CH 7.2

Name:The Law of Love With God Author:
You Owe The Fees (2)

“Lucia Farr.”

Finally, it was Lucia’s turn. She took a deep breath and walked over while saying in her mind “I’m not nervous”.

After all, in the novel <Problematic Luck With Women>, Lucia had the qualifications to become the evil god’s saintess. Although she had replaced the original Lucia, it still shouldn’t be too different, right?

Lucia met the priest’s open eyes.

Instantly, she felt a cool wind blowing in her head, and then she heard the other party’s voice. “It’s really not bad.”

Although some people ahead of her had passed before, this was the first time Lucia heard a “really not bad” evaluation.

Lucia breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly walked to the group of children who had passed.

There, she saw Green Hair who had also passed the test. He looked very excited and had a lot he wanted to say. But right now, apart from the priest who did the test, no one else had made a sound yet. It would be too conspicuous if he spoke, so he could only endure it.

Soon, the test results all came out. There were originally more than a hundred people, but only a dozen passed the test. They were led by Razelt to the last and most important test room.

The group passed through the garden full of expensive flowers, walked through the hall with exquisite murals, and came to a windowless corridor.

This closed and long corridor was equipped with magic lamps. For ordinary people, magic lamps were considered luxury items – they would not go out for a whole year. They were illuminating the mysterious patterns on both sides of the corridor.

Even though the adults didn’t stop them, the children were pressured by the atmosphere. The noisy voices gradually disappeared, leaving only small and dense footsteps.

After walking for who knows how long, everyone reached a hall. Compared with the opulence outside, this hall was relatively simple. There was only one door inside that was inlaid with two huge crystals.

Razelt stretched out his hand and opened the door, then walked in first. Lucia walked behind him, stunned by the sight in front of her.

Rather than a room, this looked more like a roof placed on top of an abyss. The prototype building was dozens of meters high and spread down to the unseen darkness.

The platform they were on was just a small piece protruding from the building’s wall, just a small raised corner that jutted out from this prototype building with a diameter of tens of meters.

On the wall, creatures of different shapes were drawn with strange colors and painting methods. At first glance, they all looked clear, but if you wanted to discern them carefully, you would find that you couldn’t see anything clearly when you tried to look closer.

“This is the Pantheon.” Razelt kept his voice very low, as if afraid of disturbing something. “Pray to the gods here. If you can get a response, it means that the gods are willing to accept you as their priest.”

“So, which of you will go first?”

Facing this incredible sight, all the children temporarily felt a little timid.

Lucia originally wanted to step forward, but she was afraid that she, an atheist, would be exposed. She couldn’t go in the end, and could only wait patiently for others to try first.

“I, I’ll go first.” Green Hair finally couldn’t help but speak.

“Very good.” Razelt applauded, “Don’t be nervous, believe that your faith will be communicated to the gods.”

“I have believed in Lord Kulatha, the patron god of luck and wealth, ever since I was a child. I believe that my faith is no weaker than anyone else’s.” When it came to faith, Green Hair was not as timid as when he first talked to Razelt, ” I will serve him with my life!”

“Very good, do you see that platform? Just go there and pray, use your courage and sincerity.” Razelt, who was also a believer of Kulatha, said approvingly, “I believe you will succeed.”

“Yes!” Green Hair said loudly. He resolutely walked to the tall white platform that was built on the edge of the cliff, knelt there and closed his eyes. His hands were clasped in front on his chest to pray.

Not long after he prayed, the gold and green pattern on the wall emitted a faint light. It shone over the praying Green Hair.

After the light disappeared, Green Hair stood up all of a sudden. He walked down the tall platform quickly and excitedly, and almost fell down. Coincidentally, just before he was about to fall, he stumbled on something and ended up managing to steady his steps.

“I succeeded!” Green Hair was very happy, and tears formed in his eyes. “It’s amazing!”

“Indeed.” Razelt comforted him gently, “god will not forget each and every one of his people.”

Lucia looked at the excited Green Hair, thinking about something in her heart.

Could it be that the gods would only respond to those with such sincere faith?

Wouldn’t that mean that even Mystery wouldn’t be able to respond to her, after all, he hadn’t recharged her faith today…