Chapter 198: 1,980,000 One Heart (Part 2)

Although it was only a short moment, Su Ruan was sure that Lu Mingchen fell asleep.

I am so tired...

Su Ruan was reluctant to wake him up for a while, and felt that sleeping like this would make her restless.

Yan Shaoyu was also distressed when he saw this, "Why don't I and Xingwang carry him in."

He was about to start, but he just met someone, Lu Mingchen opened his eyes, and hugged Su Ruan's waist almost as a conditioned reflex, and only reacted when he saw Yan Shaoyu You may have fallen asleep here.

Su Ruan's heart softened, patted his arm, and said softly, "Go back and rest."

Lu Mingchen nodded.

Su Ruan took him to the dormitory, because the villagers knew that everything was donated by her, so she insisted on arranging the most "luxurious" accommodation - the dormitory social management auntie on duty room.

Although it is only six square meters, a single bed, a desk and a bookcase are full, but it is a single room.

After entering the door, Su Ruan pulled up the curtains and asked Lu Mingchen to take off his wet clothes, only to find that his body was bubbling and white, and his hands were not only shriveled into a ball, There were also many blood-stained wounds.

Su Ruan's eyes were sore, she lay down on him, "Go to sleep first, I'll get you some hot water."

Lu Mingchen didn't try to be brave, put on the quilt and smiled, "If you have a wife..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell into a deep sleep.

Su Ruan came back with hot water, and while helping him scrub his body, he carefully checked the wound and found that in addition to the shoulders, palms, soles of feet, there were also a lot of bruises on the chest and abdomen, it should be something in the torrent Left behind when something hit.

She took out the suitcase from the closet, she prepared a separate copy of everything that Lu Mingchen could use, and saved it from the medical center.

I carefully disinfected and applied the medicine, and wrapped it with gauze. After over an hour of dealing with all this, Su Ruan went to the cafeteria and made a big pot of white rice porridge.

"Brother Mingchen, get up and eat before going to bed." She was afraid that there would be another emergency. He didn't even have time to eat, and he didn't know how long he hadn't eaten properly. In this case, eating a little and then sleeping can also better replenish your physical strength.

Lu Mingchen opened his eyes with all his strength, and tried to sit up on the bed, but his arms fell down and his head fell on the pillow.

Su Ruan looked both funny and distressed. These arms can build a dam to stop the flood, but they can't support his own weight at the moment.

Lu Mingchen didn't care to laugh, he seemed to want to continue to sleep, Su Ruan stepped forward to help him up, sat directly behind him and let him lean against him, avoiding him to hold the enamel The tank's hand directly fed the porridge to his mouth.

Lu Mingchen froze for a moment, then leaned on Su Ruan comfortably, and slowly drank the porridge, he turned his head and rubbed on Su Ruan's shoulder, "I'm really happy."

Su Ruan laughed, like a child, she kissed his forehead, "Hurry up to sleep, I'll call you when it's time."

Lu Mingchen lay down again, put his arms around Su Ruan's waist, "It's nice to have a daughter-in-law..." After that, he fell asleep.

Su Ruan touched his head and said softly, "So you must come back."

She was not in a good mood.

Although everyone is celebrating now, thinking that they have achieved a major victory in fighting the flood, Su Ruan knows that this is just the beginning. any respite.

Such rest and warmth will be precious for more than a month in the future.

Su Ruan woke Lu Mingchen with a pinch when they were about to gather. The nearly six-hour break made him feel much better. When he got dressed, Su Ruan had already put the alcohol stove on. All the noodle soup in the bowl was taken into the bowl.

"There are a lot of **** slices in the soup, drink them all."

Lu Mingchen couldn't help laughing, the happiness in his heart seemed to fill his body with strength again.

The time was just right after the meal. Lu Mingchen went out and whistled to summon his comrades. Before leaving, Su Ruan stuffed a handful of chocolates in his pocket, "Eat one when you're hungry to replenish energy."

Lu Mingchen hugged her tightly and set off with his comrades.

They left, and the next group of people came back to rest, and the fellow villagers began to get busy again.

