The Manreb hero is coming back!

Thirteen volumes and 20 episodes

Shin-soo's power is rumored to be clean and clear.

Unlike evil-doers, Sasin-su is a creature that feeds on the good spirits of the world.

In particular, it was safe to say that Yeoju, which Shin-soo has, was a collection of power.

a creature like the life of a god, a cohesion of its power

It was the magic pearl of Shin-soo.

Because Cheongnyong Tombs usually have female liquor in their mouths, the female liquor tends to look visible, but no one sees the main character because the main character is usually inside.

It was of course the other two yet to be born, Hyeonmu and Baekho, and Hwangryong and Giraffe, the central figures.

Of course, yellow dragons and giraffes cannot be summoned from this land.

As a result, Yeoju was the lifeblood of the god and was so important that it was called the source of its power.

Even parents can't pass it to them.

When I asked for a female liquor, the Qurungi and the buldak instinctively flinched and withdrew from me.

"You don't use it now anyway. I'm not going to use your energy to save money. Leave it to me. I'll call you more and give you back."

That's what you say. I wouldn't give it away as easily as a child who's already well-to-do.

It was true that the existence of Yeoju definitely came heavy as even the masterpiece buldak, who was submissive to me, gave up face and acted cute, hesitated.

But the difficulty without the lady's wine was the same with me.

"Do you see him here?"

When I showed Layna to the two guys I was holding in my arms, the eyes of the two giant guys fell on her.

"A warrior who saved the world. But the rules of the world make it impossible to live or die like this."

Two new faces flinched at my words.

I know that even if you have a violent temper, you are not a dead man for nothing.

I comforted two of them and told them quietly, as if they were parents who told their children old stories.

"He sacrificed everything he could for the sake of the world, and his existence itself was forgotten. It's no use telling who it is, but at least you know I'm not lying."

At my words, the Qurungi burst into tears and the fire chicken stretched out its beak and sniffed at Reina's body.

Then he looked at me with half-suspicious eyes, and soon they looked at each other and quietly retired.


It was the Cheongnyong Tomb that brought out the female liquor first.

a masterpiece of the Four Dragon The basic traits of the head were brutal, but they were spiritual deities that offered the highest respect to those who sacrificed their noble lives.

It probably stimulated their hearts by saving the world and disappearing alone.

After summoning a small female liquor in her mouth, she made a golden female liquor in her arms, and a fire chicken that was put out to me with her beak, and I patted the beak and the scales of the beak without a word.

"Thank you."


Leaving the retreating boys behind with a subtle cry, I put two marbles in the air and finally put Raina's body in the air.

"Roar, Bres, load."

It was not long before I spoke to Kureungi, and he looked at me as if he was surprised, and soon began to collect the blue-eyed thunderstorm in his mouth.

"Shoot me when I signal you."

It was not long before I raised one arm and spoke, and the face of the Qurungi turned complicatedly upside down, and soon he nodded quietly.

It was not long before I, who launched the last magic line, began to penetrate Raina's body, combining the power of magic and two female spirits, the power of the new Soo.

As the bright lights of five colors began to seep into Raina's body, as if something like a ghost were being absorbed while wandering around, her pale face gradually began to turn red.

A human being but not a human being. It may be oppression, not salvation, that brings her back to life, who is no longer even human.

But there were so many things to show even if she died again.

Not to die like this yet.

He was too sad to be forgotten by everyone.

The God of the First, according to your wishes.

[Checking out the last installment]]

[9th-degree Eucharist]


Soon after, the last sexual magic came out, and Reina's body began to be engulfed in the light.

Later, I raised my hand so that I could shoot the brainstorm at any time.

If you fail again...

"It's better to break the body than disappear."

I can't be sure of this anti-smoking softening.

If it goes wrong, there is a high possibility that not only the body but also the soul of Layna, who holds onto the faint hope of living, will be destroyed.


Even a little twist had to break her body and take her soul out immediately.

It was the same before, and this time again.

Reina's body, which is swimming in the light, and the wings that sprang up according to God's will are fluttering.

As if witnessing the descent of a sacred angel in person, Reina slowly unfolded herself, closing her eyes, as if she were a rising angel.


In the long-running work, I've already laid out dozens and hundreds of magicians everywhere to fix any problems as soon as they arise.

Was it completed soon?

As the light slowly penetrated, I slowly lowered my arms and shook my head at the Qurungi.

"That's enough. Now."


At what I said, the Qurungi scattered the brain-crazy Bresse in the air.

It was then.


A white light fell from the sky and began to envelop Reina.

Ferserk opened his eyes round to see if he was surprised by the unexpected results.

In the first place, it was not me who made the wings on Raina's back, but the goddess of Priya who gave it to me.

