The Manreb hero is coming back!

Episode 21 of the Thirteen

106. Unusual language.

"Belial! You skipped another meal?"


a quiet forest cabin

Although it is not a rare forest to be trained in the lungs, Belial continued to recuperate in a small forest not far from the palace with the help of Illinois.

The man, who sat on the rock without a word and reached out his hand and sat down with the bird, did not turn his head even at the girl's cry.

Ignorance, as this has always happened since he was brought in the last few days, Illinois looked like nothing new.

"Sigh... I'll just talk to him."

"Human Woman."

a human woman

Even though Illina had a name, he started calling her a human woman.

"What is it?"

"Since when the sun has risen..."


The girl, Illina, frowned at the sudden question.

"What are you talking about? This mana. When did the sun rise? Of course, the sun rises in the morning."

"I see. Does the sun rise every time?"

"Well, isn't it?"


As the man who did not answer slowly stretched out his finger, a small lark flying in the garden quickly flew and sat on his finger.

"There was no sun in my hometown where I was born."

"Belliele, you said you came from a place that wasn't here, right? Where are you from?"

"Black Army."

"Black servant? What is that? People. You have to make it easier to understand."

At the grumbling of Illinois, Belial looked at the bird silently and remained silent.

I thought the silence was frustrating when I was about to say something.

Belial's mouth slowly opened.

The Ma people were banished from the land a long time ago. And he was trapped in a place where he could never come back."


"The Maas, who took their new home there, have been grinding their teeth for a long time for all life on the continent. A moderate like me is branded as a traitor to the race. The Black Army was a huge camp where such moderates were housed."

hellish conditions, endless labor, terrible abuse.

a miserable life environment that is rarely found in artificial horse-riding without even the sun

It was the kind of place called the Black Legion.

"This is a better place to live than that. But there may be so many dangers. I joined the advance team coming here because I won the speculation market. Although it is a terrible place, it is also my hometown."

"...isn't that a good thing? You came here from hell."

"I wish I could go back."

Illina was silent at the words.

I instinctively noticed that I was kicked out as if I was being kicked out of my hometown, but I felt unsure whether I should sympathize with him or be wary of him.

Iilina, he's a sinner now, but he's definitely a higher horse. It's the top rank in terms of rank. You know, even the Ma people cry and laugh, but you're gonna regret what you're doing?]

It's kind of like that.'


"I don't think I'm letting him live because of reason, but I think one side of my heart keeps shouting to keep him alive.'

Caldiras remained silent at the words.

It was Caldiras, who did not judge Illinois to have any special power.

Although the owner of the Shingam has long accepted her as a contractor for the Shingam, she is only talented in the sword and not particularly spiritual.

Nevertheless, the reason why Caldiras lent her divine power and helped her.

Strangely, it was also because her senses fit well.

[If you are] But why don't you ask the man with Per for advice on this?]

Illina frowned at the word "human."

Never mind, what do you want from such a heartless bastard?'

You're upset. You're out of your lung tube training, but you don't care at all.]

Don't you know he's like that? I don't care how that guy comes out in the first place. And, Davey, in his character, he'll be cold-hearted when he's judged to be hostile.'

Illina's expression slightly hardened.

'There must be something.'

She wasn't with spiritual power.

But from a long time ago, she had a pretty good feeling.

In fact, acting in accordance with her senses was a big result behind some big events.

In the first place, meeting with Davy was a matter of such significance.

"Well, anything else? Like a story about you."

Illina, who sighed and laid down the baggage she had brought, put it on his side.




Illina opened her eyes as if there was nothing more to emphasize.

"Is there any story about your human friend?"

Illina turned her head gently to his question.

"Human friend?"

"Yes, the man who deals with the sword with magic and divine power."

"Ah... ..Davie."

Illina nodded at the words.

"It's a bastard."

"You son of a... "

"Why? What's wrong?"

"No. You seem to have a lot of faith in him."

Illina frowned as if embarrassed by the unexpected remark.

"Trust... yes, trust me, you're such a good-natured guy."

While speaking calmly, he seemed to feel emotional.

"Then what's the use? He's a brag, a bunch of pretensions, a quarrel, and he's a vicious man who enjoys watching others cry."

At Illina's cry, Belial just listened silently.

"To be honest, it used to be like that. I'm interested in his swordsmanship, so I've even brought him up with a Korean marriage question to learn."


"What do you mean? I was cold-heartedly rejected."

Belial tilted her head at the calm voice of Illinois.

Whether it's a human or a horse, I know that the aesthetic sense is similar."

"Oh, really?"

"You must be quite a beauty from the point of view of our mah people."

"I don't know. Rumor has it that he's a dead man. Although it's like that, it's a good candidate for the groom because of its location and ability."

Young, capable, rich, and strong. He has no qualifications for his status, and he is the only one who has been trusted by the two empires.

"But she's not interested in women. I'm not the type to sell dry wells."

"Dried out..."

Belial muttered quietly.

