Lu Mingchen seemed unwilling to believe this fact, and finally reminded him of something, "Stock, our stock."

Su Ruan said, "Can't we wait until the winter vacation to sell it?"

Lu Mingchen is depressed.

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing when he looked at him, teasing him, "Since I want to get along with each other more, the same is true of Siheyuan. We live in a Siheyuan?"

Lu Mingchen sighed and put on a reluctant expression, "There's no other way, the courtyard is the courtyard."

Then said, "Then you will go through the formalities tomorrow."

Su Ruan: ? ? ?

Has she been tricked again?

Sure enough, the depressed expression on Lu Mingchen's face was gone, replaced by a successful smile, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Su Ruan:…

When he was happy all the way, and the car stopped at the gate of the school, Su Ruan remembered something, "I'm afraid I have to wait until after New Year's Day. I have a program for the New Year's Day party and I have to practice every night. dance."

Lu Mingchen turned his head to look at her, Su Ruan smiled provocatively at him.

Lu Mingchen untied his seat belt and rushed over, gritted his teeth, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Su Ruan smiled and avoided him, "Who told you to trick me."

She was stunned for a while with her coquettish voice, but Lu Mingchen's breath suddenly became heavy, pursed her lips fiercely, and said hoarsely, "If you want to go back to the dormitory, be quiet."

Su Ruan glared at him, Lu Mingchen raised his hand to cover her peach blossom eyes, but he obeyed her wishes and became gentle and drizzle...

It wasn't until it was almost time for the access control that Lu Mingchen let go of her, and while helping her straighten her hair, he said bitterly, "Buy a house if you sell the stock."

Su Ruan couldn't help but want to laugh, who said that he abstained from sex?

After returning to school, Su Ruan was indeed surrounded by inhumane onlookers. From the moment she stepped into the dormitory, even the aunt of the building looked at her strangely, "You actually married Instructor Lu. ."

On the fourth floor, almost every dormitory looked out to see her, and most of the people on this floor knew each other and greeted her and talked to her. story.

Finally, the roommates rescued her.

But after closing the door of the dormitory, they immediately changed their faces, Zhao Yanyan headed, knocking on the table with a hanger to judge her, "Be lenient if you confess, but be strict if you resist, tell me, why are you hiding it from us? ?"

Su Ruan has something to say, "Did I tell you that I'm married? I have a wedding ring."

"What's your reaction?" She crossed her arms around her chest and turned her back on the guest. She glanced at two people and asked, "Who else is saying that she is Instructor Lu's wife."

Li Na and Li Juan were stunned.

So the Interrogation Alliance collapsed before it persisted for a minute.

The excitement mode was switched in another second, Zhao Yanyan threw away the hanger, went forward and hugged Su Ruan excitedly, "Ah, ah, ah, you are so promising, I didn't expect the legendary Tianxian is actually in our dormitory."

Li Na immediately said, "No, when Instructor Sun said Tianxian's girlfriend, I first thought of Su Ruan."

Li Juan looked at her in surprise, she didn't expect that she was a hidden flatterer, and added, "Yes, yes, I'll just say why you guys look so well-matched. "

The desire to survive is very strong.

It made Su Ruan laugh too.

Han Xuejuan said, "That Bai Kexin is still pretending to be Instructor Lu's girlfriend, tsk tsk, didn't she know that Su Ruan was in our school at that time?"

"She should have been impersonating, and then expose her today and make her ashamed."

Li Na said, "She's almost done today."

Li Juan took the ins and outs and said, "So she originally wanted to pretend to be the girlfriend of Instructor Lu, but after finding out that Su Ruan was at school, she knew that she couldn't pretend to be, so she pretended to do it again. clarify."

"But I was not convinced, so I wanted to bring Su Ruan to ruin so that the two could get a divorce."

Zhao Yanyan's face was full of disgust, "She looks like a man, but I didn't expect it to be so shameless and vicious." After speaking, she became happy again, "It's just too stupid, all of which are self-rewarding."

Everyone in the dormitory is very happy to mention this.

Han Xuejuan laughed, "I went out today and heard a very funny joke, saying that the photo on the bulletin board this morning was posted by the Ministry of Information to promote Su Ruan."

"After all, if it weren't for those photos, today's events wouldn't have spread so fast."

Zhao Yanyan said, "And the newspaper! She reported Su Ruan to the news department, thinking she would write a negative report on Su Ruan, but it turned out to be full of praise, you didn't see her face at that time, tsk tsk... "

"The most funny thing is the investigator from the military region, who said 'you will know soon', she guessed that the investigator took Su Ruan away in full view of the public, but she did not expect It was herself who was taken away."

"In the end, she wanted to pretend to be dizzy to escape. It's a pity that she made it so big that the whole school knew it. It really deserved it."

Li Na said, "But I heard that her mother came to pick her up in person, will this matter not be over?" After all, the father's position is very important.

Su Ruan said, "Probably not, no matter how big the teacher is, he can't control the school's affairs. Moreover, the military is strictly disciplined. Normal parents will definitely not condone Bai Kexin's behavior." People who are masters will never be stupid.

The truth is exactly what Su Ruan said.

The school had researched and planned to give Bai Kexin a major demerit punishment. After all, it is not easy to train a college student now. It is a young person's life. The school also wants to give her a reformation Opportunity.

As a result, after Teacher Bai heard the news that he was coming to the school, he immediately wanted to bring people back. In the end, Mrs. Bai didn't want her daughter to ruin her life because of this, and said that she would definitely teach her strictly. In the end, Teacher Bai took a step back and asked the school to follow the rules, and the punishment was to stay on school probation.

