"Why, Chen Mo, why are you here?" A familiar voice came.

Chen Mo looked up and said with a smile, "Ninggu, I'm going to Tianxuan palace, but I don't know the way."

"I see." Ning Gu suddenly realized that he walked up to Chen Mo and said, "it's just that I'll go to Tianxuan palace. If you don't mind, I can show you the way."

"Thank you." Chen Mo smiles politely.

Then Chen Mo took a look at Ning Gu and asked, "why don't you and Xiaoyue be together? "

" Xiaoyue? "Ning Gu, after listening to Chen Mo's words, touched her nose and said," she knows that you are going to enter the inner courtyard, so she is going to practice in seclusion and prepare to join the inner court after half a month. "

At this point, Ninggu's nose does not come from an acid, which makes Chen Mo feel embarrassed.

But the two did not say much, and then went to Tianxuan palace. On the way to

, Chen Mu met many monks who went to Tian Xuan palace. In contrast, Tian Xuan palace is absolutely the holy land of the eight wastes academy, because there is the essence of martial arts that people can get.

these martial arts essence are all the big figures of the eight schools, leaving unknown to the public.

Therefore, since then, it has soared to the sky and has a foothold in the Bahuang Academy.

therefore, Tian Xuan palace is absolutely a sacred place for everyone to yearn for. Even the monks who have entered the palace of heaven will be wandering there. The purpose is to get acquainted with the essence of the martial arts.

At the half column incense time, Chen Mo and Ning Gu come to Tianxuan palace. Looking at it, Tianxuan palace is like a Seven Star Tower, which is seven storeys high. There are glass glints spinning around the tower, presenting a spectacular and extraordinary scene.

"Chen Mo, this is Tian Xuan palace. I am here to see it. After all, I have entered once, but I am looking forward to that you can get the essence of that great man's martial arts."

rather looked at the temple of heaven, and he was somewhat active. He did not enter into a palace of heaven, but he gained the essence of martial arts. It was not worth mentioning, so his strength would not be strong. But it is undeniable that the Xuan Xuan palace is mysterious.

Chen Mo looked up, his eyes slightly touched, and then said: "Tian Xuan palace for the first time to come, Ning Gu, how many great people in the eight wastes academy, why do they want to save the essence of martial arts into the heavens palace. "

hearing Chen Mo's words, Ning Gu shook his head and said," Chen Mo, I don't have much time to come to Bahuang academy, but I can tell you that Tianxuan palace is the treasure of a certain Dean of Bahuang academy, which can store ideas. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, there was once a supreme stronghold of Bahuang academy, but with the passage of time, Bahuang academy has gradually declined But it is also a first-class force among the eight wastelands. "

said about the eight wastes academy, and he continued to say, "there is the essence of the martial arts in the palace of heaven. Chen Mo, you should try to catch up with it."

Chen Mo listens and nods.

At this time, even if he was stupid, he knew the magic of Tianxuan palace. Then Chen Mo and Ning Gu came to the gate of Tianxuan palace and looked around. Many monks gathered together. It was like a sea of people, and everywhere was the noise of * *.

, "everyone, today, some people get the essence of Mahayana's predecessor, Wu Dao. I am so sorry after knowing it, but unfortunately I can't find out the name of the other party before I know it." Some people sighed and said this, but their faces were helpless.

Although it's a good thing to be passed down by the great, it will also cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, some people get the inheritance of big people, and they usually try to hide them.

Only in this way can we make a great success.

, "God, actually the essence of Mahayana's predecessor's martial arts is, if it's me, it is estimated that it was a smoke from my ancestors. Unfortunately, when I entered the heavens palace, I only got the essence of martial arts in the early days of the king, compared with the fact that it really has nothing to do with my face."

"ah, the same person lives differently, others get the Mahayana predecessor's martial arts essence, we can only stay here to bask in the sun."

people are constantly talking about it. They are all envious. They do not get a good spirit of martial arts, so they will stay here and wait for others to see that if others get the essence of martial arts less than them, they must be sneered at.

After listening to the incense sticks for almost a year, Chen Mo learned more about Tianxuan palace.

It turns out that Tianxuan palace is the treasure of the founder of Bahuang Academy. It can retain the martial will of monks. In this way, if others get this will of martial arts, it is equivalent to their inheritance.

You should know how useful the martial arts wills left by those great figures are to the students of Bahuang Academy. They can be applied with infinite magical effects. However, some people have inherited the martial arts of some elders. Therefore, it should be obtained by personal chance.

"Chen Mo, get in line! "Ning Gu suddenly said.

Chen Mo nods, then walks into the crowd and lines up in a long line. Fortunately, the elder who guards Tianxuan palace reviews it quickly. Soon it's Chen Mo's turn. He looks at Chen Mo and says, "take out your identity token."

Hearing this, Chen Mo takes out the token of the student in the outer courtyard and hands it to the guardian elder.The other party takes it and looks around at will, and then returns the token back to Chen mo.

"If you have just entered the Bahuang academy, you can enter Tianxuan palace for free. Remember, although there will be no danger to your life, if you do something that can't be violated, you are likely to lose your will."

With these words, the guardian elder no longer looks at Chen mo.

The implication of his words is how strong the martial will of a great man. If Chen Mo can't help himself, he will be possessed even if his life is not in danger.

Otherwise, everyone can get their hands on the martial arts will of the great men, and Tianxuan palace will not be confused.

Chen Mo takes back his identity token and walks into the gate of Tianxuan palace. With the whirling of the sky, Chen Mo's body has entered the first floor of Tianxuan palace.


As soon as Chen Mo opened his eyes, he saw a mass of pure light rushing towards him. On closer inspection, it was a white light, as if it were pregnant with life and emitting a fanatical atmosphere like spirituality.

"is this the essence of martial arts? "Chen Mo frowned and his body retreated wildly at this time.

but he listened to the elders, saying that everyone can only choose a martial will. After all, there are too many students in the eight wastes Academy. Every one who gets the essence of a martial arts is full of gruel.

if not the elders brought back some of the essence of martial arts from outside, I'm afraid that the essence of the martial arts of Tian Xuan palace has long been eaten up by students, where Chen Molai will be robbed.

therefore, Chen Mo knows the meaning of excellence, and must not be ignored. What is often delivered is the precious essence of martial arts. Chen Mu is going to use it, but it will waste the opportunity to enter the palace of heaven.

however, no matter how Chen Mu regrets, the essence of the regiment still comes to Chen mo.

"What's going on? How can this be on me?" Chen Mo's eyes are full of doubts, and some of them can't feel his head.

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