With the newcomers, Su Ruan spent more time running to the courtyard. Ye Ming needed some guidance, and she also taught two newcomers to make products.

Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli's hands and feet are indeed very quick, because the salary is a commission system, and all three of them work very hard.

The commission for jewelry is the highest, and they are all willing to learn.

In the process of Su Ruan teaching them, she found that the youngest Yu Xiaoli learned faster and more flexible, and the speed of doing it was also faster. skilled.

However, in general, the output of the three people working together has soared, and the western room has been specially vacated to store finished products.

Huang Xiaocao looked a little worried, "Can these be sold?"

Su Ruan smiled and patted Ye Ming on the shoulder, "It's okay, you hurry up, or Ye Ming will make trouble if you can't finish it."

Ye Ming should feel guilty, but he didn't show any timidity, "Leave it all to me."

Su Ruan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I specially found a powerful person to take you."

Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was talking, Lu Mingchen came in from outside the gate, walking lazily, looking in a very good mood.

When Su Ruan's eyes fell on the person next to him, he couldn't help but smile, it turned out to be an old acquaintance again.

"Ding Jiu." Lu Mingchen introduced to Su Ruan, "Because the index finger was injured and discharged from the army, he is very reliable."

Su Ruan nodded, of course she knew that this was her right-hand man in her previous life.

If he gets along with Ye Ming, the future will definitely be unfavorable.

Because they are familiar with each other's character and work style, the negotiation between the two went very smoothly.

Determine the salary and after signing the contract, Su Ruan is very happy.

"You squeeze with Ye Ming in the west wing for a while, and from tomorrow onwards, please bring Ye Ming to find a suitable venue for us."

"Just ask Ye Ming for specific requirements. We will try to move in after the year."

Ding Jiu said no problem.

After Ding Jiu left, Su Ruan couldn't help turning around with the contract. Lu Mingchen, who walked in, couldn't help laughing like a little girl, "So happy?"

Su Ruan saw his eyes lit up and jumped towards him excitedly, Lu Mingchen hugged her with open arms, also infected by her joy, lowered his head and rubbed her forehead, " What's wrong?"

"I know Ding Jiu." Su Ruan briefly said some things about Ding Jiu in his previous life, his eyes stuck to him, "I still couldn't figure out why he kept following me, After all, there are so many troubles, and it is because of you."

Su Ruan looked up at Lu Mingchen, "Although we haven't met twice in our last life, you still protected me for half my life."

The first two supported her secretly, Ding Jiu followed her to help her, and they helped her through several crises.

Lu Mingchen touched her cheek and said with pity, "I just regret that I didn't protect you in person."

Su Ruan didn't know why her heart was soft, she couldn't help leaning on his shoulder, "Aren't you protecting now?"

Lu Mingchen touched her hair, and after a while, he suddenly laughed, "I'm far worse than what you did."

Su Ruan raised his head suspiciously, and saw his long arm stretched out, picked up the newspaper just placed beside him, and unfolded it for Su Ruan to see.

Su Ruan looked at the familiar photo on it for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

When Xu Wen was angry with Bai Kexin that day, she said that this manuscript was very valuable and wanted to be published in a market newspaper. Yes, but when I saw Lu Mingchen later, I forgot everything.

So, she actually voted? ! Published yet? !

Su Ruan thought of something, and hurriedly brought the newspaper over, his eyes fell directly at the end of the article, and found in despair that the confession he wrote at that time was actually posted on it without a word.

My God, Su Ruan couldn't help covering her face. Although she decided to make a high profile, she was only within the school boundaries, this, this...

What is the circulation of "Yanjing City News"?

Lu Mingchen looked at her in a rare panic, couldn't help hugging her, stretched out his hand and pulled her hand down, with an unstoppable smile in his tone, "You're still smart, so How many people have come to look at me for you, like Bai Kexin, Ruan Ling, etc., no one can come near me."

"Thank you for your protection, I feel very safe now."

Su Ruan hit him with anger, "Aren't you talking sarcastic words?"

Then squinted at him, "Yo, I remember the name quite clearly, who said I didn't know it at the beginning."

