Knowing that Li Ruolan was not there, Su Ruan went back to the hotel to concentrate on preparing for the stall tomorrow.

The ten-dollar small hotel is not large in size, with a total of seven or eight square meters, and a bed and a table are full.

Su Ruan sorted out the materials she bought and prepared to make earrings.

In order to save the most possible cost and speed up the production, Su Ruan directly chose the ear hook earrings that do not need welding and cutting.

Only need to use pliers, the rest depends on the tricks.

Su Ruan is very confident in this regard. Compared with the earring styles of gold rings, silver rings, pearls or small gems on the street now, there are many patterns of ear hook earrings.

Even some basics are novel enough in this conservative age.

Bend a simple ear hook with gold- or silver-plated copper wire, then thread various plastic beads you bought into various patterns: plum blossom, cat's paw, four-leaf clover, etc., and finally Just hang these little tricks under the ear hooks.

The rest of the bracelets, necklaces, etc. are not wasted. The thin chains are cut to make a tassel style, and the pendants are also decorated.

After staying up in the middle of the night, plus the next day, she made a total of more than 40 pairs. Together with the large intestine hair ring in the bag, it should be enough to sell for a day.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Ruan packed up all the earrings and went to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy review materials.

She said that going to college is not just to entrap Su Wenshan.

Because of Du Xiaohong's agitation in her last life, she didn't go to college.

Although she has always told herself that she has nothing to regret, that there are no less things in society than university, and graduate students are not necessarily better than her, but in fact, she has always felt regret in her heart.

Every time I hear friends or subordinates mention college life, those students from all over the world, rich and diverse club activities, knowledge she has never been in contact with, teachers and teachers with high morals in various fields...

It was the purest, purest, most beautiful time journey in her life that she could have had.

It is rare to have a new life, and she wants to make up for this regret.

When she was picking out books, she felt as if someone was looking at her. Although she was used to being watched because of her appearance, Su Ruan was accustomed to being watched because of what happened on the bus before. Still unconsciously raised a bit of vigilance, bought the book and left quickly.

Behind the bookshelf not far away, a baby-faced youth in a military uniform breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh my God, this **** is really a good seed for a scout, and she was able to spot me. "

Lu Mingchen still leaned on his armpit crutches, looked up at the slender back, and said casually, "Why don't you say that you are not training enough? You can go back tomorrow, I will Rearrange your training plan with the instructor."

"Boss! I just came out, you can't treat me like this!" He turned to look in the direction where Su Ruan left just now, "I haven't experienced a beautiful encounter."

"My sister just gave me a calculation a few days ago, saying that I have a good luck recently, boss, you didn't see that **** just now, it's really beautiful!"

"I think she is my peach blossom."

Lu Mingchen glanced at him up and down and said lazily, "Are you sure you won't be someone's peach blossom disaster?"

Pei Zhiming:…

Lu Mingchen patted the selected book directly into his arms, "Let's go."

Pei Zhiming said angrily, "Boss, I'm here to rescue you this time, and you will regret it if you treat me so cruelly."

Lu Mingchen ignored him, Pei Zhiming looked at his watch, "It's time to go back to the hospital for reconstruction, I wonder if your father and uncle brought that Su Qingqing to harass you again. ."

He laughed and asked, "Boss, are you sure you don't want me to help?"

Lu Mingchen finally stopped to look at him after hearing this.

Pei Zhiming took out three photos from his arms, "This is the choice for your sister-in-law that Political Commissar Wang has chosen for you, a doctor, a college student, a flower troupe, any of which can be chosen by your grandfather for you. The Su Qingqing and Su Lulu from the one who retreated despite the difficulties, how about choosing one?"

Lu Mingchen pushed him away with a cane expressionlessly and continued to walk forward.

"Boss, please, choose one. If you don't choose, Political Commissar Wang will come after him." Pei Zhiming chased him for a while and reminded, "Oh, boss, the hospital is not here. there!"

Lu Mingchen was unmoved and obviously had no plans to return to the hospital.

"Boss, you can't escape like this." Pei Zhiming said, "I think Political Commissar Wang is determined to find you someone to marry this time."

"I really don't understand you, how cute the girls are, but it's a pity that Political Commissar Wang won't let me pick them, otherwise I won't give him any left!"

Lu Mingchen couldn't help but put his hand on the back of his head.

Pei Zhiming didn't care either, he just held the photo in front of Lu Mingchen, "Boss, just pick one, not only do you not have to listen to Political Commissar Wang's magic voice, you can also get rid of your grandfather Uncle's entanglement."

Speaking of this, he sighed and said, "I said, boss, are you born to the Lu family? Back then, my bones were broken, and my mother was going to cry."


He said indignantly, I heard my grandfather say, "They can have today because of your father and your mother, not to mention the repayment of gratitude, but they still count on you. allowances and pensions…”

Lu Mingchen's mood did not fluctuate at all, as if it was not his business.

Pei Zhiming couldn't help but mutter, "Speaking of which, although Su Qingqing is from the country, he is very affectionate and righteous, the Lu family said that you may be paralyzed for life. , she didn't move at all."

