Chapter 202: 202 text end

Former Li Village, in the yard of Grandma Li's house.

Li Ruolan greeted everyone excitedly, "Oh, hurry up, the show is about to start!"

The ten-year-old Xiao Zaoer immediately ran to the door, "Big brother, second sister, hurry up, Aunt Ruan is coming out!"

The children playing in the yard ran in in an instant, Yan Shaoyu's two-year-old daughter Xiaoguoer followed at the end, and stretched towards Zaoer when she reached the threshold Taking the shot, he said in a milky voice, "Sister."

Xiao Zaoer skillfully took her arm and helped her into the house, and the little guy ran to find Grandma Li.

"Great grandma!"

Grandma Li happily took her into her arms, Yan Shaoyu smiled with Luo Shengnan, "The little things are very good, I looked for Grandma Tai when I watched TV, knowing that Grandma Grandma had the best view in her arms. "

Luo Shengnan couldn't help laughing, looking at his daughter's eyes full of love.

In recent years, the living conditions of the Li family have become better and better, and the population has become more and more prosperous. The year before last, the three uncles worked together to buy the yard next door, directly cut through the wall, and built a large mobile house.

Children can play here during normal times, and adults gather and entertain here during New Years and festivals.

Like today, dozens of people gathered here to wait for Su Ruan's interview to be broadcast.

Li Fugui came in happily from the door, "How did you hear that Su Ruan is going to be on TV?"

Now he is also starting to contract projects, all of which are given to him by Yan Shaoyu, but he is a little far from home.

The third uncle said, "Look at your frizzy look, didn't they tell you all over the phone? Why did you come back?"

Li Fugui said, "Can that be the same in person? What's going on?"

Grandma Li had an unstoppable smile on her face, "The TV station heard that she was a hero in fighting floods and disaster relief and interviewed her specially."

Uncle Li smiled, "This girl has always been calm, I heard that the interview was conducted more than a month ago, and she didn't say anything until it was confirmed two days ago that today's show will be broadcast. Call back."

"Character Dialogue" is a program similar to biography, showing the audience the stories behind some characters with various experiences in the form of documentaries and character dialogues.

Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen received an invitation to the show not long after they returned from the disaster area last month.

It turned out that not long after the flood fight began, the reporters of the program group noticed Su Ruan because of the donation list. It is curious that a small jewelry factory of several million donated 8 million.

When the reporter started to dig deeper, they discovered that there are too many touching stories behind Su Ruan.

She is so low-key that few ordinary people know her.


This is a very reportable person, and immediately sent an invitation after hearing that she was back from the flood.

Then they spent nearly a month collecting and shooting material, and finally decided to broadcast today.

There are ten minutes before the broadcast, Li Ruolan stood in front of the phone and thought, "Who else hasn't notified?"

Uncle San said, "I have been notified, I have been notified, and now the whole village is waiting to see."

Yan Shaoshi said, "Don't worry Mom, my junior high school classmates, high school classmates, and college classmates have all been notified!"

He is now a sophomore, he has lost his youthful appearance, and is as tall as Yan Shaoyu, but his temperament has not changed at all, he is cheerful and lively, and his popularity is very good.

Li Ruolan suddenly clapped her hands, "I'll call Aunt Hu again to remind her."

Yan Shaoyu and Yan Shaoshi looked at each other and couldn't help snickering. Rather than reminding Aunt Hu, it was more about preparing to slap the faces of the Su family and the Huo family.

In fact, Su Ruan and Yan Jia have gotten better and better over the years. Yan Shaoyu's construction company is already a well-known company in Donglin City, and there is not much contact with Sujiagou at all.

But there is a Su Qingqing who wants to step on Su Ruan when she sees a needle.

A few years ago, it was said that the two rescued a big man in Hong Kong City, and the other party gave them hundreds of thousands in return.

So they went to the south to open a clothing factory, and then they didn't know the south, east, north, and west.

It's been so many years, and it's still the same place and the production line, but they don't feel good about themselves. It's like they are the richest man in Donglin City in the future.

Su Qingqing doesn't look down on the immortals in the world. She thinks that she is richer than Su Ruan, and they are not uncommon, but she always secretly mocks Su Ruan for not being able to have children .

Last year, the Huo family said something like "Fortunately they didn't marry Su Ruan back then, or the Huo family would have to cut off their children and grandchildren", when it reached Li Ruolan's ears, it almost blew her up.

It was as if Su Ruan asked to marry the Huo family back then. But I can't come to the door to quarrel about this matter, not to mention that I am afraid of being disgusted again, I can only be bitten by a mad dog.

But it's different now, Su Ruan is pregnant! Not only is she pregnant, she's on TV! Famous and rich, he simply slapped the Huo family on the left, slapped on the right, and finally slapped them so hard that they couldn't get up!

Thinking of this, Li Ruolan called Yan Shi again.

The phone rang a few times before picking up, Su Ruan said in a pleasant tone, "Mom!"

"I'm going for a check-up today? How is it?" Li Ruolan asked.

