmingya.He's buying time for the destruction device.

Chen Mo didn't know gongnanmingya's plan. He said, "I've always said that I will practice it in my life. As far as you and I are concerned, there is no difference between killing an ant or not."

For a moment, gongnanmingya really wanted to agree to Chen Mo's terms.

However, the gongnan family was loyal to Donglin clan all his life. Although he could not get the spirit liquid of life, it would be a great achievement for Donglin if he could destroy master Chen.

"Let me think about it." Gongnanming cliff lowered his head and pretended to be thinking.

"I'll only give you one minute to think about it," Chen said

One minute is not enough. But it's better to have something than nothing.

Gongnanmingya nodded and calculated the time in his heart.

Chen Mo closed his eyes and quietly calculated the time.

The people of gongnan's family are full of evil thoughts. Everyone looks at Chen Mo quietly. The atmosphere in the hall is somewhat depressed.

One minute later, Chen Mo opens his eyes.

"It's time."

Gongnanming cliff raised his head, looked at Chen Mo, and suddenly showed a grim smile: "yes, the time is up, the destruction device should be about the same, you and your friends are going to die here."

Chen Mo's face was ugly. A cold breath swept through the hall, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

"You want to die!"

Gongnanming cliff a big drink: "no difference attack."

"Ah All the people in gongnan's family were frightened. They really planned to die together.

Hiding in the dark, the shooter was still hesitant, and did not immediately follow the command of gongnanming cliff.

However, when the sky sword directly across the front of several people's necks and shins, the shooters immediately shot.

Dada dada

The bullets are so dense that they pour out to Chen Mo, and the gongnan family members in the hall are not spared.

These firepower are obviously large caliber guns, and the bullets are also penetrating class a bullets, which are specially designed to deal with fighters.

However, Chen Mo can't be hurt by these alone.

All the bullets were blocked out of Chen Mo's body, and some of them were bounced out by Chen Mo's defense shield and penetrated into the bodies of the gongnan family.

These bullets can't hurt Chen Mo, but for those ordinary people in gongnan family, they are very powerful.

Ordinary bullets are shot into the body and are blocked by bones, but this bullet and bone are smashed directly.

Each bullet also has the function of explosion. The gongnan family is so bloody that the hall is just like Shura hell. , the fastest update of the webnovel!