"Come on, drive Liang Feiyun out of the holy land of heaven."

Nine elder water stone cold drink.

Behind him, immediately two heavenly emissaries came out, and then they surrounded Liang Feiyun.

Seeing this situation, Liang Feiyun looked at the nine elder Shuishi with a self mocking smile on her face. "I believe in heaven's holy land, but I didn't expect that a nine elder in your hall would drive me out of the holy land of heaven for his own personal gain."

"Well! The holy land of heaven can't stay. Is there nowhere to go

Liang Feiyun's words came down and her face was so disappointed that she turned to leave.

However, nine elder Shuishi is not ready to let Liang Feiyun go. His eyes indicate that two heavenly emissaries are blocking Liang Feiyun's way, which makes Liang Feiyun stop.

Then Liang Feiyun looked at the nine elder Shuishi and asked, "what do you mean, nine elder?"

"What do you mean?"

Nine elder Shuishi's mouth overflowed with cold, cold and heartless way: "this is the heaven's holy land, you have come to the heaven's way messenger for some days, but you are not willing to do something. In this case, you are in vain a part of the heavenly way holy land."

"You two will abolish her cultivation and throw it out."

Nine elder water stone orders again.

However, this time, it has the meaning of killing all. If there is no cultivation and strength in such a large fairyland, the consequences can be imagined, and life will be worse than death.

The two heavenly emissaries immediately looked at Liang Feiyun, but there was no expression on their faces.

For them, it is easy to abolish Liang Feiyun's cultivation. After all, Liang Feiyun has only completed his cultivation through robbery, which is one step away from xianzun.

Such a strength in the holy land of reincarnation, how weak.


Suddenly, two envoys of the heavenly way attacked Liang Feiyun. They were powerful and powerful, and their fists were full of terror.

Liang Feiyun felt the other party's horror, and could not help but scratch a look of despair on her face.

"Is it over?"

In the face of such an attack, Liang Feiyun is simply unable to resist. She can imagine her own fate, which is bound to be miserable and even impossible to survive.

Thinking of these, Liang Feiyun suddenly looked up to the horizon, where the thunder was still rolling, with the breath of terror, but these had nothing to do with Liang Feiyun.

But Liang Feiyun can't help thinking of Chen mo.

At that time, Chen Mo was equally powerful in the face of thunder robbery. However, in order to make Liang Feiyun change the monk who passed the robbery, Liang Feiyun didn't have to guess. The strength of the other side was certainly not weaker than nine elder Shuishi, and I would not let him take it so seriously.

"I can't save you, but I haven't changed your fate. If you can survive, I hope you will be ill fated and make a good change, and no longer cause her to die in vain."

Liang Feiyun said this, beautiful eyes suddenly closed, and then quietly waiting for death.

In her mind, she gradually thought of Chen Mo, two drops of crystal clear tears from her eyes, which made Liang Feiyun's face more sad.


Chen Mo, who is thousands of miles away, suddenly feels uneasy. His heart twitches violently. Although the thunder and lightning around him blow out of his body, Chen Mo does not know.

In his mind, Liang Feiyun is lonely and helpless, and this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there are two people to deal with Liang Feiyun.

This makes Chen Mo feel clear. When he calms down, his face suddenly turns pale. Wow, Chen Mo opens his mouth and spits out blood. His eyes suddenly look up in the sky. "I have a picture of Fei Yun being hurt. Although I don't know whether it's true or not, I'd rather believe it or not. Fei Yun, wait for me. I'll help you out of the sea of misery now."

As the voice falls, Chen Mo's will condenses, and the space changes. The law of thunder and lightning turns into a violent force of thunder and lightning, which gives rise to the smell of destruction. The law of emptiness makes the whole space collapse. A large number of spaces are constantly changing and permeated with the force of void. The law of death and the law of life are transformed into the power of life and the force of life, superimposed into a new law of reincarnation, In front of Chen Mo, different forces incubate luxurious and extraordinary mysterious power. At the moment of click, a void appears in front of Chen Mo, which seems to give Chen mo the desire to survive.

A samsara force carries the power of the other four laws, and the force of the five elements penetrates into the space, and soon disappears. Chen Mo looks up at the sky after all this.

"Things are changeable. If something happens to Feiyun, I will surely break through the holy land of heaven."

Chen Mo still doesn't know whether Liang Feiyun has an accident, but he always believes in his intuition. Even if it is an uneasy idea, he will kill it.

Now that Liang Feiyun is in trouble, Chen Mo naturally worries.

The laws he had were unusual, so he could open up a whole new space.

Then Chen Mo gathers the forces of the five laws together. This power will find Liang Feiyun according to her breath, so this is the only thing Chen Mo can do.Looking at the son of light and Ming Haotian in the sky, Chen Mo's expression is filled with anger.

"The son of light, minghaotian, you came to kill me, but helped me to break the mark of heaven. "

" to thank you, I'm going to give you a big gift. "

Chen Mo's voice fell down, his legs stepped out step by step, and his figure was unique. The powerful mysterious power was rolling around him, and all around him suddenly.


The pressure of space seems to be able to crush the sky, which is extremely powerful and terrifying. The whole sky is about to collapse. With the passage of time, minghaotian and the son of light above the sky feel Chen Mo's power.

They looked stunned and were about to petrify on the spot.

However, the son of the wind and Ming Haotian soon came back to their senses, and then the dominating blade in their hands kept chopping down. The thunder and lightning surged down the road with unstoppable strength.

At this moment, it seems that the space has changed.

Where thunder and lightning do not break through the sky.

Soon, the power of thunder and lightning fell on Chen Mo's body, but it could not hurt Chen Mo at all. On the contrary, it made Chen Mo look more light hearted.

"Are you both OK?" Chen Mo opened his mouth and said: "come and go or attack like this. There is no power against me. If so, it's my turn to kill you."

After the words fall, Chen Mo goes to the son of light and Ming Haotian. His right hand has already held the reincarnation sword. With the sword photovoltaic, both the son of light and Ming Haotian feel the fatal breath.

They looked at each other, and then there was a deep sense of fear.

Just now they saw that there was no result in dealing with Chen Mo, but Chen Mo's physical body was constantly strengthened. They were still very angry at this incident.

"Damn it, can't we really kill this guy?"

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