Chapter 1074 Brink of Defeat (1)

Chapter 1074 Brink of Defeat (1)

All living beings have one thing in common.

It was a gift from nature itself before they were graced by the blessing of life.

Not a single living being was exempted from this gift, and even when their minds and bodies degrade, this gift will never wane inside of them—that is the natural instinct to survive. Even the weak and the strong alike have this gift.

Many underestimated this gift, but it was an extremely strong component of any living being.

One miraculous gift that helped them survive impossible situations.

Various miracles happened because of this gift.

However, this gift was stimulated stronger during times of war and bloodshed.

Even history has proven that statement—there was a reason why the Supernaturals from the third generations have different mutations and are overall stronger than the rest—all have to live through the cruelest and bloodiest world regime imaginable.

Stimulated by war, their survival instinct morphed their entire body for battle.

An attempt to survive against the horrors of war.

Naturally, with the war going on for more than fifteen years, there is bound to be a reaction.

Having Humanity pushed against the corner, Brigitta went overdrive.


Each one of the five-strong Vampires, clad in regal armor was blasted back.

None could approach Brigitta as a shockwave erupted from her form, barring their advance with powerful resistance. An aura of chaos surged skyward, the radiant purple glow coming from within encompassing her entire body.

Knowing what would happen, Lord Marcus and Knight Vampire pressed against the tide.

It would be very bad if Brigitta successfully evolved.

Lord Marcus' mind raced with concern as he contemplated, 'She's in the ninth-rank realm—a Wind Elementalist. If she evolves now, there are two possible paths she could take. But if she becomes the Human Lord... We're in for deep trouble'

Out of desperation, Lord Marcus and the Knight Vampire combined their might.

A chant escaped their mouths as their blood energy merged into one.

Pressing against the onslaught of Brigitta's powerful chaos energy, they persisted like strong lighthouses in a tempestuous ocean. Even though the chaos energy's corrosive touch starts to seep into their skin, the two forges ahead undeterred.


Seeing the commotion, Carmilla gives her aid and focuses her energy on them.

Gaining the boost, the two advanced forward faster.

It took a moment for them to reach near Brigitta before Lord Marcus gave a nod, signaling to the Knight Vampire—focused on having a strong physique as a blood fighter to be the one at the front, taking out the evolving Brigitta.

Nodding, the Knight Vampire whispered, "Noble Blood Spell, Fury..."


Almost instantly, the Knight Vampire's veins bulged and flowed with a sinister crimson light.

He cast a spell that quickened his blood flow, strengthening his body.

Since the gush of chaos energy pushing against their body was too strong, he couldn't gain a proper foothold on the ground—he might slip and get hurtled away if not careful. Noticing his struggle, Lord Marcus planted his feet on the ground.

Focusing the blood energy into his feet, he crossed his arms and clenched his body.

Looking at this, the Knight Vampire realized what he was doing and sprang forward against the tide of chaos. Using Lord Marcus' arms as a foothold, he garnered his blood energy and transformed into a crimson streak, hurtling into action.


In a split second, his body pierced through the chaos energy and reached Brigitta.

Gaining momentum by rotating his body along the way, he swung his war mace, infused with all the blood energy he could muster to stop Brigitta's evolution process. Nothing could stop his attack as he easily hit Brigitta right in the chest.



Almost in an instant, the phenomenon brought by the evolution process disappeared.

Additionally, his left arm turned purple and broken.

Even his body reverted to its Human Form, and the King Marks on his forehead deactivated, his aura dwindling to nothing. Such a sight made the Executor's body tingle with excitement—he couldn't wait to get his hands on the System.

It was the right thing for him to spare Rex's life back then.

He was worried that Rex might grow stronger than him, but it seems that was not the case.

'Father, unlike what you predicted, I am going to be the one who succeeds you,' He thought.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the battlefield.

Gistella was vomiting a disturbing amount of blood as she went out of her palanquin.

Since her encounter with the chaos creature earlier that made her unable to escape from the battlefield, she was already marked. No matter how much she tried, she would be teleported back into her palanquin if she reached a certain distance away from the army.

Frustrated, she could only sit in her palanquin in silence, hoping for the best.

But she could sit still when she felt the pain that was delivered to Rex throughout the battle.

Her body was connected, and since she was close, she was suffering the most.

Almost falling to the ground, one Awakened came to her side and supported her politely.

"Bring me to the front, I want to watch the fight," She said lightly.

Nodding his head, the Awakened brought Gistella to the Executor's palanquin to watch.

It was only then that she saw what was happening.

Overall, the Human Army was pushing back against the Supernatural Army as the barrage of bullets and spells suck the lives of their opponents quickly. Both Demons and Vampires were dying left and right under this barrage.

At the center, King John and the Witch were fighting at the frontline.

However, the two seemed to be in trouble against a Demonic Bear with a blue crown.

Alone, this Demon handled the two of them with relative ease.

Despite everything that she could observe from this scenery of blood battle, with blood and death everywhere, her gaze traced through the chaos, fixating on a distant point beyond the Human Army.

She could see Rex get punched and sent crashing onto the entrance of the creek brutally.

Even though she was surprised, she instinctively cradled her stomach in pain.

Gistella could feel the punch directly, and it was excruciating.



Just then, Gistella lifted her gaze again and saw the Witch of Chaos flying towards her.

The Demonic Bear lands a vicious strike that shatters her cursed energy barrier.

Coursing through the air, the Witch crashed near Gistella to her right.

Driven by an unstoppable resolve and worry, Gistella went towards the Witch, her willpower eclipsing the pain of her stumbling steps. Despite her faltering movements of pain, she kept persisting, and eventually collapsing to her knees, right after she reached the Witch.

Groaning lightly, the Witch spat blood to the side in pain.

But before she could go back to the fight, her eyes landed on Gistella on the side.

Gistella was right at the edge of the crater, and falling down towards her.

"What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to go back?" the Witch asked in confusion.

Instead of answering, Gistella grabbed her by the collar strongly.

Looking directly into the Witch's eyes, she commanded, "Make King John do it now!"

"Huh...?" the Witch paused for a second before her mind clicked to what Gistella was trying to say. "No, it's not the time. I also kept an eye on Rex's fight, but he specifically told me to only use King John when he managed to lure the Executor in the creek, the final resistance"

Ignoring her reasoning, Gistella clenched her collar tighter, "Do it now, he's going to die!!"

"Please... I don't want him to die" She sobbed.

Gently taking off Gistella's hands from her collar, the Witch left her to fly skywards again and see the situation of Rex and the Executor. Her eyes then glowed with curse energy, "He's still a fourth away from reaching the ninth epiphany. If they fight in the creek, I could inform King John to eat the Flesh Eater Pill, but he's still not at the ninth epiphany yet..."

"What are you doing, Royal Black Prince? Are you going to lose...?" She uttered in concern.