Open that hardcover notebook again, just know, this is diary by dream.

I didn't want to see Youmeng's privacy, but I couldn't help turning the page.

The diary is also full of my photos, as well as the photos of me and Youmeng. Almost every page, every one, is the witness of our love.

This diary is from last year when I entered the security company to today. Every day, without interruption. Looking at the familiar and beautiful handwriting in the diary, my heart kept twitching.

This diary records the thoughts and concerns of my dream, as well as the deep love.

I skimmed through a few pages. The old tears were dry, and the new tears were always in my eyes. I was afraid that my dirty tears would stain the sanctity of the dream, and I couldn't bear to let them overflow from my eyes.

With a deep guilt mentality, I stayed in a nearby diary:

May 24, 2008, hail, Saturday.

Today is the darkest day in my life. It's a dark day for my love.

Zhao Long misunderstood me and mangbenrui. I feel very aggrieved, but not blame Zhao long, not blame him. I know that he cares about me very much. It's just because he cares about me that he looks so irrational and repels any man close to me. I am very contradictory now. I am afraid of losing him, but I am afraid of owning him. How I wish Xinjie could come together with him, because I was destined to be just a meteor, only a flash in the pan in his life. But I'm very satisfied. I don't feel sorry to have such a love in my life.

I can feel that my illness has reached the last moment. I have kept Zhao long in the dark and arranged Xinjie to replace me. Sometimes I feel very sorry for him. But for the sake that he is not too sad, I can only do so. Unfortunately, the relationship between Zhao long and Xin Jie has not made great progress. I am worried Sometimes, I really want to tell Zhao long all the truth, but I can't summon up courage. I'm afraid that I will hurt him and make him never recover. I thought that arranging Xinjie to accompany him would divert his attention and weaken his feelings towards me, but I was wrong. He still loves me so much that he can't hold any other women in his heart

Today's hailstorm is extremely frightening. Each one is as big as peanuts. I stood with him in the hail for a long time. I wanted to hold him and cry. He never forgives me and I can't explain. In the end, they just end up and go home. But I don't blame him all the time. It can't blame him. It can only blame me for my life's lack of luck to amuse his love and care.

The hail drenched my whole body, and I was cold, but not cold in my heart. I can still feel that he loves me too much.

My biggest worry now is whether Zhao long will be too sad when he knows about me. I believe he can survive, believe it!

I want to see him, but only in my dream. I have figured out that even if I can't get his forgiveness and understanding in my whole life, I also recognize it. As long as he can be happy, he can be happy.


The diary is a bit messy, but the words touch my heart.

I reached out and stroked the tears on my face, put away my diary, and looked back at the dream lying on the bed.

Her face looked a little more haggard, slightly closed lips, a little dry. A hand stretched out, half curled up body, full of the desire for life. It's like calling for life, calling for love.

Cheng Xinjie moved a stool for me, but I sat on the edge of the bed beside Yumeng. I couldn't bear to disturb her and this special quiet.

Time goes by minute by minute, ten minutes by minute, again.

It was about one o'clock in the middle of the night.

I have been quietly waiting, until, by the dream of the body peristalsis, slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were sunken, and it was clear that she had been mercilessly afflicted by the disease.

Open her eyes from the dream, suddenly felt the atmosphere of the abnormal, she looked around, found me.

She rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up, but she didn't succeed.

"Zhao long, Zhao long, it's you, is it you?" Surprised by the dream.

I strongly suppressed the impulse, grasped the small hand of Youmeng, and even said: "it's me! From dream, it's me! "

After a moment's silence, Yu Meng takes a look at Cheng Xinjie. He seems to have realized something. He asks me: "you, you all - Xinjie, do you interrupt her --"

Cheng Xinjie: "I'm sorry, I told my brother-in-law! I think it's cruel to keep it from him. It's not fair to you. It's not fair to my brother-in-law. "

From dream Qiao eyebrow tight wrinkle, tears, all of a sudden came out.