Bright and Jack sat under the porch and watched them. There was no organization, no material reward, and no coercion. Everyone consciously did what they could.

Jack said, "It's incredible, isn't it?"

"They all say that Chinese people are poor and ignorant. I think they are the wisest people."

Bright did not speak, he shook the little water in the water bottle, hesitating, seeing the appearance of those soldiers, he was a little embarrassed to ask for water, it is said that there is not much water.

An aunt who passed by saw his movements, and came over with a thermos and poured a little for him.

Bright said, "Is there not much food?"

The aunt said, "Enough for the comrades of the People's Liberation Army to have a meal, let's all bear it for a while, and wait for the food to be delivered."

Brett still couldn't help asking, "How did you know there would be food delivered?"

Auntie was stunned for a moment, and even more puzzled, "We just know, someone will definitely send it."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone shouted, "Something is coming, get ready to help!"

The young and middle-aged people ran to the water at the same time, Bright and Jack stood up, and saw from a distance above the muddy yellow flood, a dozen ships were gradually approaching, all filled with necessary supplies .

Auntie looked back at Black, "Look, I'll say there must be."

Bright and Jack were silent.

After a while, Jack said, "This is a great country, right." A small commoner believed him without any knowledge.

They know this country will not leave them alone.

Bright finally nodded.

After the ship's supplies were unloaded, she was going to pull a group of victims away. Su Ruan found Bright and Jack, "You can follow the ship, you can go back after you get out of here."

Bright came to the shore and found that all the people on board were old, young, women and children, and once again felt incredible. In the front, it was the first to get on the boat with the children.

Jack said, "I know this, this is also the tradition of China, respect the old and love the young."

A passing young man expressed doubts about Bright and their surprise, "Isn't this normal? One hundred good and filial piety is the first, if a person can even give up his parents, is he still a person?"

He doesn't know the big truth, but the whole Chinese nation has received this kind of education from generation to generation, Jack couldn't help thinking, maybe this is the reason why this mysterious nation has lasted for five thousand years. .

Su Ruanxiao, "The elderly are the past and experience, and the children are the future and expectations. They are all indispensable. They are all important."

Bright thought.

"You can still have one person, come on." The captain shouted.

Bright was about to get on the boat when he saw a young man who helped his parents onto the boat got off the boat again, "I'm not leaving, you can get on the two of you."

Bright looked at him suspiciously, and the young man smiled, "I'll stay to help, the comrades of the People's Liberation Army are working so **** the front line, we can contribute a little bit."

Bright then noticed that many young and middle-aged people were not waiting to get on the boat at the end, but were planning to stay.

Jack suddenly said, "Bright, I want to stay too."

Bright was stunned for a moment, and Jack said, "If it weren't for them, I would have died a long time ago. They don't seem to want anything in return. I want to help as much as possible."

Bright turned to let the passage to board the boat, then raised his forehead and said to Su Ruan and Jack, "This is really the most 'stupid' decision I have ever made in my life, you know, I But the most astute representative of our company."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, and then heard Bright continue, "But if I don't see with my own eyes where they can go in the end, I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life." Confirmed with Su Ruan again, "We're definitely not in danger, are we?"

Su Ruan laughed, and before he could speak, Jack said, "Of course!"

Two work partners and friends smiled at each other.

They stayed, Su Ruan asked Yan Shaoyu to help take them, and the two used their own eyes to personally know the poor and ignorant China in the eyes of the Western Alliance in this natural disaster.

People are rescued every day, no matter how far, no matter how many people, it never stops for a day, every few days, materials will be delivered, and then the rescued victims will be transported to safer places .

Everyone thinks that they will soon be able to overcome this flood, but it seems that God intends to test this tenacious nation.

The soldiers had no time to rest, they began to send people to deliver meals there, and a large number of wounded were sent every day.

I don't know when it started, a temporary "martyr's monument" was posted on the bulletin board of the teaching building at the resettlement site, and new names were filled in almost every day...

We persisted like this for more than a month, and when the "Martyr's Monument" was almost full, their settlement on the highest terrain was no longer safe.