Su Ruan's excitement could hardly be restrained. Li Ruolan was infected by her, so she laughed before she knew what was going on, "What good thing happened?"

"Mom, you have two grandchildren!" Su Ruan smiled.

Li Ruolan was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and said in surprise, "Twins?"

Everyone looked over, Li Ruolan couldn't stop laughing, and Grandma Li was also very happy, "Can the B-ultrasound show it?"

"Yes." Su Ruan smiled, "The children are very healthy."

"Then be careful, where's Ming Chen?" Li Ruolan asked.

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing at Lu Mingchen who caught Lu Chenming talking outside, "I'm chatting outside."

Li Ruolan couldn't help laughing, "Nonsense, Ming Chen is a very stable person."

Su Ruan smiled when he saw Lu Chenming who was about to collapse, a calm ghost, the sullenness is true.

"Okay," Li Ruolan reminded, "the show is about to start, watch the show first, don't you forget."

Su Ruan almost forgot, the surprise of the twins is really great.

Lu Chenming was also calling outside, "Hurry up, there's still half a minute for your Su Ruan interview to come out, don't you watch TV?"

Lu Mingchen let him go, jumped up the steps excitedly, picked up Su Ruan after entering the door and circled happily, "Turn on the TV!"

Su Ruan beat him with a smile, "How can this be done, fool!"

Lu Mingchen put Su Ruan on the sofa and ran over to turn on the TV.

The title of "Character Dialogue" just sounded, and Su Ruan was also a little curious.

These programs are all recorded and edited. She has never seen the finished film, so she has no idea what the broadcast will look like.

The camera starts from the boulevard of the military camp, where Su Ruan strolls in casual clothes.

Lu Mingchen sat down beside her, stretched out his arms and hugged her and said with a smile, "It's pretty good."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, "I didn't feel it at all, so I just walked normally. I didn't expect it to look like a TV series."

You protect the country, and I protect you. 】

[—This is the declaration she made when she first became a military sister-in-law. For eight years, she has been consistent and never changed her original intention. She is the person we are today, a glorious and great military sister-in-law: Su soft. 】

Su Ruan couldn't help covering her face, "Damn, they even dug up these things, it's too shameful."

Lu Mingchen smiled, lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair, making the same joke as before, "Now the whole country knows that I am yours."

After the voiceover, it was a photo of Su Ruan, and then a line of words was typed out: [Because I am a military wife, I know the hardships behind every soldier, I hope he will protect the front line When the family defends the country, I can keep him safe behind. 】

Su Ruan buried her head on Lu Mingchen's shoulder. When she wrote it in the newspaper, she didn't feel that it was really embarrassing to read, "Tomorrow Nurse Mi and Teacher Han will make me laugh to death. ."

Lu Mingchen touched her head, "No." They will only admire you more.

The picture on the TV has been transferred to the family area of ​​the army. After the wake-up call is sounded, every household has a movement. Within a few minutes, almost every household has a person in a military uniform coming out Run to the playground to train.

Su Ruan, like all military wives, started to get up and cook. She took out the flower rolls and vegetables from the refrigerator and warmed them up, then smiled at the camera and said, "Yesterday my lover steamed it."

She touched her lower abdomen, the corners of her mouth and brows were unconcealedly sweet, "Now that I have a baby, he won't let me do any heavier work."

Su Ruan continued to be ashamed. At the time of the filming, she obviously didn't feel anything, but now it looks like she is showing her affection in front of the people of the whole country.

Lu Mingchen gently caressed her stomach, his heart full of tenderness.

The host's voiceover continued: [Such a simple and simple life, it is difficult for everyone to imagine that Su Ruan donated a huge sum of 8 million in the catastrophic flood just past. 】

The neighbors all made a noise, and Lu Chenming on the opposite side said loudly, "Eight million!"

"Su Ruan, have you taken all your factories?"

The head of Zhang also said loudly, "Why don't you donate so much, you will have to live in the future."

Su Ruan laughed, and then said triumphantly, "It must have shocked a bunch of people's jaws, my vanity is satisfied."

Lu Mingchen couldn't help lowering his head and pecked her lips, how could there be such a cute girl?

[In fact, in addition to being a military wife, Su Ruan has four factories, and these four factories all record everything she has done for the soldiers in the past eight years, we today Come visit them one by one. 】

The camera turned, and it was already at the jewelry factory.

The jewelry factory has long since moved to the suburbs, renting a factory building covering an area of ​​five acres, and the number of employees has expanded to five or six hundred.


"Let's meet her first two employees first."

Walk through the most lively investment promotion department and reach the office of the investment manager at the innermost. After the reporter knocked on the door and said "please come in", a man in his thirties appeared in the picture, in a suit and leather shoes, Seems to be in good spirits.

But when he stood up, he found that he was leaning on crutches, and the camera swept to his missing calf, but from his revitalized appearance, it was difficult to imagine that he was a disabled person with poor walking ability .

The reporter asked: "I heard that you are the earliest employee of Shiyuan Jewelry Factory."

