Tang Bing pointed to the escape direction of gexius and said, "the commander orders, chase! We must let these foreign people know that the dignity of our dragon clan is inviolable! I'll go first. Keep up with me

With that, Tang Bing jumped up high, spurting two flames from the soles of his feet and disappeared in a flash.

"Oh! Oh! You haven't answered my question yet Gao Jun shouts at the same time. He jumps forward and disappears in this space.

Gesius, the king of the south, is running away crazily. He doesn't need to run. Although it looks like he has a strong body and is very attractive, it's time to show his charm!

Moreover, if you run on the ground, you may be overtaken by those two guys. Now that I have spent both hands, I may suffer from them. The king of the South will never do such mindless things.

The most important thing is that I saw them just now. Those two guys came by helicopter, and they can't fly. Even if they run fast, what can they do to me?

"Why? What's the sound behind you? " Gesius looked back and was scared to death. He turned his head and scolded Gao Jun and Tang Bing: "are you still reasonable! Why should I fly if I know how to fly! I came from such a far away place and didn't take a plane! Do you have a little bit of master style? "

"Brother, he cursed you." Tang Bing said.

"No! I think it should be scolding you. After all, I just broke the two upper limbs of his limbs, but you broke the fifth limb of others Gao Jun said.

Tang Bing:

"Monster, where to go?" Tang Bing held back for a long time, and finally a word came out. His hands flashed back with two flames, and the speed increased sharply.

"No! I didn't expect to run, but I couldn't even fly! " Gesius was startled, his body fell suddenly and plunged into the ground.

My powerful king of the south is very strong and can travel through the land. I see how you can chase me.

"Drilling the soil Tang Bing disdained a sentence, the surface of the steel battle suit once again lit up a group of brilliance, which quickly spun up, directly into the soil.

"Why? There is a way. " Tang Bing looked at the passage that gexius opened up in front of him and said, "that will save more time! Where are the monsters going Tang Bing roared again and quickly chased up.

Hearing the voice behind him, gerius looked back, and suddenly a stream of hot blood countercurrent in his chest.

There is an old saying of the dragon people: the predecessors planted trees and the later generations enjoyed the cool.

But I am not your predecessors at all, OK! I don't even know you! How can you run along the road I have worked so hard to get out?

But the mechanical warrior's powerful Southern king gesius has deeply realized that the reason soon let him calm down, absolutely can't go on like this!

With a big drink, Theseus rose to the sky.

"Bang!" Somewhere on the ground of a mountain suddenly exploded, and a guy with only one arm left and his head full of mud flew out.

"This is..." Gexius rushed to the dragon and saw that there was

"MURAH! Help me Exclaimed Theseus to a red dot in the distance.

"I'll save you, sir!" Suddenly in the sky, a big foot heavily trampled on gerius's face.

The cold touch of steel made him sink to the bottom of his heart.

Of course, his body was also heavily trampled to the bottom of the valley, again smashing a big hole in the ground.

"Do you want to run? I've been waiting for you Gao Jun was looking down in the sky, paralyzed below, where he was motionless.

"Bang!" Tang Bing also rushed out.

"Look, this guy has been dealt with by me!" Gao Jun said excitedly.

"Look, there are so many people ahead! Many practitioners Tang Bing pointed to the sky that dense like bees flying all over the earth, shouts the cultivator.

"Let's go!" Tang Bing was in a hurry.

"Go, go! This gexius is a big man. If he seizes this credit, he will surely be able to get the elixir for washing marrow and cutting bones Gao Jun said that he was going to go down and catch gesius.

Tang Bing quickly grabbed Gao Jun and said, "it's too late if you don't go."

Gao Jun broke away from the Tang soldiers and said, "what are you afraid of? Our armor is not only engraved with attack array and defense array, but also recovery array. The energy in the world will not accumulate any more. Even if the army comes, why not? Watch me kill him seven in seven out

"You are a pig brain!" Tang Bing scolded: "war is not the time for you to be a personal hero! Did you forget the order of the chief? Lead the enemy into the ambush zone! "

Thinking of this, Gao Jun finally came to his senses and was in a cold sweat. He almost forgot the business.

"It's because this gesius is so funny that I can't put it down!" Gao Jun scolded Tang Bing and said, "let's go!"

Gerseus looked at the sky in a daze, his eyes were a little obsessed, and he could not help but breathe a deep sigh of relief when he saw the two guys in the sky finally left.A shadow obscured his sight, and a pleasant smell came from his nose. It was the fragrance of roses.

The owner of the fragrance is mura, beautiful as a rose.

If it was in the past, she would have to play with the thorn rose, which made her very angry. Then there was a great war, and after the war, there would be a friendly exchange game.

But today.

Theseus didn't want to talk.

Gerius couldn't fight.

Gerius couldn't have a friendly exchange game.

He glanced at his crotch, a little sad.

He wanted to soothe his scar with his hand, which made him more sad.

"Is this the famous King of the south, Theseus?" The woman squatted beside him, her hair hanging over his cheek, which made him feel itchy.

"Who beat you like this?" MURAH asked.

"Vajra." Said Theseus.

"Vajra like that on TV?" MURAH asked.

"Yes, it's the kind of Vajra on TV." Replied gerius.

Mura gave gerius countless white eyes, thinking that this guy must be out of his mind.

She looked at Theseus's broken body, then shook her head and said regretfully, "it looks like you're disabled."

Gerius was in tears.

MURAH looked at Theseus' crotch again, got up in a rage, and cried, "it seems that you are completely useless! Let's go

He looked up at the empty sky, his strong body slowly cracked, the sexy hair fell like a bald man, his deep eyes were full of lost energy.

"King of the south?" Before he died, gerius asked in his mind.

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