Chapter 197: 1.97 million united minds (middle)

Su Ruan heard the location of the dispatching camp, and followed the drivers all the way to drive there, where all the people were so busy that they didn't even have time to speak.

If I saw their hard work at the resettlement site, I saw their hard work here.

Su Ruan saw Captain Yu, who was burying his head in the sand like the other soldiers, and was surprised when he saw her, "Why are you here?"

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, everyone seemed to be asking her this question today, "Come and help."

Listening to her explanation, Captain Yu glanced at several drivers and saluted them, his voice hoarse, "I thank you on behalf of the people."

The drivers waved their hands again and again, "You are the hardest."

The drivers took the shovels that Captain Yu had brought to them and found that almost every one of them was stained with blood, and they could not help but be silent, and then they understood why almost every soldier had a tangle on his hands gauze.

"Brothers, let's go!"

Brother Ren led the drivers to join the rescue immediately, Su Ruan returned to the resettlement site and finally found time to dial the phone number that Lu Mingchen left her.

But it was not him who answered the phone, Pei Zhiming said, "Sister-in-law? Are you here? Where are you?"

Obviously Lu Mingchen has already greeted them.


Pei Zhiming smiled and said, "My heart is at ease when my sister-in-law said this. I will definitely convey it."

Su Ruan knew that he was pretending to be relaxed so as not to worry her, but there was a roar from the other end of the phone, "Hurry up, sandbags! It can't be blocked anymore..."

Pei Zhiming hung up the phone before he could say anything.

Su Ruan took a deep breath, turned around and followed the villagers to cook hot water for the wounded and the newly rescued victims, no longer giving himself time to think wildly.

In the evening, the big brother rang, Su Ruan thought it was Lu Mingchen, but he picked it up quickly, but it was Professor Min, "Su Ruan, we succeeded! The water-filled dam has succeeded. !"

It turned out that there was also a small-scale flood in Hui Province where Professor Min was located. Time, but also inspired Professor Min's inspiration.

Now, the water-filled dam is researched!

Su Ruan was shocked, but then realized, "Is there no way to mass production?"

Professor Min said, "Yes, but I have long thought of a way, the rescue boat can be processed into semi-finished products, and I will find some more students to come and adjust manually, and I can have five or six a day. "

Su Ruan said, "Please, Jingjiang is the most dangerous place. You can bring me at least 100 a month."

Professor Min said, "Don't worry, I promise you at least one hundred."

Although one hundred is still a drop in the bucket, there is good news at last.

However, Su Ruan's good mood did not last long. From the next day, more and more ordinary people returned to the resettlement site, some were brought back by rescue, and some were retired from the front line Ordinary people.

Twelve days in the middle of the night, the drivers and masters also came back.

Brother Ren said, "Captain Yu won't let us stay."

The drivers looked tired, not only because of tiredness, but also because of heavy hearts, "but they all went to the dam."

The big men of eight feet are all red-eyed, everyone knows what that means, when the most dangerous time, the People's Liberation Army protected them to retreat, but they rushed to the most dangerous place.

Su Ruan didn't know what to say, because Lu Mingchen was there too.

She looked at their hands and said, "Let's go and bandage it first, you've worked hard, and the rescue supplies depend on you."

Brother Ren waved his hand and said, "The bandaging is unnecessary. Our injury is far worse than that of the People's Liberation Army. Isn't it said that there are not enough medicines, so we won't waste it."

"We'll have a night off tonight, we'll be back tomorrow, hurry up and ship another batch of things." Brother Ren asked Su Ruan, "Is there anything else missing?"

Su Ruan said, "There is no shortage for the time being, other things are being prepared, and it is estimated that they will be shipped one after another. Thank you for your hard work."

Brother Ren said, "It's not hard work, we can't help others, and we can do our best."

The drivers are going to rest, and Su Ruan is still waiting to settle the new victims.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Even in the middle of the night, more and more people were brought in. Only then did Su Ruan see Li Xingwei and Li Xingwang.

After they and Yan Shaoyu helped unload the supplies, they disappeared. It turned out to be helping to lift the wounded.

Li Xingwang helped a blond foreigner come in, and when he saw Su Ruan, he said quickly, "Ruan Ruan, listen to what he is saying, look at him in a hurry, but we don't understand what!"

Su Ruan looked at the visitor and said in surprise, "Bright?!"

Bright was also excited when he saw Su Ruan, "Ms. Su!"

Su Ruan knew that Bright was in China. After cooperating with the country, Bright applied for a permanent residence in China, but he didn't expect to see him here.

After the two chatted with each other, Su Ruan realized that he and his assistant Jack came to visit here for half a month, but they did not expect to be trapped by this sudden flood.

Because the factory was inspected and the location was relatively remote, he and the workers stayed on the roof for five or six years before being rescued, but Jack was sent by him to a more remote place, the key is the people there not much.

"I can pay and ask them to find it for me."

Su Ruan asked for the address, and a fellow villager who was just rescued next to him heard the address and said, "The PLA has already gone there."

Su Ruan translated it to Bright, who didn't quite believe it, "There are very few people there."

The fellow is even more puzzled, "Don't there be so few people? Don't worry, as long as the person is still alive, the People's Liberation Army will definitely save him."

Bright maintains a skeptical attitude. In their country, any rescue must be evaluated. Only if it is worth it, it will be rescued. If it is not worth it, give up. This is normal for a superior decision making.

