Su Ruan didn't know that he had inexplicably got the nickname of Peach Blossom Jing, no matter when, making money is always a happy thing.

Her display effect is obvious, once the girls stop, they can't help but choose more.

The cost of going out has already netted more than seventy.

After that, it is pure profit to sell again, because of this, Su Ruan is very motivated, and went back in the evening to make more than 20 pairs.

She woke up early the next day, and went to the door of Yan's house to guard her. According to what Yan Shaoshi said, Li Ruolan came back this morning.

Su Ruan was actually a little nervous when she was standing downstairs.

In fact, Li Ruolan didn't visit her less often before she was fifteen years old, but as soon as the other party arrived, someone in the village immediately told Mrs. Su that Mrs. Su would rush her to hide and hid her in the rice field when she was a child In the tank, when she is older, she will help her build a ladder and climb over the wall to leave.

Li Ruolan didn't know how disappointed she was at the beginning, but now she is belatedly guilty...

Su Ruan turned the beads on his wrist, and soon saw Yan Shaoshi hurried back, and at the door of the building, he shouted in a panic, "Brother, what's wrong with our mother?"

Su Ruan was taken aback, what happened to Li Ruolan? !

She couldn't help but take a few steps forward and wondered what was going on, but Yan Shaoshi had already run into the corridor.

This kind of unknown makes people very anxious, just when Su Ruan couldn't help but want to go in and have a look, Yan Shaoshi ran out with a big bag, and anxiously urged the youth behind him, "Brother, hurry up."

The youth pushed the bicycle parked downstairs, "Go."

Yan Shao took a few steps and jumped into the back seat, and the two quickly rode out.

Su Ruan couldn't catch up, so she hurried to the gate of the community, just as a 301 bus came over, Su Ruan jumped on it.

Not long after the bus started, she saw two people riding bicycles outside the window, she was relieved, thinking that her guess should be good, Li Ruolan should live in the Affiliated Hospital of Donglin University.

Su Ruan jumped off the bus after two stops and stood at the hospital door waiting.

Sure enough, she saw the young man riding over with Yan Shaoshi's car after a while, and she was completely relieved, then quietly followed them into the hospital, and successfully found the ward.

Li Ruolan was a patient in the ward, and her stepfather Yan Chengru was guarding her by the bed.

Xu was emotional and there was no one else in the ward. Li Ruolan's voice was not low.

Su Ruan only knew that she had received a letter from Aunt Hu from Sujiagou, and she felt dizzy after knowing her situation.

"The Su family is so deceiving!"

"That Su Qingqing, at such a young age, how could she be so sinister and vicious! She wanted to marry the Lu family, so she forced us to marry her softly." Li Ruolan said, gasping for breath, " Now that she sees a soft object, she has to stab it horizontally..."

Yan Shaoshi sounded a little unbelievable, "Then my sister and her father don't care?"

Li Ruolan's eyes were full of resentment, "Why do you think Su Qingqing dares to be so blatant? It's not because I know he's behind him, I can see it now, Su Wenshan doesn't take softness seriously. Dear daughter!"

Yan Shaoshi said with a toothache, "What about my sister? I agree? She's too soft, so let them do what they want?"

Yan Chengru patted the back of his head gently, "How about your sister? She was deceived."

Yan Shao muttered, "Then her brain is too bad."

Li Ruolan slammed out of bed angrily, "That **** girl, she would rather be bullied than come to me, stubborn! Who is she like?"

Yan Chengru stroked her back to give her comfort, and said warmly, "Who else can you be like? Eighteen or nineteen-year-olds are when they need face the most, and she is so strong, so naturally she will not be there Show weakness in front of people."

Li Ruolan felt distressed again, "She doesn't want to show weakness, but she is more supportive!"

Yan Chengru smiled and said, "If she had no support, why did Su Wenshan prefer to let Su Qingqing marry the Lu family rather than let him go soft? It shows that he is also afraid of that child."