"I don't know if you already have someone in your arms, or if you really don't care, why would I have to hang on to someone who doesn't care? After all, that's where it ends."

Illina, who spoke calmly, reached out her hand.

Then the bird sitting in Belial's hand looked at Ilina without a word and went straight into Belial.

"The animals are very good at following."


Quietly silent, he looked at Illina and Caldiras in her arms.

"Master of the Shingam."


"I heard that the new prosecutor has an ego. I thought you were going to yell at me to kill you."

"Caldiras isn't the kind of guy who just cries out to kill the mana."

"It's a little different."

"The sword of the sword, the self of Caldiras, is known to be very ferocious for the Ma people. I heard that 3,000 years ago, when the self could be modern, he hated the horse race almost fanatically."

At the words, Illina looked at Caldiras, but Caldiras said nothing until the end.

"It changes over time."

At Ilina's words, Belial nodded silently.

Then he staggered up slowly.

"Catch the sword."


Even our Ma people, who have been enemies for thousands of years, tend to acknowledge the sword. My family has inherited the independent sword technique created by imitating such a sword. Although I can't teach you a proper autopsy. It's not gonna help."

"That's enough. I'm not so stubborn as to confront a patient."

Illina's refusal slowly lifted Magi.

At the same time, the surrounding air changes.

"You need to know that even if you're like this, you're not in a position to worry about."

Illina looked at him with a stiff look at the words.

Then he seemed to be thinking for a while, slowly untangling the cloth wrapped around the caldiras and pulled up Manna.

Along with the unique mana flow that appears when using a heavy sword, it is activated as if a mana bursts out of her whole body, and the green sword begins to be made with the tip of her sword.

the symbol of none other than the Swordmaster

It was an oracle.

"Oorablade at a young age. The reincarnation of the sword itself. Are you the first?"

"Exactly the second, because that son of a gun wasn't just a sodmaster."

"I'm curious how it works."


With the horse, Illina takes a strong step.

The ground on which her feet touched was broken for a moment, and her new brother shot into him like a shell.

At the moment, the explosive weight was put on the sword, and the lower cut, which was applied, Belial calmly lifted the sword.


A tremendous sound of shock overturned the whole forest.

"You're quick-witted. No one knows that the sword that you combed down the middle bayonet will be destroyed."

"Didn't you say that? My family swordsmanship is a catch that mimics a heavy sword."

He spoke calmly, took out the raised sword momentarily and scattered the balance, and walked the leg of Illinois.


At the same time, as I tried to grab Illinois' neck, I turned and grabbed her arm and held her to the ground.


However, the shock wave that followed soon forced Belial to step down after failing to achieve all the meaning.

"In the midst of all this, you're being considerate."

"Don't think that human chivalry is only human. Although I remained alone, my family had a family tradition of not bothering the weak, whether they were enemies or allies."

"Thank you so much for crying!"

She came at her with an irritated look.

Belial meant that she was considered an overwhelming underdog.

Boom! Boom!

A tremendous sound of shock began to sound inside the quiet forest.

Illyana and Belial poured an unhesitating attack on each other as if they were making a life-or-death decision under the guise of a rival.

Although weak, Belial showed a superior horse-like force, and Illinois pressed him with unprecedented strength and finesse.

[Ilina, what are you doing, forgetting you're a patient?]]

Illina, who naturally became interested in the battle with the strong, was surprised that she soon forgot that her opponent was a patient and wielded a sword.

At the same time, Belial, who was wielding her sword at her level, was embarrassed when she suddenly stopped the attack and forced her to turn the sword.


Eventually, Belial hit the heavy black ground and smashed the floor, and the impact knocked ill-balanced Illina over.

Then, as if to support her, Belial reached out quickly, and he lost his balance and collapsed.

Silence lasted for a long time on the behavior of the two men who collapsed in a delicate atmosphere.

Then, after a short silence, Illina opened her mouth first.

"Mi, I'm sorry. But would you please step aside?"

Staring blankly at her words, he slowly stepped aside and stood up.

"Excuse me."

"Well, the Ma people are polite. You said we were enemies. You could've just killed him."

"It doesn't pay me to kill you."

Speaking calmly, he took the sword.

Although the confrontation collapsed in an instant, neither of them seemed to be dissatisfied with the fact.

"Dining... you didn't. I'm going to see you eat today. Don't skip it."

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because of the persimmon."

Belial was silent at Illina's words.

It was then.

"Why, that was nice to see. Do we go on?"

With an unheard-of voice, both Illina and Belial looked surprised and turned their heads.

"Raina, take him down."

"Belliele, I thought you'd still be a homage to the Ma..."

For a moment. Before anyone could react, white wings flashed and flapped pure white feathers.

Belial's body, which was on guard in surprise, bounced off as if it had been hit by a huge pendulum.

Following the situation in an instant, the black-haired boy who created the situation said to Belial leisurely.

"Laina isn't the half-dead body you used to know. Oh, you don't know who this is, do you?