However, soon, he received a huge impact, China seems to be completely different from the Western alliance.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and when the sky was bright, the last group of people who retreated from the dam was sent, and Su Ruan saw Xu Wen.

After graduating from university, her senior sister from the news department went to the National News Agency as she wished, and she has been working for three years now. Su Ruan thought about it and felt that it was not good to see her here Should be unexpected.

She was covered in mud at this time, tightly protecting the camera in her arms, her red eyes were more crying, and she walked in and said, "Is there a table, I need to write a report."

Su Ruan said, "Follow me."

Xu Wen only saw her and wanted to smile at her, but tears fell from her eyes. In such a disaster, facing the first-line rescue, her heart was lasting for a long time. Shocked, completely unable to calm down.

Su Ruan watched the sensible and somewhat ruthless senior sister, wiped her tears, wrote a report, and drove non-stop to the nearby newspaper office to the headquarters.

When it was about noon, everyone was restless, looking at the direction of the dam with worry, and soon heard a muffled sound one after another, the experienced old man said , "It's Hong Feng, Hong Feng is here!"

Su Ruan pursed her lips tightly, and Nurse Mi stood beside her and took her arm, "It will be fine, although my old man is usually unreliable, he is still very powerful, It'll be fine."

It's not so much to console her as to console herself.

Bright also leaned over nervously, and Su Ruan comforted him, "We are on a high ground here, and the floods won't come up, so don't worry."

Bright said, "Why is there no one to protect you? Did you rob you? Will they pick you up and leave as soon as possible?"

Su Ruan reacted for a while, and then he understood what Bright meant. When disasters occur in the West, most of them rely on self-help, but when crowds gather, riots and fights are more likely to occur.

So in the Western rescue, most of the time when the troops are dispatched, they bring robberies.

No wonder this guy has been following her **** since yesterday. Su Ruan thought it was because she was the only person she knew. She felt that she had a backstage and might be able to leave immediately.

Su Ruan laughed, "I won't leave."

"If you want to leave, wait for this flood to pass, and a driver will come in and take you out."

Bright felt incredible, "Why don't you go? I heard that there is not much food, and those soldiers have to eat when they come down."

Su Ruan looked at him seriously, "Bright, it's very safe here, and the food will be delivered."

"If one side is in trouble, all sides will support it. This is the ancient teaching of our country. It is never just a talk. Now our common enemy is only this flood, and the people of the whole country will stand behind us."

Bright still couldn't understand, but he quickly understood what Su Ruan meant.

The sound of the water waves was getting louder and louder. Bright looked at the endless flood in the distance, and looked at the dignified victims. He also bowed his head and mourned for those who passed away.

Not long after, an elderly lady said, "Okay, they can rest when Hong Feng passes by, the children are exhausted, let's hurry up and prepare food and drink for them ."


Bright stared blankly at the victims who were just as dejected as him. Suddenly, they acted like chicken blood. Bags of rice were moved out, and the temporarily set up stove started combustion.

Why? Aren't they all afraid?

In the evening, he and everyone squatted in front of the only TV, and when he saw the soldiers on the dam, he suddenly understood their peace of mind.

Thousands of people ran methodically into the river with sandbags on their backs, all of them could not see their faces, but blood was visible on all shoulders, every pair of shoes running on the ground All bare toes.

Even so, when the huge flood peak came, he watched them roaring and jumping into the water one by one, and hundreds of people formed a huge human wall, blocking the future An embankment that can be blocked in time.

Even across the screen, Bright was greatly shocked. He was speechless for a long time. People are so insignificant in the face of natural disasters. I will fight the flood head-on, but the Chinese did it, and they did it...

The sleeping warrior, the white and shrunken feet from the blisters...

Each photo is breathtaking, Bright said, "This is what your friend wrote yesterday."

Su Ruan stared at a person in the newspaper and nodded, "Yes."

"This newspaper will spread throughout China today." Bright asked again.

Su Ruan said, "It is estimated that it will be tomorrow in a farther place. After all, it is urgent news."

Bright finally noticed her absent-mindedness, followed her gaze and looked at the man who took the lead against the sandbag, a little shocked, "It's Captain Deer, I remember him as the officer."

Su Ruan smiled with red eyes, "It's him. Because he's a superior, he has a greater responsibility."

Bright didn't know what to say. In just one day, he was hit by an unprecedented shock. Is China really as poor and ignorant as they imagined?

"Brett!" The hoarse but familiar voice made Bright happy, and he looked up and saw Jack.

"Jack!" Bright stepped forward, and the two embraced for the rest of their lives. Jack said, "I thought I was going to die."

"Bright, I love China." He suddenly said, "They are amazing."

Apparently, Jack, who understands Chinese, was shocked earlier than Bright.

"Back!" Suddenly someone cheered, "The PLA is back!"

They all come by boat and then arrive at the resettlement site by car.

Su Ruan stood at the intersection, watching the soldiers returning from one car after another, and finally saw Lu Mingchen who jumped off in the last car.

The man who was like an iron man in her mind was very tired at the moment, he strode towards her and hugged her, "soft..."

Su Ruan hugged him back and couldn't say anything. He was about to tell him to hurry back to rest when he felt his shoulders sink and his head rested on hers.

I fell asleep like this...