Lu Mingchen knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, lowered his head and pecked her lips, and said solemnly, "Isn't that all your enemies? Of course I have to remember it clearly. , must attack quickly."

Su Ruan was amused by him, "Smooth tongue."

Lu Mingchen bowed his head, "Really? Try it?"

Because the "Yanjing City News" school's attention to her has been raised again, and many people outside the school know her name, Su Ruan needs a hat and scarf to go out Masks are fully armed. Fortunately, the weather has turned cold, and no one knows who is wrapped in a ball.

But she didn't expect this report to become Ye Ming's billing opportunity.

Today's print media will dig deep into meaningful news reports. After the "Yanjing City News", reporters from other newspapers began to contact Su Ruan and Zhao Lei through Xu Wen. Interview them for some other questions.

Su Ruan knew the opportunity was coming when he heard the news, what a good advertisement.

On this matter, she went back and called everyone to hold a small meeting. After the matter was finished, Zhao Lei said that there was no problem, Ding Jiu didn't speak, and Ye Ming hesitated.

Su Ruan encouraged, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Ming said, "I want to say, if you are being interviewed, can you go to the shop?"

Su Ruan's jewelry store has opened, of course they all went to see it as employees.

Su Ruan became interested, "Tell me the reason."

Ye Mingdao, "Let reporters go to the shop to interview, so that they can take pictures of our shop, so that people who read the newspaper know the address of our shop, and the best products on display are also taken a little clearer. "

"That," he said a little embarrassedly, "if possible, can Lei Ge tell them about our search for a collaborator? It's better to leave our phone number in the newspaper. ."

He thought about it very comprehensively, you know, he has just come into contact with these things.

But Su Ruan didn't say whether what he said was right or not, just said, "Yes, if others think it's okay, just follow what you said."

Seeing that his opinion was adopted, Ye Ming was instantly excited, "I will definitely sell our products!"

The three female workers also breathed a sigh of relief when they thought of the finished product that had saved most of the room.

They very much hope that this work can continue.

It was settled. Zhao Lei made an appointment with the other party.

Jiefang Road is very lively on weekends. There are no smartphones and TVs are still playing at regular intervals. The most common entertainment for students and office workers during holidays is shopping.

Su Ruan arrived a little early and walked slowly towards the shop.

When Zhao Lei made an appointment, he followed Ye Ming's suggestion and made an appointment today on the grounds that she was only free on weekends.

Reporter interviews are quite rare, and choosing the time when the traffic is the largest can be used as a kind of publicity.

In short, in an interview, Ye Ming used all the factors to the extreme.

Su Ruan thought that he was still young, and while he was not too busy, he could send him to a management or marketing training class or something, and I don't know if there is any now.

From a distance, I saw a shop that did not know what it was doing was extremely popular. There was a **** the side of the road handing out flyers. The person who took the flyer read it and rushed there.

Approaching and seeing the four characters "Qingyang Clothing" on the facade, Su Ruan raised her eyebrows, and suddenly had a premonition.

Sure enough, I heard Su Qingqing's voice after approaching, "Qingyang clothing is on sale, buy two get one free! Don't miss it when you pass by."

Su Ruan vaguely heard the voice of Xiaolian, "Brother Xiangyang, take these jeans in size L."

Mother Huo stood at the door to collect the money, looking like she couldn't stop laughing.

Mother Huo was asked to collect the money, tsk tsk...

Su Qingqing seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned her head to look over, and the moment she met Su Ruan's eyes, she hummed proudly.

Because of understanding the development of later generations, Su Qingqing insisted on asking Huo Xiangyang to rent a shop on this street. Her plan is to buy this shop when she earns enough money, and even if they don't after ten years If I sell clothes, I can get hundreds of thousands of rent every year.

Now that the shop is open, she has the marketing methods of later generations, and the business is so hot the next day. You must know that their shop opened on the first day yesterday, with a turnover of 8,000, and a net profit of at least 4 thousand!

Let's look at Su Ruan's small jewelry shop, I'm afraid that if he makes four or five hundred a day, he will die.

Humph, sure enough, without Brother Xiangyang, Su Ruan would be able to make a little trouble.