CH 7.1

Name:The Law of Love With God Author:
You Owe The Fees (1)

As an energetic girl who used to go up the roof to pry out the tiles and climb up trees to get eggs from a bird’s nest when she was younger, physical fitness programs were too easy.

Lucia easily ran two short laps, was able to reach her toes with her hands easily, and crawled over a metal pipe just as easily as well.

After finishing the set, Lucia was panting and about to wipe the sweat off her head when Green Hair handed her his handkerchief.

Green Hair handed her his handkerchief.

“You are amazing, Lucia.” Green Hair looked at Lucia enviously.

“This is nothing. I can climb the mountain by myself.” Lucia replied a little proudly, then gracefully wiped the sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose with the handkerchief, “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing.” Green Hair shook his head, “After the physical fitness test, we will go to the most important program.”

“What is it?” Lucia asked eagerly.

“It’s testing your affinity with the gods.” Green Hair replied, looking a little uneasy, “Priests are different from regular followers. Followers don’t need any qualifications, but priests must have affinity with the gods.”

“Then how do you test it?” Lucia asked curiously.

“I don’t know.” Green Hair shook his head, “Only those who pass the selection can participate in the test. Everyone in my family failed…”

“I see.” Lucia understood, “Then why did we participate in the previous tests? Can’t we directly test our affinity with the gods?”

Green Hair was also just an eight-year-old boy; he only listened to whatever the adults had said. He never thought of such a profound question, and was immediately stunned by it.

“This, the priests must have their reasons.”

“It is to better understand your talents.” A gentle voice sounded from behind the two of them. Razelt bent down and answered Lucia’s question in a soft tone.

“The first test not only determines whether you can become a priest or not, but even if you could not enter the seminary, you will be admitted to different elementary schools to study based on your performance.”

Lucia remembered that this person was a follower of the god of wealth Kulatha, and was said to be the bishop here.

Lucia instantly showed a cute expression; she raised her head and said innocently, “Thank you for explaining, I understand now.”

“Calm down and don’t be nervous. After the test, you will have a short rest, and then the last event will be carried out.”

When Razelt left, Lucia heard Green Hair exhale in awe. “You are so amazing, Lucia. You dared to talk to Lord Razelt.”

“Why wouldn’t I dare?” Lucia didn’t understand.

“When Lord Razelt came over just now, I couldn’t say a single word… That’s Lord Razelt! Ah, I didn’t say hello just now. Was I being rude?”

Lucia didn’t quite get Green Hair’s awe, just like she didn’t understand why people here worshipped the gods so devoutly.

But she still comforted him with respect and thoughtfulness, “Lord Razelt is so gentle, he wouldn’t mind.”

“Yeah!” Green Hair was just a child; he soon forgot his worries and said happily, “Sir Razelt talked to me, I must tell Daddy when I get back!”

“Un, he will definitely be very happy too!”

The two of them blindly guessed how to test their affinity with god, but came up with nothing until it was the time to assemble.

After assembling, Lucia’s group and the other group who had just taken the literacy exam merged into a group of more than 100 people. After they gathered, they all went to a big hall.

Razelt turned to look at the children behind him. “The final test will take place soon, but before that, we want to confirm that you are qualified to take the test.”

Lucia had already heard about this just now, so she was prepared. But most people had never heard that the third examination still needed qualifications, so they instantly broke into discussions.

Razelt did not say anything. When the children quieted down, he said mildly and irrefutably, “Not everyone have the qualifications to serve the gods, only those who are truly gifted can enter this door.”

“Let’s take the test next.” Razelt took out the roster again and began to call the children one by one, “Susan White.”

Lucia watched Susan walk nervously towards Razelt, and she immediately concentrated to see if there were any tricks.

In the end, there were no tricks.  A priest who had been closing his eyes opened them, looked at the little girl named Susan, then shook his head. “She can’t.”

Susan, who was already very nervous, almost cried. She pitifully begged, “I, I wasn’t ready just now, can you look at me again and let me try again!?”

“Child, you have to know that no matter how many times you try again, the result will be the same.” Razelt replied regretfully, “Susan, your literacy test scores and physical fitness scores are good. We will recommend you to some good general education schools.”

“But we don’t have any money… School is too expensive…” Susan couldn’t hold back her tears and sobbed, “Please, let me try again!”

“Lord Razelt?” The priest beside him looked at Razelt.

Razelt sighed slightly and said gently, “You have to know that the result will not change. Even so, do you still want to try?”

“Please!” Susan begged.

“Alright.” Razelt looked at the priest beside him and bowed slightly, “I’ll have to trouble you.”

“It’s nothing.” The priest with closed eyes replied, and he once again opened his eyes. He looked at the crying little girl in front of him, and shook his head sympathetically, “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry, I’ve caused everyone trouble…” Susan replied while wiping her tears as she walked to the side.

Perhaps with Susan as an example, most of the following children who failed easily accepted the fact that they could not enter the door. Only a few also asked for a re-test, but they could not change the results at all.