Chen Mo's body collapsed, but the regiment was still chasing Chen mo. At the same time, the essence of martial arts on the first day of the rest of the palace was shrouded in Chen mo.

The scene was so spectacular that the rest of the monks stopped their movements. They were all staring at Chen Mo at the moment.

"Who the hell is this guy? Why haven't we met him before, but those martial arts essence are too outrageous. We have worked hard to catch them, and they go after the same human. "

some students in the inner academy did not see Chen Mo, but saw that the essence of martial arts was shrouded in Chen Mo, and their eyes were filled with surprise and jealousy.

How hard are these martial arts essence to capture? I guess it can only be described as extremely difficult.

results, Chen Mogang enters the first floor of Tian Xuan palace, and all the essence of martial arts seems to have a common understanding. At this moment, we are surrounded by Chen Meng.

"This is not Chen Mo, a foreign student?" However, someone recognized Chen Mo's origin.

It was just that he had just said that, and the rest of them were very surprised.

"How can we live with such a strong voice as a foreign student?"

"No! When I came to the first floor for half an hour, I didn't get the essence of a martial arts. When the guy came in, all the martial arts essence flew to him. Is it my talent? "

at this time, everyone was ashamed and ashamed. They compared with Chen Mo as heaven and earth, just came in a moment, the first layer of all martial arts essence to Chen Mofei.

Chen Mo, as the party concerned, is confused.

"weird, why are these martial arts essence flying to me?" Chen Mo came to Tian Xuan palace for the first time. He didn't know much about it, but he knew that the essence of these martial arts was spirituality and no ability.

, however, as easy as blowing off dust, Chen Mo is now in a difficult position to choose. But at this time, the essence of a martial art enters Chen's mind and becomes a huge and volitional will.


Chen Mo's body is like thunder and lightning, and his body stands still. He receives the baptism of the essence of martial arts, and the whole body is shining brightly, like the immortal descendant.

At the same time, Chen Mo's mind is filled with countless memories.

"Breaking the sky palm is a three-level martial art. It is powerful to open mountains and cut rocks, and can crush a square of heaven and earth."

"Remote sword technique, long-distance control of long sword, to achieve a thousand miles to kill the enemy easily."

"Tiger boxing, boxing like a tiger, the pace is strong, the main point is to play the momentum of the tiger down the mountain."

"The gun controls heaven and earth..."

Chen Mo na na na said, in the end, he did not know how many martial arts skills he had in mind.

If Chen Mo said before that he knew thunder sword, he would be like a walking library with countless martial arts skills in his mind. Moreover, Chen Mo's willpower has become strong, and he has surpassed the realm of transforming gods and reached the goal of harmonious cultivation.

With such a terrible will, even Chen Mo did not expect that a visit to Tianxuan palace would bring so many benefits. Even if Chen Mo was asked to leave Tianxuan palace now, he was willing to.

, however, Chen Mu knows that he has broken the rules of the palace of heaven, so that he can take away the essence of the other towers, so that the school should blame Chen mu for the problem.

looked at the dull crowd. Chen Mo feel shy, "everyone, the essence of this martial art has entered my own way independently, so this has nothing to do with me."

When Chen Mo said this, the corners of his mouth twitched violently. After hearing this, those people looked strange and didn't know how to reply, but they also knew that Chen Mo was not wrong.

these martial arts essence is indeed the integration of autonomy and Chen mo. They see pain in their eyes. Why is Chen Mo so lucky to get so many fusion of martial arts essence?

, and Chen Mu fused so many essence of martial arts that it should be destroyed. But now Chen Mo has not suffered any damage, and even has a spirit of red.

"Is there something wrong with Xuan Palace this day?" Some people feel these facts when they say this sentence, otherwise, Chen Mu will not be able to integrate so many martial arts essence into one person.

At this time, Chen Mo also looked at the stairs on the second floor, and then walked forward step by step. No one stopped him. What's more, he was curious to follow Chen Mo to the second floor of Tianxuan palace.

the rest go forward with great strength and vigour. Chen Mu quickly stepped into the second layer of Tian Xuan palace. Looking at it, there were many students in the second Tien Xuan palace who were trained to be in the realm of the Harmony road. At the moment, they were also capturing the essence of Wu Dao.

is just that the essence of Wu Dao is hard to catch, which makes them all depressed. But they all know that it is rare to enter the palace of heaven, and they must find the essence of Wushu to go out.


suddenly, all second monks stopped their movements. They looked at one place unanimously. But Chen Mo walked into the second layer of the palace of heaven. Then the essence of Wu Dao from all sides was like spirituality, which came to Chen Mo at this time.

"What's going on? Who is he? Why is it so weird? "The second level monks are confused when they look at Chen mo. they forget the past and only see Chen Mo now."So many martial arts essences are closed to him. Is there something wrong with the palace?"

"It must be, otherwise, it cannot be explained."

saw the essence of Wu Dao to move closer to Chen mo. Many people were surprised to see that his chin was falling down. Even the first level of the monks had such a look. Although they had seen the essence of martial art taken by Chen Mo, they did not even think that the essence of the second levels of martial arts was to Chen Morong.

Is there any reason for this?

For a moment, the audience was silent.

and Chen Mo immersed in absorbing the essence of martial arts, his will expanded, his mind has many innumerable quintessence, and strong practice experience, at the moment, these are cheap Chen Mo. When

absorbs the essence of martial arts, Chen Mu thinks about the reasons. It is reasonable to say that there is no problem in Tian Xuan palace. After all, this is the treasure of the founder of the eight wastes Academy.

, as easy as blowing off dust, there is no problem with these martial arts essence. After all, others are much better than Chen Moqiang. But Chen Mo has no trouble in getting the essence of martial arts.

So the only problem is Chen mo.

"is it my strong will power that resonates with my birth?"

When Chen Mo thinks about this place, the more he thinks it is.

His willpower is extremely strong and resolute. He has been through life and death again and again, so Chen Mo can cross the ladder to challenge.

the essence of Wu Dao was originally the will left by the strong, so it could resonate with Chen mo. Outside the

, the guardian elder also felt the change of Tian Xuan palace. His face changed violently. He exclaimed: "this son's intention is so evildoer that he can attract all the essence of martial arts for his use. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the eight yuan academy? “ , the fastest update of the webnovel!