Chapter 1059 Assembly of the Supernatural Army

Chapter 1059 Assembly of the Supernatural Army

From the towering cliff, Rex and Mavenna gazed down upon the vast Supernatural assembly.

A sea of otherworldly beings sprawled across the landscape before them, a strong coalition of multiple Supernatural races united for the impending war, separated into three divisions that were very distinct from one another.

On the left was an army of crimson tide, pulsating with horrendous blood energy.

Each of their eyes was aflame with hunger, their flangs gleamed under the sun, dripping with the suffocating bearing of an animal—craving for blood. A palpable aura of lethality washed over them, a malevolent force ready to unleash chaos upon the world.

It was the army of Vampires, prepared by Elder Nolacula himself.

Despite the famous sun-vulnerability, these Vampires don't seem to be affected at all.

Surveying these Vampires from atop the cliff, Rex focuses on their armored forms, searching for the artifacts that the modern Vampires use to protect themselves from sunlight. Usually, those passable Vampires wore a ring to traverse the scorching day.

However, none of these Vampires seemed to be wearing any.

Rex couldn't sense any protective energy, and the sunlight was hitting their skin directly.

I assume these Vampires are all from the older generations.

Amongst them, the Vampires from the third generation stuck out like a sore thumb, as all of them have more bulky and scarier forms. But the other generations were not vastly different from the modern Vampire, so Rex wasn't sure at first.

Furthermore, there were Vampire troops that Rex had never seen before.

Some took the forms of an astral being—like a blood shadow.

Out of thousands of Vampires lined up across the horizon, these astral Vampires were only a handful. In each legion, there were only two of them. Enchanters, huh... I get that Enchanters are special and rare, but I never expected them to be this rare. There are only 30 of them.

Intrigued, Rex's eyes then fall to one Enchanter that stood out from the rest.

Compared to the others, this Enchanter had black blood energy instead of red like the rest.

Moreover, she was standing at the very front.

Upon making eye contact with Rex, this Enchanter made a subtle yet graceful bow.

Seeing that she was treating Rex with surprising respect, considering that the Vampires were not supposed to be that friendly with someone like him, he placed his hand above his chest, giving her a subtle nod in return.

Now, he turned his gaze to the division at the center.

Sprawled at the center was another army and this one emanated unfathomable heat.

Even the ground beneath them was spewing out magma.

Unlike the division of Vampire legions, this division was a kaleidoscope of red and blue—they were seething with scorching energy. A maniacal and destructive energy enveloped them, a mirror to their twisted inclinations within.

One could feel this force radiating pure malevolence.

Just their presence alone exudes a palpable bloodthirst, akin to a crimson tidal wave.

Among their ranks, there were multiple humongous creatures that could easily reach 10 to 20 stories building. Donned with grotesque and monstrous features, this was the Demon Legion, a mix of red and blue Demons—prepared by Elder Tilrith.

It was not composed of normal types of Demons either.

Excluding the regular blue and red Demons and Succubus, there were also Hellhounds.

Similarly, the Demons from the third generation were vastly different.

Compared to the other generations, the Demons from the third generation took the form of a varying animal instead of a humanoid form. Nevertheless, just like the other generations, the third-generation Demons are stronger the more monstrous they are.

I can't believe Elder Tilrith could govern these Demons, I'm impressed.

From a sweep of his eyes, Rex could see that there were multiple Demons that could match Demon Lord Ranath or even Elder Tilrith in terms of power. He could feel the auras coming from them were akin to a thousand needles stabbing into his skin.

Naturally, these Demons were an Archdemon—governing the power of the seven sins.

Despite not being as visually striking as the Vampires, the Demon Enchanters were easily discerned amidst the crowd—their figures draped in demonic robes or possessed a wide range of demonic energy, embodying the power of Warlocks.

It was almost as if they were all cloned beings of the other.

All of their auras are more or less the same, indistinguishable, I couldn't sense which one of them is stronger than the other—as expected from the Shapeshifter race, their abilities for deceit and stealth and paramount compared to the others.

Even the Shapeshifter Enchanters were completely blended with the others.

Despite not being as visually striking as the Vampires, the Demon Enchanters were easily discerned amidst the crowd—their figures draped in demonic robes or possessed a wide range of demonic energy, embodying the power of Warlocks.

Only the Shapeshifters were the ones that are different.

"Most of the high-rank races kept a good relationship with the Shapeshifters, knowing what they were capable of. It was safe to say that none of them wanted to be visited by one that takes the form of someone dear," Mavenna said with a chuckle. "Only my race has the guts to rattle the Shapeshifters"

"Well, it's most likely because we have the Executioners of Tyro to fight them," She added.

Rex had learned a lot from Mavenna.

Aside from needing her help in the incoming fight, he didn't expect her to be this resourceful.

But then again, she's very old despite her child-like personality.

Naturally, she knows a lot of things.

Glancing at a couple of ball-like creatures reaching about ten meters in height, shrouded in an ensnarement of tentacles, Rex asked, "What about those creatures, are they also some sort of Shapeshifters?"

"Yes, they are criminals that were turned into mindless creatures, controlled by an Alpha"

Mavenna replied, rubbing her arms, feeling a cold chill.

She doesn't like to look at these ball-tentacle creatures, she is disgusted by them.

Upon hearing this, Rex was surprised, "Quite a severe punishment, I must say..."

Knowing what kind of troops are under him is a must before going to war, especially when it involves the war against the Executor. He needs to know exactly what their abilities are and capitalize on their fighting prowess to the fullest.

Due to that, checking the entire army is needed before he goes to the war.

Even though the assembly of Vampires, Demons, and Shapeshifters is an impressive sight—creating this big army was an impressive sight, it was also a testament to the formidable force they were going to face in the very near future.

Rex would be foolish if he didn't anticipate that the Executor has an impressive lineup too.

Considering the stake at hand, this time, he will not hold back.

The Executor was definitely going all-out, unlike their first encounter when he was clearly not serious, playing around with Rex. Albeit the Moon Ability catches him by surprise, it wouldn't be the same case this time—it won't be that easy.

Just as he was pondering in silence, a couple of figures came to him.

Looking up at three figures, floating before him, Rex recognizes them as the Elders.

Elder Tilrith, Nolacula, and Enima were floating in front of him.

"Have you finished your sightseeing, Royal Black Prince?"

"We can't have you be impressed now... this army wouldn't be able to defeat the Executor"

It was then that Elder Nolacula and Enima commented.

Upon hearing this, Rex waved his hand in hubris.

He knows that despite the army they amassed was quite impressive, it was still not enough to take down the Executor. Only through his carefully cultivated plan, there was a chance the Executor would be defeated in this battle.

Gazing at Mavenna on the side, Elder Tilrith squinted her eyes sharply.

But then, she shifted to cast a peculiar look at Rex and opened her petite mouth, "Go down Royal Black Prince, we'll introduce you to the commanders. We will also hold a briefing, I'm sure you have a lot of things to say before we march,"