"Xuanyuanhao, Chen Mo's injury this time is really too important. It is estimated that giving him the dragon blood pill will have no effect. I think there is a place in the college that can save him."

After examining Chen Mo's body, Lin cangping said sincerely.

When Xuanyuan Hao heard that Chen Mo was saved, he was glad to look out and say, "brother Cang Ping, as long as you can save Chen Mo, no matter what price you have to pay, I Xuanyuan Hao is here. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. Chen Mo is a student of Bahuang college. The college has the responsibility to treat him. "

Lin cangping looked back with a smile, and then said seriously:" in my opinion, the only one who can save Chen Mo in the college is Hualong pool, but not everyone can enter it. "

"What should I do?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

"Hualong pool is under the control of the vice president. I can try to ask the vice president."

Lin cangping took out the communication crystal stone and sent a message to the vice president.

The internal power structure of Bahuang academy is from the dean to the elder. The vice president is superior to the honorary elder. Therefore, Lin cangping does not dare to take Chen Mo into Hualong pool.

Soon, Lin cangping's communication crystal gave off a dark light.

"Lin cangping, what do you mean? You have forgotten that only real dragon students and some outstanding people can use Hualong pool. I refuse your request. "

The vice president's voice was like a bucket of water, pouring down on all the people's heads. We didn't expect that the vice president would be so resolute, without any discussion.

However, xuanyuanhao knew that the vice president of Bahuang Academy was more than ten thousand people under one person. He was higher than Lin cangping in terms of status and status. It was just the so-called official university that killed people.

At the moment, Lin cangping has this situation.

The other honorary elders looked at Xuanyuan Hao, and his face was also embarrassed.

"Brother Xuanyuan, I'm really sorry. The vice president doesn't allow Chen Mo to enter Hualong pool. We have nothing to do. Please forgive me."

After hearing this, xuanyuanhao did not answer.

Chen Mo has no choice but to save him.

The Xuanyuan dance on one side has already been in tears. Looking at Chen Mo, he is also pleading.

"Brother Chen Mo, the vice president will not allow you to enter the Hualong pool. My father and I have no way to deal with your injury. Although you are dying, I will never allow you to die."

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan dance seems to have made some terrible decision, which makes Xuanyuan Hao feel that Xuanyuan dance has changed.

Looking at several honorary elders and xuanyuanhao, she said, "Dad, some elders, I want to be quiet with brother Chen Mo, and please do me a favor."

"This..."! "Several honorary elders look at each other, and then look at xuanyuanhao.

"Daughter, you're not going to do something stupid, are you?" Xuanyuan Hao opened his mouth.

He knew Xuanyuan dance so well that he thought Xuanyuan dance did something stupid and ended up with Chen mo.

However, Xuanyuan dance shook his head and said, "Dad, my daughter will not die, because I have to find ghost Yufan to avenge myself. If he does not die, I can't forget the hatred for a day."

At this point, the little girl's innocent face is more than a obliteration, that is to ghost Yu Fan's ruthlessness.

She was the first lady of Tianxuan chamber of Commerce, but in one night, she not only lost her virginity, but also saw her own eyes and eyes take away Tianxuan chamber of Commerce. What's more, she saw that Chen Mo was seriously injured.

In this way, how can Xuanyuan dance escape the ghost Yufan.

But before that, she wants to be with Chen mo.

This man, many times for her life and death, has made it impossible for her to lose him.

"Daughter, I hope you don't have too much burden. GUI Yufan's father will try to kill him here. As for Chen Mo, my father will try to save him, even if I have to ask the vice president for help."

With that, xuanyuanhao took the lead in leaving the thatched hut, but his face became more sad.

In one day, there were so many things that xuanyuanhao couldn't accept it.

Standing by the lotus pond, xuanyuanhao looked at the sky with bitter eyes.

"If the loss is my xuanyuanhao's punishment, I prefer my daughter to have a happy life. "

" Gui Yufan, from now on, either you die or I live. Tianxuan chamber of commerce is bound to find it back. "

With these words, xuanyuanhao opened his hands and revealed his boundless ambition.

Several honorary elders all smile.

"Brother Xuanyuan, the business of Tianxuan chamber of commerce is a little sudden. But we are glad to see that you still have such a lofty will. We believe that one day you will be able to win back Tianxuan chamber of Commerce. "

" I hope so! "Xuanyuan Hao nodded.

In the room, Xuanyuan dance is staring at Chen Mo, without saying anything, it is full of affection.

"Brother Chen Mo, you have the freedom that other people can't have. It seems that I see freedom in you. I once thought of you, but I was sick."

"You saved me, and I haven't paid you back yet. Now, I see you lying here motionless. I know that you are in pain now, and dancing is also very hard to see.""Promise me, you want to find a good woman and live the next life, but I can't be with you."

In the words, Xuanyuan dance held out her jade hand, * Chen Mo's cheek, but the cold temperature made Xuanyuan dance's eyes shed tears again, little tears * *, showing the tenderness between silence.

Between heaven and earth, there is silence.

Chen Mo seems to have had a long dream. In the dream, he saw Luo Li. When they met, they still had a sense of familiarity. They walked a long way hand in hand. On the way, Chen Mo met Liang Feiyun and Yan Qingcheng. An KeYue and several girls got along well, and they were matched by sisters.

After that, Chen Mo and them lived in a paradise.

With a child and a new life, Chen Mo has forgotten that he is a practitioner.

As time goes by, Chen Mo meets Xuanyuan dance.

The girl met for the first time. She was weak and sickly, but she was determined. She was with Chen Mo and had a brother. They went sightseeing and lived a peaceful life.

Until one day, Chen Mo felt like a serious illness.

Because they found that the relationship between him and Xuanyuan dance has gone beyond the pure sisterhood.

To achieve no words do not talk about, the same feelings of men and women.

This feeling makes Chen Mo go crazy.

After all, he had no intention of harming other women.

However, Chen Mo can't resist Xuanyuan dance's plea and has an indescribable relationship with her.

Even after he wakes up, Chen Mo finds her in her arms, and the body fragrance makes Chen Mo reluctant to move.

In this way, Chen Mo doesn't know how long it has been and forgets himself. In the end, Chen Mo seems to feel that the years are not old. Time is on him and Xuanyuan dance, leaving only maturity and kinship.

But one day, Xuanyuan dance said goodbye to Chen Mo, without warning, which made Chen Mo shout Xuanyuan dance crazily.

However, Chen Mo can't help but shout, and Xuanyuan dance still leaves.

She's like a breeze. She's come and she's gone.

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