"So what? It's not that Su Wenshan is holding her in his hands. Now Su Qingqing doesn't want to marry, Su Wenshan doesn't want to offend the Lu family, and she will definitely be pushed out in the end!"

"It's just that I used to coax, but now I'm just tearing my face. Anyway, in the end, I made a profit. He Su Wenshan is enough! He doesn't care about life and death..."

"And that Huo Xiangyang!" Li Ruolan gritted her teeth, "I thought it was a good thing, I didn't expect it to be so unclear, Su Qingqing would be hooked as soon as she seduced her, but she was too soft and didn't like it!"

Su Ruan was stunned for a moment. It turns out that Huo Xiangyang was also arranged by Li Ruolan for her?

The more she thought about it, the more powerless Li Ruolan became. She leaned on the head of the bed and became worried, "What can I do now? The Lu family's style is worse than the Su family!"

Yan Shaoshi was also anxious to death, "Then why don't you bring her back? We won't object, right, brother, forcibly **** her back and talk about it!"

Li Ruolan suddenly became quiet, and after a long sigh, she said, "Do you think Mom doesn't want it?"

"What if she hates me even more?"

When Li Ruolan said these words, the sunlight outside the window hit her face, making Su Ruan a little unable to see her face, but she could clearly feel the anxiety and sadness in it.

Su Ruan looked at her silently, and once again felt that she was really an asshole.

Li Ruolan finally made up her mind, "I used to think that Ruan Ruan was okay except for being a little extreme in treating me, so I don't care, but this time I won't stand idly by. !"

She said fiercely, "He is holding Su Wenshan softly, and now their family Su Tiantian is also in my hands!"

Yan Shaoshi said in surprise, "No, Mom, you actually want to attack Su Tiantian? It's not good, be careful to go to jail."

Li Ruolan said, "Whatever it is, if you go to jail, you will go to jail. He doesn't want my daughter to have a better life, and neither should his daughter!"

Yan Shaoshi took it seriously, and immediately said in horror, "Mom, you can't do this, you not only have my sister, you also have us..."

Yan Chengru pulled away his younger son, dumbfounded, "You should be the stupidest in our family."

"Uncle and the others are here," Yan Shaoyu saw the people coming in at the hospital gate through the window. When Yan Shaoshi heard Yanxing, he hurried to the window, and soon pouted again, "Why is my little sister here too..."

Yan Shaoyu frowned, Su Ruan also remembered that Yan Shao had talked about this aunt of the Yan family in her previous life. She was a little bit of a strange flower in the Yan family. Li Meihua's nosy business is different. She takes pleasure in watching the fun and getting into trouble.

Seeing this, Su Ruan turned around and prepared to leave. She planned to write a letter to Li Ruolan in a while, at least let her not be so anxious.

But she listened so deeply that she didn't even notice behind her, and when she turned around, she bumped into someone.

Why is this person standing here still? This thought flashed through Su Ruan's mind quickly, and soon he couldn't think about it.

The other party was a little tall, and Su Ruan bumped into the other party's chest. First, she saw the blue and white striped hospital gown and a pair of crutches, and she was shocked.

The fall of a person with inconvenient legs is not a joke, she moves faster than she realizes, her hands tightly hugging each other's waist.

Lu Mingchen:…

Make sure that the other party will not fall, Su Ruan raised her head with lingering fear, "Is it alright..."

"Is that you?"

It turned out to be a very villainous young man on the bus the day before yesterday, the young man stared at her for a while, and suddenly smiled, "It's me."

Su Ruan always felt that his tone was a bit meaningful, so he listened to him continue, "It seems that we are very destined."

This obvious chatting tone made Su Ruan's heart shudder, and she said with a detached smile, "It should be that we all have a relationship with the hospital."

Lu Mingchen saw that she had misunderstood her and did not explain it. Instead, he followed her thoughts with a wicked smile and said, "It's all fate, it's better to exchange names. What do you call comrade?"

Su Ruan held the opponent's arm and used the popular answer, "Lei Feng."