For MURAH, it would be useless if the king of the South was no longer the king of the south.

Looking at the direction of the dragon clan, she murmured: "there is someone in the dragon family who can make gexius look like this. It should be Chen Mo! As expected, there are some strength and proud capital. If you meet him, I'm afraid it's better to avoid fighting him directly. "

Mura waved and a man appeared behind him.

"Let's get our killing Corps ready." The man behind him bowed respectfully and disappeared.

"This was originally prepared for the great elders of the church. Now you can be quiet. Don't let me down. I believe that this gesius has not hurt you! Hee hee ~ "

the southern Legion approached slowly and found their king of the south, gesius The body.

"Avenge the king!" The southern Legion roared and then flowed toward the Dragon border like a tide.

At this time, the dragon's border has been surrounded by troops from all over the world, but strangely, there is no defensive force in the dragon's border.

"These reptiles of the dragon race must be afraid!"

"Do these reptiles want to rule the world? Do you want to laugh off my big teeth? "

"I know that there is an idiom of the dragon people that says" frog at the bottom of the well ". I think they are the frog that stays at the bottom of the well! Now, seeing our strength, we are too scared to show up! "

"Ha ha ha, let's stop talking nonsense. Since the dragon people dare not resist, what are we waiting for here? Go to the dragon clan to get wealth and seize the cultivation resources. Let those delicate dragon girls experience the strength of different soldiers from all over the world

"Go first!"

For a while, the practitioners who could fly in the air flew towards the dragon clan one after another, and the other practitioners followed suit.

I'm afraid I'll eat less in this feast of carving up this big cake of the dragon people.

They are fearless, because which country in the world can resist the malice from the whole world.


Even state m, which claims to be the most powerful military power, can't.

The old man also led his subordinates forward, but they didn't rush to the front, because the old man knew very well that the strength of the dragon clan was not weak. We can see how fast the dragon clan has developed in these years, and the dragon clan has calmed down the chaos in a short period of half a year, and dare to speak out. If it is not stupid, then it naturally has the capital of pride.

Although the old man doesn't believe that the dragon race can meet the world, he is still cautious. Let these stupid people who are confused by interests consume as much strength as possible! Only in this way can we gain more benefits and become the biggest winner. The one who laughs at the end is the king.

Naturally, mura would not rush to the front. After all, gesius, the king of the south, died so miserably. This is a warning from heaven. God reminds her that there are strong people in the dragon clan, who are very, very strong, and they are absolutely not their opponents.

Let the front group of ignorant guys lead the man out and let himself have a look at the strength of the strong one, so that the killing God group can make a more secure and comprehensive plan.

"Gesius, don't worry. My mura will take revenge for you. Oh, remember to miss me in heaven."

A group of monks in white were walking slowly, and the army was following them.

"God loves people. Even if people don't believe in God, God will not abandon them. We are believers of God. We should tell those ignorant people how good God is to them, so that they can realize their mistakes and rejoin God." The elder said as he walked, his face still had a big smile like spring breeze, which was quite different from that night when the beautiful woman was burned to death.

"Educate them." Said the elder.

"Educate them The congregation called out and rushed madly.

They are in front of the Dragon border is a dense forest, now this dense forest seems to appear a piece of white silk.

His followers have the largest number of believers in the world. It is precisely because of the large number of believers that their number of practitioners is also very large.

Running in the sky, flying on the ground, covering the earth.

They rushed through the dense forest and nothing happened.

"The cowardly and cowardly dragon people really gave up the resistance. Let's go! Wealth and women belong to warriors

Just as a group of people were shouting and shouting, the dense forest just passed by suddenly disappeared. Looking back, the original road has turned into a cliff.

"What is the situation? Why did the dense forest suddenly disappear

"How could a cliff suddenly appear here?"

"Elder, what happened? Is God telling us? Let's not attack the dragon clan? "

The elder looked at the cliff behind him and snorted coldly. In his heart, he was a little disdainful. It turns out that the dragon clan is still playing such a cheap trick. What is the name of the dragon clan? Oh, by the way, the array is just a mask. If I want to break this barrier, it's easy.However, the elder didn't intend to break the array. Instead, he arranged his clothes and said to the congregation, "don't be afraid. God is helping us."

"Help us? How did God help us? " Someone asked.

The elder said with a kind smile: "I know that some members of the church are not willing to attack the dragon clan, because they think that the dragon clan must be very powerful. However, we have seen with our own eyes that the dragon clan has been scared out of courage. Now God has turned our road into a hanging cliff, just to tell us that retreat is a cliff, advance is good, and God is there Help us to get rid of doubts. "

"Now, let's thank God!" The eldest brother roared.

"Thank God for his guidance Roared the congregation.

"There is a miracle. Attack The elder roared.

"Attack!" The congregation responded.

"According to the report, the enemy has entered the ambush circle. Would you like to strike?"

"Wait, wait until all the enemies have entered the encirclement."

"It is reported that all the enemy's rear teams have entered the encirclement circle. Do you want to attack?"

"Special operations team, give it to me! Today I'll give you a chance to be a great war cultivator

Just as the congregation ran, countless dense lights suddenly appeared in the sky ahead.

"Look, there are so many stars in the sky!"

"Fool, how can you see the stars in broad daylight? It's obviously fireworks. "

"Are there fireworks in the daytime?"

"Of course


"Boom" in the sky fireworks landing, burst out bursts of terror roar.

Countless practitioners who were not highly trained were instantly killed by the gunfire, and the army suffered countless casualties.

It's really fireworks. It's just fireworks that explode on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!