"Three days later, we will usher in the biggest flood peak so far," the head of Yu Tuan, who was in charge of transferring them, had red blood in his eyes and sunken cheeks, "This place may also be submerged, You need to go somewhere safer."

"Then what do you do?" Someone asked, "A third of the injured and sacrificed..."

Head Yu said, "The floods in other places have been victorious, and there will be people to support us."

Bright and Jack also followed behind Su Ruan and Yan Shaoyu, and soon encountered soldiers who came to support them. They were the only retrograde convoy in this disaster. They were all in one suit. Exhausted and haggard, obviously, they had just gone through a battle and rushed here again...

However, no matter how hard or tired, as long as you wear that military uniform, you must support the hope of the people.

Everyone silently bowed to them and saluted them for a long time, until the boat was replaced by a passenger car, and they got the latest newspaper, and their spirits were lifted again.

Bright looked at Su Ruan suspiciously, "What happened?"

Yan Shaoyu turned around and handed him one.

Bright can't read Chinese, but she can understand the pictures above. The first thing that catches your eye is the pictures from all over the world.

In either the classroom, the square, or the factory or the company, there are long lines of donations, and he even saw fifty cents in the hands of a primary school student.

There are also students on the university campus holding up their homemade playing cards and saying [Come on in the disaster area! ], various enterprises and companies are loaded with disaster relief materials...

Obviously, people all over China are paying attention to this natural disaster and actively giving their own strength.

A donation list is attached at the end, Bright knows Arabic numerals, and Jack translates the preceding text for him:

xx Sunshine Junior High School: 1,000 yuan;

xx Textile Factory: 100,000 yuan

Caixia Electric City: 500,000 yuan

xx steel plant: one million yuan

Xiaoyan Film and Television: 2 million yuan

Shiyuan Jewelry: 8 million yuan

Shengshi Jewelry: 10 million yuan

Jack quickly noticed something, "Su Ruan, is this Shiyuan Jewelry your company?"

Su Ruan was stunned for a moment, took the newspaper, and then noticed the name of the jewelry factory on the donation list. She thought for a while, "It must be Ye Ming and the others."

Yan Shaoyu quickly took the newspaper and stared at Su Ruan in shock for a long time, "Eight million?! Where did you get so much money?"

He always thought that he could earn more than Su Ruan, Su Ruan raised his chin proudly, "I earn it."

"Does Mom know?" Yan Shaoyu said, "Tell me honestly, are you secretly doing something again? It's not going to be gambling."

Su Ruan rolled his eyes, "Am I that kind of person?"

Yan Shaoyu said, "It won't be a loan, will it? Be careful I tell Mom..."

"What's the matter with you, have a daughter, have you become a sue?"

Bright looked at the siblings who were bickering in front, and suddenly muttered, "Whoever said that China is poor, they are obviously rich."

When the bus pulled up on a highway, everyone could not help being attracted by the situation outside the window.

I saw a fleet of trucks, buses, and almost all of them with banners hanging on the side of the road.

Someone could not help but read out, "Dongqing Province Disaster Relief Team! Come on in the disaster area!"

Another person continued: "Come on in the disaster area! The people of the whole country are with you!"

"We are in the same boat, and Lin Province will help the disaster area to tide over the difficulties together! Come on!"

"Come on! We will win!"

The car did not know when it was quiet, only the sound of two young people reading the banner.

Until the bus turned a corner, everyone saw a few gray tricycles and vans, they were obviously spontaneous, no banners, just to follow the crowd, using red cloth and charcoal The pen wrote crookedly: [Yuanqing Town rush to the disaster area! 】

A young woman said, "Wangjima Village, cheer for the disaster area!" She suddenly choked up.

The people in the car were almost weeping, and the driver said in a hoarse voice, "We're here, let's cheer together!"

Bright watched wipe away the tears and revive the spirits of the people. He finally found that since the disaster, they will have heartbreaking grief and sorrow, but they have never been depressed and hesitant, because There are so many people behind them.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of Su Ruan's words: this disaster is not a single person fighting alone, all Chinese people are working hard for it.

He also began to believe that the power of one mind can create miracles.