My heart a sour, sat near some, stroked by dream's hair, arranged for her, said: "by dream don't cry, don't cry!"! You will get better, you will! "

The dream stopped the tears and forced out a smile: "nothing! Zhao long, it's all my fault! Let's hurry up and say: "stop talking! It's all my fault. I'm suspicious. I don't understand you. I'm wrong about you. Be obedient and take good care of your illness. With such advanced science and technology, you will be cured and you will be able to! "

From dream shake head: "no, impossible!"! But I don't think it's terrible to die! "

I complained in tears: "what nonsense! You will live well! "

Cheng Xinjie interrupts our pale and desolate conversation: "ah, what do you say, dead and alive. Sister, what would you like to eat? Let my brother-in-law buy it for you! " Cheng Xinjie cleverly opened the topic.

From the dream of course can mean Cheng Xinjie's mind, a little thought, smile: "I want to eat, I want to eat apples!"

Cheng Xinjie became a happy mediator. She picked out a huge apple from the cupboard and handed it to me: "brother in law, this arduous task is up to you. Wash it!"

I shook my head: "no washing. Chipping. "

Cheng Xinjie was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what I said. I untied the fruit knife from the buckle and began to peel.

Just like the dream used to peel the apple for me, after a few circles of the fruit knife, the apple was peeled.

I cut it into pieces and feed it to you Meng.

Looking at me from the dream, smiling happily.

My heart, however, is heavy.

Looking at the apple from dream, I feel sad. Because her face is already very haggard, who see still pity.

From the dream seems to see the atmosphere is too dignified, mischievous to eat the rest of the apple core to me, said: "now, the responsibility of losing the apple core to you! No problem? "

I shook my head gently and threw the apple core into the garbage can.

From the dream put out his hands, unity, looking at me, and looking at Cheng Xinjie, said: "Xinjie, my parents have gone, you go out to see!"

Of course, Cheng Xinjie can read the subtext of Youmeng's words, nods, goes out and closes the door.

The dream held out a hand and said, "help me to sit up."

I nodded and gently helped her to sit up. I put a pillow on her back. She sat up straight and held my hand all the time.

I tried to keep my emotions under control and not let tears come out.

"From dream way:" did not expect, did not expect heart clean or told you

I said, "you shouldn't have lied to me."

From dream way: "muddleheaded, is I muddleheaded!"! I didn't want to hurt you, but in the end, I hurt you even more. "

I stretched out my hand to embrace Youmeng, comforted her and said, "I'm not hurt. It's my fault. I hurt you. My heart is too small. I misunderstood you. "

From dream shake head: "no blame you."

I said, "it's all my fault! Now, listen to me, what you need most now is firm confidence. Miracles happen all the time in the world. You will get better, I believe, and you will recover! "

From dream to smile: "difficult. What I want most now is to live in your heart forever. Then I will be satisfied! "

I pinched her nose and complained, "what are you talking about. I want you to live by my side forever. Be my wife. "

From the dream face rippling a happy smile: "think, but God does not give me a chance. Next life, I will be your bride. Sure. "

I said, "I will live forever!"

From dream lightly shake head, way: "Zhao long, realistic a bit!"! I think you should know what I think. Xinjie, a girl, grew up with me. She is a good girl and admires you very much. She can continue my life and our love. I've been trying to get you all together, but there's no progress. Take advantage of this opportunity, I need to have a good talk with you. This is my biggest concern and worry before I die. You must promise me that you will take good care of me. You can rest assured that Xinjie will not let you down! She is a sensible child. "

I frowned. "Look what you're talking about! Xinjie is our sister, our sister! "

"You have to promise me, you have to!" he said

I shook my head: "no, no, I can't promise. Because you will be OK, you will be OK! "

From the dream some disappointments, looked at me, repeatedly stressed: "can be realistic?"

"I said:" I am very realistic, the reality is that good people have good results, you will be OK! "

From dream urgent way: "do you think the heart is pure does not match you?"

I blushed and said: "in this world, you are the only one worthy of me! Only you from the dream! " I repeat, clenched by the dream hand.

At this moment, how afraid I am, this hand, will release.

Two lines of moisture seeped from the dream's eyes, and she sighed softly, "you still don't understand my good intentions!"

I said: "I understand, I understand all! But I can't accept it. I only recognize you as a wife! In order not to let me fight single, you should also live well, no matter what way I try, I will cure you well! "

From the dream is worried: "you still don't understand? Experts, medical experts all over the world, have almost diagnosed my illness, and the answer is very uniform. Who doesn't want to live? I haven't lived enough to make your bride. But, but we have to accept the reality. When the reality is in front of us, what we have to do is not to fantasize about miracles, but to find a way to face them and try our best to take the road behind them. "