Chapter 1073 Contradicting Assertion

Chapter 1073 Contradicting Assertion

Hope seems to be lost.

Rex already used everything he had to block the Executor's attack to no avail.

Even the strengthening effect he gained from the Blood Devourer was not working—and the Amuerus Katana's effect was not working if he couldn't land a hit on the Executor. Turns out the Executor's infamous notoriety was absolutely justified.

No wonder the Supernaturals bore hatred but are also afraid of him.

The Executor's strength is greater than any being that has ever walked the new era.

A being of true strength, destined to sit at the peak of power.

Pushing through the pain with no sign of giving up, Rex retaliated with his dual weapons.

But even then, with a mere flick of the Executor's tails, Rex's attack was effortlessly parried, and both weapons were slapped from his grasp, spinning through the air before stabbing the ground not far from their position.

"Still retaliating? Your stubbornness truly knows no bounds," the Executor mocked.

Rex smirked back dauntingly, "A perk I gain from having to experience the crucible of being weak, something you will never get and understand. You view earned power as a facade of the weak, full of weaknesses—but to me, it's one of my greatest strengths,"

Upon hearing this, the chaos energy within the Executor's body flared like fire.

"Is that so? Then let us see this strength of yours!"


Out of nowhere, the chaos energy traveled through the Executor's arm and into Rex.

At that moment, Rex could see and sense clearly the relentless infiltration of chaos energy—into the crevices of his being, akin to an unyielding tidal surge. It surged through him, straight to his very core, and moved toward his mind, strangling his thoughts and causing his eyes to roll back, their irises tinted with the ominous shade of purple.

His vision was covered with a blanket of chaos, and his mind was sucked somewhere else.



Breathing roughly, Rex opened his eyes and found himself in a different setting.

Underneath him was not the dry ground of the battlefield but floors instead. It took him only a moment to recognize where he was, the floor was very familiar to him, and when he raised lifted his gaze, his eyes widened in shock.

No matter what angles he arrived at this place, he would always recognize this place.

"Is this the strength you speak of...?" Standing in front of him near the window viewing the full moon was the Executor.

With a tight grip, he held the necks of Rex's deceased biological parents, their eyes brimming with tears as they struggled to break free. In a wicked mind play, the Executor evilly replaces Ruston, delving into one of Rex's darkest memories.

One that still remains unpleasant to remember, possibly even to the end of time.

Rex sprung to his feet and lunged at the Executor, attempting to claw the smirk off his face.

However, his hand which was supposed to claws landed on the Executor's face.

But it did nothing to him.

"You claim that the experience of weakness is important, it's the source of your power," the Executor said, sneering, his expression twisted with malice. "But it seems your current state contradicts that assertion, all I see from you is anything but power," He added before with a single deft motion, he crushed both of Rex's biological parents' necks, killing them instantly.


Both of their lifeless bodies fell to the floor with a heavy thud.

Looking down at them with wide eyes, Rex could see their blood making its way to his feet.

In mere seconds, their blood touches the tip of his feet.

Despite wearing shoes, he shuddered as if he could feel the wetness of the blood directly.

Not even giving Rex any time to recover from what he was seeing, the surroundings blurred again and changed into a different setting. Now Rex was standing in a ruined neighborhood, one that he also recognized instantly.

Mrs. Greene and Robert were standing side by side with the Executor towering behind them.

Near Carmilla's position, Brigitta was pinned down by Lord Marcus.

She saw the sight of Rex being choked by the Executor on the far side and was excited.

A manic smile bloomed across her face as she glared at Lord Marcus.

Taking down Brigitta was nothing for Lord Marcus, he was the most trusted pions in his own family who had dealt with threats even scarier than the corrupted Brigitta. However, he was slightly surprised when a surge of energy came from Brigitta.

Lifting his foot off of Brigitta's chest, he created distance with an evident frown.

Not knowing what Brigitta was doing, it was best to keep his distance.

As Brigitta rose to her feet, a sense of foreboding swept through the Vampires in her vicinity, attuned to the dangerous air she exuded. Smeared with a darkening visage—the corrupted wind elements, tainted by chaos began to flicker ominously across her skin.

Instead of exploding outwards, this corrupted wind seeped back into her very skin.

"I'm going to-" Brigitta whispered inaudibly.

Lord Marcus and the other Vampires couldn't hear what she was saying.

But then, a painful grunt escaped her mouth when something happened.

Subsequently, her form began to radiate an inner luminescence, captivating the onlookers as the mana around her began to change. Concurrently, her very physique was also undergoing some form of metamorphosis, one that subjects her to excruciating tribulation.

Everyone was so entranced by this sight that none of them moved from their spot.

Just then, Brigitta raised her gaze, exposing her maniacal smile.

Half of her was already scorched by the chaos energy within her, making her more menacing than before. She began to cackle like a lunatic, the chaos energy seemed to also corrupt her personality—turning her mad.

"I'm going to kill you all!" She screamed—her laughter persisted and became louder.

At the sight of this, the Vampires frowned.

"Lord Marcus, what is happening to her? Should we strike her?" One Vampire asked warily.

Out of most of them, Lord Marcus is more experienced in fighting humans.

Scrutinizing Brigitta's metamorphosis, Lord Marcus' brows dipped into an evident frown. He remembered seeing something like this before, a sense of déjà vu washed over him—but it was a long time ago so it was hard for him to remember.

As no answer came from him, the other Vampires readied their weapons.

In case something unexpected happens, all of them would deal with it and protect Carmilla.

"Groaarghh!!" If the ancient humans could subjugate you—crush all of you into mere slaves," Brigitta's voice thundered, resonating with fierce determination. The pulsating purple light, emanating from within her intensified, turning her into a bright star. "Then we will do it again! Humanity will reclaim its supremacy, we will always stay at the pinnacle!!"


Protecting himself from the shockwave that blasted from her, Lord Marcus' eyes widened.

He finally came to a realization of what was happening.

Even though the possibility was slim, the natural instincts of survival made it very possible.

Strike!! Attack her right now!!" Lord Marcus' voice cut through the tension, urgency dripping from every word. "Don't let that light consume her completely! Kill her right now! We can't allow her to finish!" His command echoed, beads of cold sweat tracing down his trembling form, a testament to the gravity of the moment.

In reflex, five strong Vampires darted, doing exactly what Lord Marcus was saying.

All of them react quickly, hearing the urgency in Lord Marcus' tone.

No matter the reason, they must act now.

Meanwhile, one Vampire asked in confusion, "What's wrong? What is she doing, Marcus?"

"Wha-" Lord Marcus started, startled by the Vampire's interruption, before swiftly regaining his composure, mindful of the other's higher rank. "I've witnessed it happening once before. Since it was rare, I didn't think that it was what was happening. But now I'm sure—Evolution, her bloodline is evolving!"

Upon hearing this, the other Vampire sucked in a cold breath and looked at Brigitta again.

Grinding his teeth, he clutches his weapon in hand.

'A human is evolving...? I never knew that it was possible!' He screamed inwardly in shock.Fịndd new updates at