"Ghost Yufan, don't bully people too much. Today was the day when I invited friends from the rivers and lakes to treat wu'er. However, you were so intent on your daughter that you beat Chen Mo seriously. What's more, you let Tianji leave angrily. It has already hurt Tianhe."

"And if you don't stop here and hold a party to celebrate, you don't think much of me?"

Xuanyuan Hao looked at the ghost Yufan, full of anger.

In one day, he lost too much.

Not only he, but also Chen Mo and Luo Tianji, including Xuanyuan dance, were supposed to be victims. However, the winner is the king, and the strong is respected. Although xuanyuanhao knows that it will not help, he is not willing to make such a big publicity about today's affairs.

In this way, it's bad for him and his daughter.

"President xuanyuanhao Oh, no, I should call you xuanyuanhao. Who is the name of Tianxuan chamber of commerce is already in my pocket. What you said just now is not appropriate. Therefore, I will not hold a banquet. Moreover, I want to tell you a good thing. In half a month, it will be the day when GUI Yufan officially becomes the president of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce. At that time, I will invite all the heroes from all over the world I hope you can come and witness the day when I become the president of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce. "

Gui Yu turns to squint his eyes and looks at xuanyuanhao with great interest.

In Xuanyuan Hao's eyes, the other side was clearly flaunting his power. Although his face was extremely ugly, it was not easy to see that the ghost Yu was full of spring breeze and was very confident.

"Congratulations to GUI Yufan on becoming the president of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce. We can rely on your breath to survive in the future."

Suddenly, someone flattered Gui Yu.

This sentence said in this untimely scene, let xuanyuanhao look particularly ugly.

A swing sleeve, Xuanyuan Hao coldly said: "everybody, I'll see you later."

With that, xuanyuanhao took Xuanyuan dance's hand in one hand and left with Chen Mo's body in the other.

GUI Yufan is not blocked. As a winner, he has got too much.

It not only won the Tianxuan chamber of Commerce, but also wiped out the face of Luo Tianji. What's more, he set up a powerful prestige.

Eyes slightly a squint, ghost Yu turn over rotten face more a touch of smile.

"I worked hard to plan a conspiracy, and fortunately I got it. Next, GUI Yufan will control the eight wastelands and become the master of the eight wastelands."


Xuanyuanhao left Tianxuan chamber of Commerce and went straight to Bahuang Academy.

Along the way, he looked at Chen Mo, who was dying, and his heart was not satisfied.

For Chen Mo, xuanyuanhao appreciates his personality, otherwise, he would not let several honorary elders of Bahuang academy take care of Chen mo.

But I didn't expect that such an important thing had happened before a few days.

Without the Tianxuan chamber of Commerce, xuanyuanhao was all alone, looking at the direction of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce.

"In vain, I was brilliant and confused for a time, and Tianxuan chamber of Commerce was defeated by me. I feel sorry for dancing her mother."

"Dad, I don't blame you for this. If you want to blame Gui Yu fan, he is ruthless and ruthless. He will threaten you with me in front of everyone."

Xuanyuan dance comforts Xuanyuan Hao, but he doesn't forget to look at Chen Mo, "Dad, is Chen Mo's brother still saved? I hurt him. You must bring him back. "

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao takes back his eyes and looks at Chen Mo, but his eyes are helpless.

"Huagu Dabei palm is the most evil palm technique of GUI Yufan. There was a fight between Mahayana and GUI Yufan. He was beaten by Huagu Dabei and died half a month later."

"Chen Mo's talent is good, and his body can only be protected. But his internal organs have been seriously damaged and his life has been endangered. Even I can't return to heaven."

Saying this, xuanyuanhao is in agony.

Life is full of joy, but life is lost, depressed, frustrated, helpless in the face of Chen Mo, he feels guilty Xuanyuan dance, a pair of eyes also become impetuous.

"Dad, there are so many talented people in Bahuang academy that we can find a way to save Chen mo

Xuanyuan dance doesn't believe in evil, and believes that Chen Mo is still saved. However, Chen Mo's face is like frost, showing a cold chill, and his chest position is like white bone.

As xuanyuanhao said, whether Chen Mo can survive or not is unknown.

Bahuang academy and Tianxuan chamber of commerce are not far from each other. They arrive at xuanyuanhao's speed in a few breaths.

However, this time xuanyuanhao came to Bahuang academy, his face was somewhat unnatural.

He is no longer the president of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce.

When he came to the residence of the honorary elder last time, Lin cangping had been waiting for a long time. He knew what happened in Tianxuan chamber of Commerce, so looking at xuanyuanhao was also a pity.

"Brother Xuanyuan, I have known about you, but I didn't expect that you would pay such a heavy price. Tianxuan chamber of commerce is a big business, and it's still your good thing today, but I didn't expect to be harmed by ghosts. I really feel worthless for you."

Although xuanyuanhao is no longer the president of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce, his ability is beyond doubt.

Facing xuanyuanhao, Lin cangping is also polite."Ah, these are small things. I come to you to cure Chen Mo's injury."

With that, xuanyuanhao puts Chen Mo's body on the ground.

Lin cangping immediately came over and looked carefully. His eyebrows were heavy.

"Brother Xuanyuan, compared with the last time, Chen Mo's injury is more serious than last time. What's more, Gui Yu is still fighting. He is so angry that he has less than one tenth of the chance to be rescued. "

looking at Chen Mo, Lin cangping didn't expect that Chen Mo would be so serious.

One side of the Xuanyuan dance has long been Lin Hua with rain, beautiful eyes looking at Chen Mo, is full of heartbreaking look.

"Brother Chen Mo, GUI Yufan is really deceiving people. You don't have much conflict of interest with him, but he is cruel to you because you are against the heaven."

"No matter what, I will try to save you. I will never let anything happen to you."

After a ordeal, Xuanyuan dance is heartbroken to Chen mo. several meetings with Chen Mo are all big events, but they are all caused by her, so she is full of remorse and guilt.

"Little girl, I will try my best to save Chen Mo's injury, but I can't guarantee whether I can get it back."

Lin cangping did not dare to speak big. With a wave of his right hand, a flash of dark light immediately wrapped Chen Mo's body.

Then Chen Mo's body enters the bed in the thatched cottage.

If it is known that Chen Mo occupied the bed of the honorary elder twice, I don't know what it will be like. After all, Lin cangping is also a big figure in the Bahuang Academy.

Later, the rest of the honorary elders came.

They look at Chen Mo, but they are helpless.

"Just how long ago, this little guy had an accident again. The last time I gave him the dragon blood pill was a magic pill. I still hope to play a role, but I didn't expect that he had an accident again."

Speaking of this, the honorary elders are also in pain. They swallow the dragon blood pill for Chen Mo naturally in order to gain something and cultivate the immortal demon Chen mo.

It's just that Chen Mo, now, is no longer unique.

It's the injury. It's going to kill him.

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