"Nurse Mi said before you were injured that life is yours, death is your ghost, and loves you with life, but as soon as she heard that your paralysis stopped, Su Qingqing saw If I haven't seen you, I'm willing to sacrifice myself to protect my cousin."

He looked at Lu Mingchen's expression carefully, "How about we check her? If she's really nice, she can too?"

It’s a good deal for four or five.”

Lu Mingchen obviously knew how to deal with Pei Zhiming, and turned directly into a lively alley.

Pei Zhiming really diverted his attention, looking at the young and beautiful students in the street, "It's good near the university, the temperament of lesbians is different."

Looking at the female students gathered in the clothing store, he was eager to move, "Speaking of which, my sister asked me to bring her gifts back, so it would be nice to buy some clothes."

Lu Mingchen didn't know what to think, so he pulled the corner of his mouth and said seriously, "I suggest sending something else."

Pei Zhiming also seemed to remember something, and said with a headache, "The things that girls like are really incomprehensible, it's strange, the shirts she bought by herself, I look exactly the same, I gave her a personalized one, and even sprayed the dog blood I scolded, my mother almost laughed out loud, and my dad and I didn't know what she was laughing at until the end."

Just as he walked to the door of a jewelry store, he glanced inside, and said with disgust, "This thing is too expensive, there seem to be a lot of that girl, gold for silver, silver The face is the same face, isn't it the same when you change it for pearls?"

He said, he suddenly found that the people around him stopped, and his eyes were rarely interested in stopping in a certain direction, Pei Zhiming immediately looked over curiously, and suddenly said in surprise, "This is not the one from the bookstore just now. A lesbian?"

"How did she set up a stall? Isn't she a student?"

The person they saw was Su Ruan.

This street is next to Donglin University, and gradually developed into a lively pedestrian street. After Su Ruan bought books, he directly found a suitable place to set up his stall.

She specially bought a piece of black velvet before, half of which were made earrings, and the other half was the more than 200 large intestine hair ties she had left.

According to the complexity of the beads and craftsmanship, the earrings are set for a pair of five yuan and a pair of eight yuan, although a little expensive, but the style is novel and beautiful, but not like real jewelry So valuable.

Su Ruan liked to buy this when he was young. He can change the style often, and he doesn't feel bad if he loses it.

The price of the large intestine hair ring has also doubled compared to the price sold in the county seat. .

She sold clothes for many years in her past life, and now she is even more handy.

Seeing the girls coming together, she greeted them warmly and showed them different ways to match different hair accessories and earrings.

Worrying about the girls being taboo, she set an example on her own.

Pei Zhiming watched her use a red hair tie to tie the long black hair that was scattered high behind her head, and then chose a pair of exaggerated large hoop earrings to wear, The button of the denim jacket was unbuttoned, the bottom of the shirt was knotted, and the white belly was looming, which was very cool and sexy.

After a while, she smiled and introduced something to the female students, then changed into a bright yellow hair tie, put a long ponytail on top of her head, and replaced the exaggerated earrings with A cute cat paw style. Finally, I took off the denim jacket, and the shirt tied inside was loosened and tidied up. It was a playful and lovely style, but there were a few playful strands of hair on the forehead and temples, which seemed to be scratching on people. heart.

Earrings in the shape of plum blossoms, the hairstyle is changed to a low bun, and two strands of hair are hooked around the ears, which suddenly becomes gentle and moving.

Pei Zhiming muttered, "I was wrong, no, my sister was wrong, obviously different styles are really not the same style!"

He said, his spirit was suddenly lifted, he lowered his head to straighten his clothes and was about to go, "My sister is right, my peach blossom luck is coming, I must buy a gift to thank her ."

However, he just took a step and couldn't walk anymore. He looked back at the slender fingers hooking on his trousers belt, and he smiled to please, "Boss, wait for me here. Hey." He looked at the large piece of gauze on his face, "Your present honor will scare away my peach blossoms."

Lu Mingchen didn't let go, instead he hooked his trouser belt and walked towards the hospital, "Go back."

"Hey, boss, you can't do this to me! My peach..."

Lu Mingchen's crutches under his arm did not affect him dragging Pei Zhiming away, he said lazily, "You have encountered peach blossoms every day since you were eighteen years old, but when you pass through If a peach blossom forest fails to pick one, don't challenge the difficulty of the peach blossom essence, darling."

Pei Zhiming reached out Erkang's hand in Su Ruan's direction unwillingly, "How can I know if I don't try it, maybe the peach blossom essence likes a pure boy like me..."

Lu Mingchen was finally amused by his joke, he looked back at the peach blossom essence, just saw her happily accepting the money, her eyes were shining brightly, and it was rare to persuade patiently, "Peach blossom essence is not She likes pure boys, she likes bling."

Pei Zhiming was dying, "Boss, you will definitely meet your grandfather and Su Qingqing when you go back at this time, are you sure?"

Lu Mingchen firmly dragged him away.