"If you commit the crime again, go home directly! The country doesn't need an unethical college student like her!" This is what Teacher Bai personally said to the teachers and Bai Kexin.

Bai Kexin did not expect that her father who had always loved her not only did not turn her around, but also made the punishment more severe. However, this time, Teacher Bai's attitude was very tough.

Not only that, Mr. Bai also came to Su Ruan in private to apologize, which is also a soldier's neat style, "My son is not a godfather, I was too busy before, and her mother was sick because of her. The reason for her condoning is so much, I will first apologize for her this time."

"When I teach her, she will come to you in person."

Su Ruan looked at Master Bai's gray hair and tired eyes, and sincerely hoped that Bai Kexin could improve.

After Bai Kexin was punished, Zhang Shishi was also recorded as a major demerit. Although she blamed Bai Kexin, Teacher Bai recognized her daughter's mistake, but she would not let it go. She was wronged.

The truth of the matter is still restored, Bai Kexin gave Zhang Shishi a hint, but the matter of posting the photo is entirely Zhang Shishi's own mind.

In short, Zhang Shishi's situation that slowly improved for more than two months was destroyed by herself again.

But these have nothing to do with Su Ruan. She is very busy now. In addition to preparing for the New Year's Day party, the three newcomers in the workshop also have to settle down.

Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli are okay to say, the large intestine hair ring has no technical content, Huang Xiaocao can teach them, and Su Ruan plans to observe the jewelry making, and then to see who is suitable, he will teach the technology to whom.

Now the main thing is to arrange Ye Ming.

Seeing Ye Ming, Su Ruan couldn't help but be glad that she asked for it in time.

Commissar Wang said that when they called, Ye Ming almost went out to work with a fellow introduced by the old aunt in the village. Later, he heard that the army was looking for someone, and the old aunt said that the army was better, so he let him Come to the troops.

However, Su Ruan knew that it was not a part-time job team at all, but a human trafficker. In his previous life, Ye Ming was sold to a black mine.

Ye Ming was a famous marketing genius in his last life, and his short life was also legendary.

It is said that there are three brothers, but their parents died when they were very young. The three lived with their grandma, but the grandma followed the second uncle's family.

The eldest Ye Tian became a soldier, and the second Ye Ming and the third Ye Liang had a better life.

Ye Ming dropped out of school to work odd jobs for Ye Liang to study.

Then Ye Ming was sold to a black mine when he went out to work with a fellow villager. It took him four years to blow up the black coal mine and escape.

After a few years of recuperation due to a serious illness, his younger brother Ye Liang had an accident again. He was not in good health and could not do heavy work, so he made money by giving advice to others.

This is a baby bump.

As soon as Lu Mingchen entered the door, he saw Su Ruan staring at the newly arrived young man with shining eyes. After they finished speaking, he asked casually, "That Ye Ming, What's wrong?"

Su Ruan was very happy, "It's a baby."

When Lu Mingchen heard the title, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Miss Cotton."

Su Ruan was still at a loss, why did she suddenly call her by a nickname, and only reacted when she said "Brother Baby".

This man is really…

Su Ruan laughed, and then said about Ye Ming's previous life, "After training, he will definitely be a tiger general, I can save a lot of trouble."

"But that so-called fellow, now that you know it, do you want someone to check it? Otherwise, how many people will be harmed."

Lu Mingchen became serious, "Well, leave it to me."

Su Ruan suddenly looked at him and smiled.

Lu Mingchen laughed unconsciously when she saw her, "Why?"

Su Ruan said, "I think you're very handsome when you say 'Leave it to me'."

Lu Mingchen touched her head, "I think you're so cute when you call baby brother."

Su Ruan glanced at him.

Lu Mingchen asked, "What did you just tell Ye Ming?"

Su Ruan said, "Tell him about the venue requirements and ask him to find a suitable place first."

Lu Mingchen coughed lightly, "Leave it to me."

Su Ruan hit him, "Don't make trouble, do you know what I'm going to do?"

"What to do?"

"I want to rent a new place. It's okay to trouble Aunt Fu for a while if there are fewer people, but there are a lot of people now, and I will slowly enter people in the future. This place is not suitable for living and working. They are all together, and everyone’s accommodation conditions are different, so there is no widow but unevenness, and it’s not good for a long time.”

Lu Mingchen frowned, "Is it expensive?"

Su Ruan looked at him in surprise, "When did you care about this?"

Lu Mingchen said seriously, "We have to save money to buy a building."

Su Ruan didn't hear it, and continued, "I'm thinking about how to take him. No matter how smart and clever, someone should take him. I'm too busy to have time."

Lu Mingchen said, "Leave this to me."

Su Ruan:…

She didn't think that should be praised.

Lu Mingchen also smiled when he saw her expression, he had a conscience, he was really habitual to say the sentence just now.

"I have a man here who used to help me run errands and travelled extensively. It just so happens that I don't have much to do here, so I can help you with him."

Su Ruan knew, Lu Mingchen must have been manned to deal with the Lu family before, otherwise he was in the army all the year round, how could he understand the Lu family's affairs so clearly.

Now that the revenge of the Lu family has been avenged, people probably don’t need it anymore.

The talent Su Ruan is naturally not too small, "Is it the one who helped me buy goods last time?"

Seeing Lu Mingchen nodding, Su Ruan said, "Okay, you can introduce it to me, and I will pay him his salary."

Lu Mingchen paused, "It's okay not to publish."

Su Ruan gave him a white look, "You don't need to worry about this, you don't pay people to work, what are you kidding."

Lu Mingchen showed a painful expression, "I gave him a lot before, and there should be more."

Every money is now saved to buy a house.