Chapter 201: 201 Heart-warming power can beat everything...

Lu Mingchen wasn't crazy, but he was a little stupid. He didn't show anything when he was in front of everyone. abnormal.

However, when she went to bed at night, Su Ruan felt that she would shake for a while, and then for a while.

Su Ruan was amused by him, and whispered, "Lu Mingchen, can you be more calm!"

Lu Mingchen didn't expect that she hadn't fallen asleep yet, so she put down the test sheet and reached out to hold her hand, "Ruanruan, what name do you think we should give her?"

Su Ruan was also interested, "What do you want to be called?"

Lu Mingchen thought about it and suddenly said, "No, you should go to bed. Pregnant women should rest early, and we will leave early tomorrow."

Su Ruan hit him angrily, it was him who aroused her interest, and he was the one who let her sleep.

Lu Mingchen didn't go to the front to take the military truck, but applied to take the bus with Su Ruan. Lu Chenming looked very relieved, and he was very supportive, "Yes, yes, Take good care of pregnant women and don't torture us."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, and he didn't know what Lu Mingchen did when he went out yesterday, which frightened Lu Chenming like this.

But when every soldier who greeted her looked at her stomach, Su Ruan looked at Lu Mingchen, what did this guy do?

Lu Mingchen went to assemble the team in front of him, Nurse Mi said, "It's not a big deal, I just stand at the command department with my arms dangling. Who can't ask a question about your health?"

"He's fine, he says he's fine, but if his lover is in trouble, people are startled and say what's wrong with your lover?" It was Lu Mingchen's demeanor, and he imitated his lazy tone, "I'm pregnant, I don't know how to take care of it."

Nurse Mi said, "If you see a child, you should ask others for experience. How many of them have children in their profession can accompany their daughter-in-law the whole time?"

She sighed, "I can see it, your head deer looks stable, not much better than ours."

Su Ruan was funny and embarrassed, she always knew that Lu Mingchen was actually quite boring, but she didn't expect it to be so boring.

"Su Ruan!" A menacing voice came, Su Ruan looked up and saw Yan Shaoyu, who was not kind.

She was taken aback, and only then did she know that the medical teams and volunteers from Yan City from the surrounding districts and counties followed the bus.

She hurriedly hid behind Lu Mingchen who happened to come over, "It's over, my brother has to read me to death."

Lu Mingchen was confident, "Don't be afraid."

Su Ruan thought he had a good idea, but when Yan Shaoyu approached, he happily handed over the test sheet, "Brother, this is Ruan Ruan's blood test yesterday. Shan, take a look."

Su Ruan can't help laughing, is Lu Mingchen taking this as a gold medal for avoiding death?

However, it was very effective. Yan Shaoyu was startled at first, took the test sheet and took a serious look. He obviously experienced it and quickly understood the key values. Immediately, joy rose, "Pregnant? Really?"

Su Ruan nodded quickly and took the initiative to admit her mistake, "I'm sorry, I won't dare again in the future. For your nephew's sake, spare me this time?"

Yan Shaoyu's expression suddenly became unbearable, he nodded at her and said, "If Mom finds out, the consequences will be at your own risk."

Su Ruan immediately smiled and looked at him and Li Xingwang and Li Xingwei said, "If you don't tell us, Mom won't know."

Yan Shaoyu snorted, took the test sheet and read it again, couldn't help laughing, "It's finally here."

Li Xingwei said with a smile, "Don't be afraid if you know, my aunt will definitely not scold Sister Ruan."

The group happily got into the car, Su Ruan wondered, "Where's your car?"

Yan Shaoyu said, "It is said that this section is still very muddy, and the chassis of my car is too low to walk, so I shipped it back directly with the other cars of the army."

Su Ruan nodded and suddenly remembered, "What about Bright and Jack? Haven't you been together all the time?"

Yan Shaoyu said, "I don't know very well, there were so many things at the time, so I separated as I worked, but I should come over today."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bright and Jack arrived. The two of them had lost the appearance of elite executives. They were wearing cardigans from some fellow villagers. It really looks like a Chinese.

Jack made a classic Bruce Lee move, "Huaguo Kungfu."

Bright exclaimed, "The Chinese people are really hiding dragons and crouching tigers." It seems that they have discovered a lot of little secrets of the Chinese people, and the two of them had fun together.

At exactly eight o'clock, the team set off, and everyone was excited. First, because the flood was defeated, and second, they could finally go home. The family must remember him when he left everything and risked his life to come here.

