The first time the emperor came to my palace, I was very happy when I saw the young emperor. I had seen the emperor a long time ago, from the time I was very young, I knew that he would be my husband. Ama was very good to her first wife, very fond of her first mother, whatever her second mother wanted, Ama would do her best to satisfy her.
I didn't expect that the Emperor would come and take a look at me before leaving. Angry, I said to the Emperor, "Why did you just look at me? "Why aren't you willing to accompany me?"
The Emperor obviously didn't expect that I would dare to lose my temper in front of him. He frowned slightly and coldly said, "Newcome, this is the Imperial Palace, not your deterrence. Take your eldest daughter in as well."
I have never understood why the Emperor treated me so well, I was alone in the Palace, the number of times he came to see me could be counted on one hand, the number of times he agreed to see me, Zhang agreed to see me, the number of times he paid me a visit, the number of times he paid me a visit, the number of times he paid me a visit to the Palace, the number of times he paid a visit to the Crown Prince, the number of times he paid a visit to the Crown Prince, the number of times he paid me a visit, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him very much, my heart had been filled with depression ever since.
After eight years, I finally understood why the emperor treated me like this. When the emperor arrested my foster father, as well as Ama, I finally understood why the emperor hated my foster father and Ama so much, and also wanted to anger me. I understood why the emperor didn't like me no matter how hard I tried.
I was very sad in those days, and I thought about it a lot. I suddenly realized that my pride from a young age, my Ama and my godfather actually became the reason why the Emperor hates me. I was actually the one with the least capital in this harem. It was a good thing that Ama had finally regained her dignity and that the merits of the NewHulu family could not be erased.
I began to reflect, to rein myself in, to choose to keep a low profile. In fact, I had always wondered how I was going to survive in this palace. I hate it because I love it so much, and Whig often exhorts me to relax a little, and some things are yours and yours, and it's no use if they aren't, and the empress always does, and I know she's right.
In the palace, Whig and I had been pitifully guarding each other. We were neglected by the emperor, but Whig was luckier than me, she had given birth to two princes for the emperor, and I had never been able to have a son of my own.
I am very sad that the Empress is dead, and I am sincere. I always felt that she was not easy, that she did not have the Emperor. Perhaps she was only able to have some warmth from the Emperor because she was the Empress.
The most favoured woman in the palace is a man dressed in a robe called Gayon. I think she is of Chinese descent, only of national origin. This woman will always look like she has no desire in front of others, and the more I hate her, the more I hate her. Since you got it, you should show off; in my opinion, her modesty is a fake, a trick to confuse the Emperor.
I am now the most respected concubine in the palace. If the emperor were to order a new concubine in the future, the only thing that could be done would be to raise me. My brothers said that I must protect my virtue and filial piety towards the empress and empress dowager, and not cause any trouble. They would think of a way to help me to ascend to the throne.
In the year before the empress's death, my Ama died, my most beloved Ama left, I had no one to rely on, I would not be able to rely on in this imperial palace, I would even have to do everything in my power to get more from her; but among my relatives, I could only listen to my brothers and sisters, after all, I was just a woman, I had no choice, I did not know what to do, I kept a low profile, kept a good side, and hid my feelings for everyone I did not like, and waited for one day, as my brothers had said, to rise again.