She might have wanted a real angel to save Reina and spread her will.

Although the beginning is made of artificial beings.

With the blessing of the two gods, Reina began to turn into something complete.

Soon after,

The cloths that were covering Reina's God began to crumble and appear in the sky and white clothes.

And the light disappeared with the appearance of a symbol of God on her forehead.

It was a different kind of power from the saint's signs.

Slowly she began to open her eyes.

Very slowly. The Kureung and the Fire Chicken watched as they gulped down what was so nervous.

It must have been a long time since the slow change took place.

Soon after, Reina's eyes, which slowly began to open, gave off a mysterious atmosphere with silver.


It was not long before she landed on the floor barefoot, and her back wings fluttered brightly.

Then, it became a particle of light and disappeared like a scattering.

Visibility and non-visualization were virtually no surprise.

Looking around, including me, she soon looked down at her hand and took another step slowly.

And soon she came up to me and looked up at me quietly.

"I'm... are you alive?"

"I told you. Hang in there with a desire to live."

He's good at holding out.

In my words, she must have remembered her memories and what I said, but soon she shook her shoulders and bowed her head.

Then, with one hand covering his mouth, he sat down and sobbed lightly.

"I really thought that was it... ...but I never thought I'd see that good life again."

"No one still remembers you before. All I can do is put you in a new body."

"It's okay... it's okay... you remember... you remember me."


"Oh, thank you. Thank you. I'll never forget the light you gave me."

When I grabbed her shoulder, she was still sobbing with her head in her arms.

Even though she was born as an artificial angel by the power of God, she is not emotionless.

Wait a minute, I remember the heavenly beings have no feelings, but is this okay?

"How about the fresh air that you drink again?"

"I love it... long has it been since I closed my eyes?"

"A little over a month ago?"


At a guess, Reina's smile came from her mouth.

"What a ridiculous period."

She, who spoke calmly, knelt down to me and looked down.

"You showed me a very small light and saved me. Accordingly, I will keep the promise I made to you."

My hand will be your will, my feet will be your horse.

Until the moment this life burned down. I will follow you.

Her words, which spoke calmly and solemnly swore, soon became a force and made an invisible cord between her and me.

I don't care what happens.

After this

She slowly raised her head and gave a bright smile.

Illina, who was called one of the six most beautiful women on the continent, has grown mature.

Of course, it's hard to see her as the same person because her outward appearance has changed a little, but she has a charm that gives off a mysterious atmosphere and shakes the mind of reason.

But I ignored her charm and ignored it.

It's probably only an amateur who cares about his work.

"You know, you're not human."

"Yes... ...I feel the same way myself. It feels oddly different."

"The Lord Priya will put his strength into your body and try to use you."

"If it's God's will... ...and yours."

"I didn't mean it."

The smile disappeared from her face at my words.

"I don't need it."

"You can't throw it away, so keep it. I'll protect you."

She nodded quietly at my words.

"Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

"No, not at all. It's rather surprisingly light."

I nodded quietly at the words.

"I'll have to stay here for a while. It's not completely adjusted yet, and you have to stay away from me for a while to avoid the eyes of providence that make the world a reality."

She tilted her head curiously at my words.

"What does that mean?"

"Not a big deal, stay here for a while. I'm sure these two guys will help you."

She gave me a strange look as I pointed to the fire rooster and the cuneung.

"If that's an order."

"Let's check one last thing."

She gave me a bright smile.

But the smile was horribly distorted by the bombshells that soon popped out of my mouth.

"Let's face your past face to face."

According to the Doppelgänger theory, if two people are completely the same person, one of them must disappear.

It is also a part that cannot be overlooked in any way.

on the contrary, if there is no problem

Her resurrection was meant to be perfect.

I'd prefer to avoid the final verification.

It was also an essential verification process for the simultaneous existence of Illinois here and the Illinois of the future, which came from other world lines.

You're meeting me?"

I nodded at the sight of him asking with a very nervous face.

"You don't like it?"

"No...... not really. I'm actually a little embarrassed... but are you okay? Even if I intrude into your life."

"Don't get in there, I'll save you and that's it. You take care of your own business from now on. It's up to you to decide whether you're going to live here, leaving Hines territory for the Palan Empire, not me."

If you've already saved it once and are diagnosed with complete recovery, then it's your responsibility, not mine.

Meeting Illinois will be the final verification of the cure.

"Your name is Reina?"

"Yes, it's a name I'm quite attached to now. And it's the first name you've ever called me."

I thought my personality was subtly twisted, but I wondered if it was because of my mood.

Doctors are supposed to save patients, not responsible for their lives.

Her face began to feel a strange stubbornness in what I said.