The head nurse who was sitting at the front was about to organize everyone to sing, when someone said, "Look!"

Everyone looked out the window in unison, and saw thousands of fellow villagers gathered on both sides of the road, waving their hands vigorously at them.

Several young people are holding huge cards made of red paper, and the calligraphy is not even good-looking: [Brother Bing, we will miss you forever]

There are also several eleven or twelve year olds holding up a piece of red paper, and the font drawn with yellow chalk is very conspicuous: [When we grow up, we also want to be soldiers]

【Comrade PLA! Thanks for your hard work! thank you! 】

Jack helped Bright translate those words, his voice choked for a while, "No matter how many times, it will make people move, doesn't it?"

The speed of the convoy slowed down, the drivers honked their horns to greet the villagers, an old man suddenly cried and ran to the military vehicle, reaching out to the PLA above, "Kids, kids, thank you... "

All the people swarmed up, the People's Liberation Army has strict discipline not to accept things, the men carry their children and give them red scarves.

The woman and the old lady threw the food in the basket into the car.

There were also people coming from the bus side, everyone opened the windows to say goodbye to everyone, the people on the bus did not have strict discipline like the PLA, and almost everyone received gifts from fellow villagers.

An old lady shoved a small dress into Su Ruan's hands, "There's nothing good at home now. I heard that you have a body, and some of our old guys will give you a hundred clothes."

Local custom, Baijia clothes made by respected elders can share their blessings to each other, bless their children with health and longevity.

The news of Su Ruan's pregnancy only came out yesterday. She didn't know where these old people heard about it, but she was sure that they made this dress for her overnight.

Su Ruan's nose was sour, and she held the old lady's hand, "Thank you, grandma, this is a very precious gift, I like it very much."

The old lady was very happy, "I like it, I like it." She wiped her tears again, "We old guys who can survive are very lucky."

Su Ruan couldn't help reddening her eyes.

In fact, after this flood, everyone has nothing left, but almost everyone received a gift.

A child sat on his father's shoulder with a shy face, but finally he mustered up his courage and gave Bright the little bamboo flower in his hand, and said in unfamiliar English, "thankyou."

Bright accepted it solemnly, and said in the same unfamiliar Chinese, "Thank you."

The little boy smiled happily.

Jack received a tea egg from a woman, "I will make a lot of delicious food. This time, the conditions are limited. I will make it for you next time."

After half an hour, the military vehicle finally started to hit the road again.

"Salute—" The loud password sounded, and all the soldiers in the convoy saluted the fellows.

The fellows got out of the way, crying and waving goodbye to them, and some knelt down and kowtowed to thank them.

Li Xingwei looked at a kneeling woman and said, "A soldier brother died to save her son."

Everyone's eyes are red, everyone here has gone through terrible hardships, but they support each other to get through.

Brett cherished the bamboo flower in his hand and choked, "I said it wrong before, this is the most correct decision I have made in my life."

Jack wiped his tears and said, "Here, I am touched every day, the Chinese people are very good."

Li Xingwang held a bamboo cricket with red eyes and smiled, "I feel like a hero, this time I can play with my son for a lifetime."

In fact, they did enjoy the treatment of heroes all the way.

Not to mention Bright at that time, they all thought that no one would pay attention to them when they left the disaster area. However, as long as they passed the city along the way, they could see the villagers along the street pulling [Welcome Heroes to Triumph], [People's Liberation Army] Comrades, hard work! ], [We will always remember] and other banners waving at the roadside.

After returning to Yan City, the local citizens stood on the side of the road spontaneously and cheered enthusiastically.

A young man also prepared a loudspeaker, "Welcome the heroes home!" The voice instantly covered everyone.

The people next to her discovered this, and several young people came over to discuss it, and then shouted into the loudspeaker, "Welcome the heroes home!"

The sound resounded through the sky.

It also made the people in the car excited.

Su Ruan was lying on the car window like everyone else. They hardly knew those faces, but at this moment, they seemed to be her family.

Bright looked at the crowd outside the window and murmured, "I always thought I wouldn't be moved after being in the disaster area."

Jack wiped his eyes, "Why are they so united, this is a great country."

Su Ruan leaned against Lu Mingchen's arms, looked at the cheering crowd outside, and looked forward to the honor guard who came to greet them. At this moment, he suddenly realized that what he was desperately trying to protect was what.

The vast country and the peace of the people are, after all, guarding the unyielding backbone of this nation and the strength that warms the hearts of the people.

It is a treasure that they have inherited for five thousand years and can defeat everything.