Chen Mo said that in a month's time, the Dragon army will set out to help all countries in the world solve their current civil strife.

And these countries did not let Chen Mo down. In just half a month, the dragon people had been surrounded by a large number of practitioners and the most elite troops.

However, the first to prepare to attack is practitioners, who are fast, powerful, fearless and do not need to be prepared.

At the boundary of the Dragon nationality, a strong man suddenly appeared. His height was more than two meters. His upper body was covered with muscles of great strength.

His thick hair and deep eyes make him look like a gentleman and a beast. He is called the king of the south.

He abandoned the army of the South and came to the dragon clan as soon as he was single. He wanted to be the first to let the reptiles of the Dragon realize what despair is.

A helicopter appeared in the sky. He knew that the dragon people had found him. His invasion would make these dragon people very angry, right?

However, this is just what he wants. How angry the dragon people are now, how desperate they will be in a moment.

He grinned at the helicopter and put up a finger.

Two people jumped down from the dragon's plane. Gesius swept them with his mind and was disappointed.

They are just two ordinary people. They don't have any spiritual power. However, they are wearing some strange clothes. They even wear steel clothes like those King Kong Heroes on TV.

But what about that? Can these rags stand up to a fist?

Gesius twisted his neck and thought: these dragon people will know how ridiculous it is to rule the world with these scrap iron?

I don't know if their kneeling and begging for mercy are the same as those of the dragon people many years ago.

Bang bang!

Two dragon soldiers in mechanical armor landed steadily.

In the past six months, they have undergone the most rigorous physical training and taken many medicines specially prepared for them by the alchemy Association. Although they do not have the talent of cultivation, even the martial arts masters who can practice are not their opponents.

They are wearing the newly developed clothing of the Dragon nationality, which is a kind of terrible fighting weapon. It is not the first time that they have put on this suit, but today it is the first time to fight with a powerful practitioner.

That man looks very fierce. Will he feel shocked when he is beaten down? He looks so good-looking, kneeling for mercy must be more beautiful!

Gao Jun and Tang Bing are the elite of the Dragon army, and they are the most outstanding soldiers in the uniform. Today they are going to face the most terrifying existence in the south, gesius, the king of the south!

Two people look at each other and start to run. The metal sound of the mechanical armor when running makes people intoxicated.

Gao Jun first came to the body of gesius, and then punched, which directly hit him in the handsome face.

He was angry, because he didn't mean to let him.

In the process of boxing, Gao Jun can even see the smile raised by the corners of gesius's mouth, which is the contempt of the superior to the inferior, which is disdain.

This guy looks down on himself? Gao Jun was furious, and several buttons suddenly lit up on the boxing cover of the mechanical armor, and then a group of light appeared on the whole fist.

"Too slow, too weak." However, if he can see that the strength of his kung fu is comparable to that of the Shenjun, it's no wonder that some of his skills are comparable to those of the master It's going to disappoint him.

Just as Theseus was about to raise his hand and slap the seemingly impregnable, but actually vulnerable piece of iron into a discus, he suddenly saw a light on the fist.

"What is that? Spotlight? Want to shoot me in the eye? Ridiculous! Eh? What a mess Gexius was shocked. He wanted to wave his hand to block, but he didn't think that after the light on the boxing set, his speed was accelerated several times. Even he, gesius only lifted his arm half way.


The steel fist smashed on the handsome and charming face of gesius, smashing his whole person to fly dozens of meters.

Gexius did not have time to make any response, a blow directly into his soul, so that his head appeared a short blank, when he woke up, there was a sharp pain on the cheek.

"Pooh!" He vomited on the ground. It was blood. There were two big teeth in the blood.

A mistake! This is a mistake! Blame yourself for your carelessness! I didn't expect that the science and technology of the dragon people had developed to such a degree that even gesius, the king of the south, could hurt me.

It seems that it is not so easy to besiege the dragon people all over the world. After I have solved these two mortals, I will first rush back to the army in the south, and let them slow down their speed, so that other countries will consume the strongest strength of the dragon clan first, and then we will go no later.My king of the south, gesius, is still the strongest existence in the world, ah!

Ah ~ ~

just as Theseus was still adjusting his plans in his mind, another figure came quickly. Before he could get up, he stepped down heavily between his legs.

The earth was slightly shaken by the foot of Tang soldiers, and dozens of cracks appeared on the ground. At the same time, it was accompanied by the tragic wail of gesius.

The intense pain made gesius's mind clear. In this moment, his mind already knew what he should do.

"Hammer!" Gesius yelled, and a hammer appeared out of thin air. The shape of the hammer was similar to that used to control lightning in TV.

Gexius hit Tang soldiers' chest with one blow, and a cloud of light came out of the iron and steel battle clothes. Then the Tang soldiers were beaten hundreds of meters away, and their bodies lost their balance in the air for a long time before they recovered. They and their armor were undamaged and turned into a streamer. They rushed to gexius again.

When Tang Bing was beaten to fly, Gao Jun cheated him. A lightsaber appeared in his palm and chopped off gesius's arm with a hammer.


Gerius's arm was cut off, and the hammer rolled on the ground several times before it stopped.

With his left arm, he spurted out all his spiritual power. He just wanted to beat this guy back and win him more escape time.

The king of the South should be in the south. Running to the East is not easy.

The lightsaber pierced the terrifying aura, but Gao Jun was also shaken by the turbulent energy, and was steadily caught by Tang soldiers flying from behind.

It's just that when they look at the front again, the figure of Theseus is gone.

"I hit him in the face because he is more handsome than I am. Why do you step on his crotch?" Gao Jun looked at Tang Bing and asked curiously.

Tang Bing: , the fastest update of the webnovel!