Chapter 1060 Introduction of the Commanders

Chapter 1060 Introduction of the Commanders

Colored by his past experience fighting the Supernaturals, Rex believed that he already knew every facet of their nature, especially their power and how they fight. But this conviction was swiftly debunked after observing the assembled army.

One observation is enough to tell him that he was gravely mistaken.

Rex relied on Mavenna to explain everything he was seeing.

Even if he had the System, the variety of this army would still leave him awe-struck.

It was completely different than the regular Supernaturals he fought.

He thought that at the very least, the surprise from the ancient times would come when the end phase of the First Breath was nearing—when much of the older Supernatural wakes up from their slumber already.

But he was wrong, even now, the deadliness of the ancient times can already be seen vividly. Cheêck out latest novels at

I thought I could suppress the high-rank Supernatural races easily after the war, but I don't think it will be that simple. Even the weakest was at the peak of the sixth rank, while there were plenty of eighth ranks and even ninth ranks in each legion.

Also, the Demons... the Archdemon of Sins are equal to or even stronger than Elder Tilrith.

She was only the current Queen of the Demon Kingdom. I believe she achieved that through her unresistible temptation, latching her soothing arms on the Archdemons, controlling them to support her in sitting on the throne.

While making his way down, Rex's mind was occupied with a lot of things.

Now he understands that another obstacle will be waiting for him after the Executor is done.

I can't afford to lower my guard.

Elder Tilrith stopped a couple of steps before them and commanded, "Introduce yourselves"

Upon hearing this, the three commanders nodded before the Shapeshifter at the very right went ahead and introduced herself first, "I am Lyra, commander of the Platinum Division. My name has been whispered in the corridors of my kind for hundreds of years, and I am under your care for now, Royal Black Prince"

Casting a sidelong glance at Elder Tilrith, his eyes shimmered with vigilance. Additionally, the other Elders were also in similar sentiment, not to be underestimated. In this fleeting alliance, possible only with the Executor's presence, their camaraderie might be evident.

But its duration was certainly limited only to this war.

Reaching the ground, Rex and Mavenna followed the Elders to approach three other figures.

One from each race, presumably the commanders of each army.

Elder Tilrith stopped a couple of steps before them and commanded, "Introduce yourselves"

Upon hearing this, the three commanders nodded before the Shapeshifter at the very right went ahead and introduced herself first, "I am Lyra, commander of the Platinum Division. My name has been whispered in the corridors of my kind for hundreds of years, and I am under your care for now, Royal Black Prince"

Lyra, as expected, is a Perfect Shapeshifter from the third generation.

Nothing stood out about her, but based on her introduction, she must be famously known.

"Me, Maltrox," Suddenly, the Archdemon of Wrath followed suit after Lyra with its weighty baritone voice. "Red Scourge Division. A command from a puny Werewolf, will not control Maltrox. Be warned..."

Just as Maltrox said that Elder Tilrith intervened, calling his name, "Maltrox..."

"Conqueror, please, weave subtlety into your rage. Is that too hard, even if it's for me?" At her plea, Maltrox clicked his tongue in displeasure.

But at this moment, Mavenna leaned over and whispered, "Turn into your Werewolf form"

Rex doesn't know where this came from, but seeing that she was being serious, he decided to turn into a Werewolf form. Under the gaze of the ones present, his body started gaining mass at a visible rate, black furs started to grow, and bone-cracking sound resounded multiple times—as his mouth elongated into a muzzle before finally, two horns protruded out of Rex's head.

His aura was increasing rapidly as he did this, like thick liquid cascading down his form.

Now, his Werewolf Form was in full display.

Showcasing his unique, Werewolf form was a sight, even for the present Elders.

Even the oldest one, living for thousands of years has never seen a mutation such as Rex's.

The Royal Black Prince bloodline is truly one-of-a-kind.

Looking at this transformation, Maltrox suppressed his anger.

Merely through the eye contact he made with Elder Tilrith, Rex could already tell what she was trying to say—an unspoken message. She and the other Elders weren't going to help Rex if the battle didn't look like it was winnable.

None of them could risk aiding a losing fight.

If they go all out and lose, they would be the laughingstock of the other races.

The Werewolf and the Undead who aren't dipping their pinky would certainly ridicule them.

Furthermore, the Elders don't have the full layout of Rex's plan so although they knew that there was a chance that he might win, they were not going to support him with everything they got, acting as if he was certain to win.

Even the army they assembled right now is only a fraction of their main army.

Only Elder Tilrith contributed more than the others.

Knowing that the Demons or even the high-ranking pieces under her command such as the Archdemons of the seven sins were not going to die a true death, able to be revived through the demonic eye, she could contribute more without any risk.

As long as the Executor was not the one who killed them, then it's going to be fine.

But thanks to the fact that humans were experiencing an extreme shortage of manpower, the army's number would be fine. Essentially, it was up to Rex to make the Elders join and make certain of his victory.

"We'll be watching, Royal Black Prince," Elder Enima mused and disappeared.

His body turns invisible and vanishes from the spot.

Following suit, Elder Nolacula also added "Make no waste of the resources we provided, the opportunity only comes around once, and there will be no second opportunity. Don't blame us for what happened if you lost, you have been warned"

As Elder Nolacula was saying that, his body was dissolving into blood.

Eventually, he also disappeared.

Now, it was only Elder Tilrith left, giving Rex a daunting look.

"Good luck and be careful, Royal Black Prince... for your pack's sake..." She mused raspingly.

After giving her words of encouragement to Rex, she turned towards Mavenna, "Aren't you a little bit too comfortable being there, Mavenna? Come, there's no need for you to fight. This is a matter for him alone to conclude,"

"No! I won't be coming back to you!" Mavenna declined, hiding behind Rex's body.

Upon hearing this, Elder Tilrith frowned in annoyance.

"If you come with me, I'll give you as many Life Essences as you want" She persuaded.

Rex shook his head when he heard this.

Mavenna already made a deal with me. Helping me right now will make us even, it's her way of repaying me back for saving her from the Executor. No matter what you say, Elder Tilrith, she will not be coming with you.

Fairly certain of this, Rex nodded his head repeatedly.

However, his eyes soon widened when he saw Mavenna stepping out of his back.

"Wait, really...? You'd really do that?" She uttered, obviously tempted by the proposition.

But this made Rex quickly slap the back of her head again.


"Oww~!" Mavenna groaned, squatting on the ground while holding the spot that got hit.

Rex couldn't believe that she got easily persuaded by Elder Tilrith's words, almost as if she was a kid tempted by the promise of a candy from a stranger, "Don't try and coax her back, she's going to be my assistant in this fight"

"Fine, I'll let you use her for this time," Elder Tilrith reclined with a playful smile.


Sprouting her demonic wings, she made one flap and instantly darted into the horizon.

As the Elders departed, Rex's countenance shifted into solemnity almost instantly, his gaze directed toward the commanders before him. The time has come to confront the Executor, and there's no room for a mistake from this point on.

"Gather around, I'm going to inform the three of you to our objectives,"