Both the son of light and Ming Haotian are the peerless demons of the messenger of heaven. However, they have no success in dealing with Chen mo. even worse, their defeat is derived, which makes both the son of light and Ming Haotian withdraw from the court when they are angry, and the master's blade in their hands cuts Chen Mo again.


The blade emits two blades of light. The blade of the sword is flying with the speed of light and the power of thunder and lightning. All of a sudden, Chen Mo is cut in the sky. However, Chen Mo is safe. His eyes are fixed on the son of light and Ming Haotian. The power of destruction emerges in Chen Mo's palm.

The five forces of gold, wood, water, fire and earth and reincarnation derive their original power from each other, and then break through the sky with the spirit of attacking and cutting, and reach the front of the son of light and Ming Haotian.


At this moment, the son of light and Ming Haotian's faces have the idea of despair.

They can clearly feel the horror of Chen Mo's strength, which has surpassed their level and is approaching the stage of nine elder Shuishi. The son of light and Ming Haotian are not equal to the nine elder Shuishi. Naturally, they are not Chen Mo's opponents. However, they did not expect Chen Mo to enhance his strength so much. After all, Chen Mo was not their opponent before.

"It seems that we succeeded him."

Say that. The son of light and Ming Haotian looked at each other, and from their depth, there were crazy and crazy thoughts, and there was the ultimate brilliance in their whole body.

"Chen Mo, do you think our strength will be so weak?"

It was the son of light. Looking at Chen Mo, he said coldly and mercilessly, "before you came, we didn't expect that xuanyue would be so stupid and help you remove the mark of heaven. Otherwise, you would not strengthen your strength and lead to thunder robbery. We didn't know that your body was so terrible, so we used the power of thunder and lightning on you."

"It is because of this that you can absorb the power of thunder and lightning and enhance your strength."

"But even so, you are far from our opponent."

The son of light talks incoherently.

After all, this incident hit him too much. Before he came, he said that Chen Mo was not any of their opponents. As a result, Chen Mo was so powerful that he just defeated the son of light and Ming Haotian.

With such a strong strength, the son of light and Ming Haotian have already understood that they need to use an assassin's mace to deal with it. Only in this way can Chen Mo be killed, or they will be disgraced.

"Son of light, don't talk nonsense to him. Next, you and I will try our best to kill this boy. "

Minghao Tianxin swears to Dan Dan.

In his hands, there were the forces of the sun and the moon. These two forces gave rise to terrible and extraordinary pressure, which became especially powerful, and made the son of light frown.

Then the son of light's eyes congealed, suddenly from his whole body there was a powerful bright light.

As if this Xuan light with the power of the world, so that the space for the riots.


At the next moment, the space suddenly appears a powerful and dazzling brilliance, which seems to break through the ancient times, has the power of dazzling in the prosperous times, and directly let the sky have endless light.

"Turn my body into glory and kill the enemy."

The son of light suddenly drank coldly, and his body dissipated on the spot and turned into the light that covered the sky.

This glory seems to contain the invincible power, gradually condenses the explosive meaning of Chen Yituan's power, and then rushes down, instantly has the power to destroy the sky and the earth.

Feel this situation, Chen Mo Mou son not from a, then right hand between more destructive power, "give me to destroy."


Ming Haotian walked to Chen Mo step by step and said in a cold voice, "the son of light and I are twins between heaven and earth. No matter in terms of strength or cultivation, there is no big difference, but you have caught us up with the dead end."

"Chen Mo, if you don't die, it will be a disgrace to us. Let me die."

As the words fall, the son of light and Ming Haotian kill Chen Mo together. But Chen Mo is so powerful now that their attack on Chen Mo is almost unbearable.

So when Chen Mo slaps his hands, the powerful attack immediately knocks the son of light and Ming Haotian to the ground, which makes Chen Mo and the son of light feel the breath of despair.

"Die for me."

Chen Mo attacks again, and the force of terror falls again. The bodies of the son of light and Ming Haotian burst on the spot, and the blood spills all over the ground, making Chen Mo's face smile.

"The law of heaven, the law of light, these two laws are timely rain."

Chen Mo opens his palm, and the law of light comes from heaven and falls directly on Chen Mo's palm.

At the same time, Chen Mo's whole body is filled with the power of heaven, which is the powerful and extraordinary law of heaven.

When the son of light and Ming Haotian died, the body turned into the law of light, so the law of light in Chen Mo's palm was the transformation of the son of light and Ming Haotian.

As for the law of heaven, it has been completely controlled by Chen mo.

At the moment, Chen Mo has felt that his strength is incomparable. He seems to have the power of terror from all ages. The mysterious power is surging all over his body, and his breath is unfathomable.

"Just to deal with the son of light and Ming Haotian, my strength has been greatly improved. God has treated me well, but what is the reason for what happened just now?"Chen Mo's eyes flashed and left here. He had a kind of intuition. Liang Feiyun was in the holy land of heaven.

Especially Chen Mo's strength has been improved, so I can feel the breath of Liang Feiyun in the holy land of heaven.

After Chen Mo leaves, several five element monks look at each other with unbelievable eyes on their faces.

"What's going on?"

"Chen Mo actually killed the son of light and Ming Haotian. His strength is too strong!"

Honglian said this, almost can't believe her eyes?

Just now, she watched the son of light and Ming Haotian deal with Chen mo. instead of succeeding, they were defeated in Chen Mo's hands, which made Honglian incredible.

Even the other five element monks couldn't believe their eyes.

What do they see?

The powerful son of light and Ming Haotian died in Chen Mo's hands. The process is extremely simple.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, several five element monks would have thought it was a dream.

I don't know how long after that, the earthwalker came back to God and looked at the dead son of light and Ming Haotian, and there was a strange light in his eyes. "Honglian, the holy master once said that the future master's blade fell into our hands, so you can't take away the two ruling blades in front of you."

After hearing this, Honglian wrinkled her eyes and did not speak.

However, in addition to the golden walker, the three five elements friars quickly divided the two dominating blades.

Only the water walker has no dominating blade, but there is no regret on his face.

He even looked at Chen Moyuan's back and flashed a hint of caution.

"Red lotus, golden walker, if I guess it's right, the holy master is going to the holy land of heaven."


Hearing what the water Walker said, the rest of them were almost dumbfounded.

They came back to God and rushed to the holy land of heaven at the first time.

Because they understand that Chen Mo must be prevented from going to the holy land of heaven, otherwise Chen Mo will surely die. , the fastest update of the webnovel!