"Yes," Zhao Lei said, "At that time, I just had a calf blown off during the mission, not only to be discharged from the army, but also a useless waste. That was the most desperate time in my life. "

"It was Su Ruan who gave me hope. In fact, this factory was originally opened for my wife and I. She and we started from the first street stalls, step by step to today. It also gave me a fighting spirit step by step and straightened my spine."

He looked at the camera and suddenly gave a military salute: "Su Ruan, thank you. Without you, I would not be where I am today."

Su Ruan in front of the TV pursed her lips, "When did they record this?"

Lu Mingchen didn't speak, just hugged her shoulder tightly.

The camera soon turned to the production workshop, a woman in overalls was assigning work, it was the current workshop director Huang Xiaocao.

The seven or eight years of work have made her grow a lot. Her tone of voice is still gentle, but her decision-making is clean and neat, and there is no trace of cowardice.

She said softly and softly, "...I just came out of the mountains, and I was penniless and coerced by my brother and sister-in-law. It was Su Ruan who rescued me and my daughter, and gave it back to me. A job where you can live in peace. If it weren't for her, I might still be that ignorant and cowardly Huang Xiaocao."

She looked at the camera with water in her eyes, "Su Ruan, thank you, without you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Design department, dressed in fashionable and beautiful Niu Chunfen came out to the meeting with the design team, elegant and capable.

She slowly told her story, "...I was just an ordinary rural woman at the time. After my husband died, my uncle went to high school, my son went to elementary school, my mother-in-law was not in good health, but I I still have to rely on farming and doing some odd jobs to support my family.”

She seemed to remember those difficult days, and sighed, "Someone came to me later and said that someone opened a factory for us, the survivors of the martyrs."

"I thought at the time, I must work hard and repay this kind person. However, I found that there is no end to the repayment."

"After she knew about my predicament, she not only helped me with my mother-in-law's surgery expenses, but even sent me to study design." She couldn't help laughing when she said this, "Looking back now, I was almost thirty at that time, and it was not the best investment at all, but she still let me go."

He joked again, "Although I am not the best designer in our company until now, I have learned from her how to cultivate excellent designers."

Speaking of this, she looked at the camera seriously, "Su Ruan, thank you, without you, there would be no me today."

The camera turns again, the busy marketing department, Ye Ming in his twenties is already an elite appearance.

"...I actually didn't finish high school. After my brother died, I wanted to support my younger brother to study, but I was almost abducted and sold. It was Sister Soft who specially recruited the survivors of martyrs to work, which made me escape. robbery."

He said this and laughed, "Of course, some people say it's my luck, but I think it's my greatest luck to meet Sister Soft."

"After she discovered my talent, she did not hesitate to make deals with Shengshi Jewelry when the company was short of people, and sent me to study in the best company. She is my Bole."

"Manager Luo of Shengshi Jewelry once asked her if she was worried about Shengshi's favorable conditions to keep me. But she said that she believed that I would choose Shiyuan in the end."

The young man looked at the camera and said seriously, "Yes, I will choose you, Sister Ruan, thank you."

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Su Ruan leaned against Lu Mingchen's arms, her eyes reddened, "These people are really..."

Lu Mingchen touched her head.

On the TV, the screen cut back to the host, and the other party introduced, "This is Su Ruan's first factory, so she should open a similar factory to gain more benefits, but for a few years she has But they have invested in the development of life jackets, rescue boats and water-filled dams. These devices have played a vital role in this flood.”

In the TV screen, the soldiers in the torrent drove lifeboats around to save people, and the speed was fast and stable; the soldiers who went into the water to save people pulled something after they saved people, and the personal life jackets suddenly swelled , and pull up the drowning person too.

"Especially the water-filled **** is a great invention."

Professor Min finally appeared in the camera, "Four years ago, Su Ruan came to me and said that her husband was the People's Liberation Army, and she almost died in 1990, she didn't want to experience that kind of despair again, So I decided to develop this project.”

"She said she didn't expect to make money, she just hoped that she would do more to make the PLA less dangerous."

"This year, my son is also a flood fighter. If he didn't have this invention, he might have died." Professor Min looked at the camera, "Su Ruan, although I invented this, But without your full and selfless support, it couldn't have succeeded so quickly, and the credit for this project is half yours!"

The camera switched according to the situation: pouring rain, muddy yellow water, this is the most familiar scene to Chinese people this year, a truckload of supplies was loaded into the disaster area.

[As soon as the flood occurred, she took out all her savings and urgently purchased supplies and shipped them to the disaster area. At the same time, she herself followed in the footsteps of her military husband and went to the front line in person. 】

The picture was cut into two halves, one half was Su Ruan, in the continuous rain, she carried the wounded, helped bandage, distribute supplies, she was there wherever needed;

The other half is the turbulent flood. A tall and straight man carries sandbags, jumps into the flood to block the embankment, and rests in the mud with his comrades.

Every picture is touching, the two of them are fighting for a common goal on their respective battlefields.

The final frame of the picture is the two photos of each other.

One is at the placement site, the muddy man hugs the woman, rests his head on his shoulder, and falls asleep standing up like this;

One is on the most dangerous embankment, the men and women who are also soaked in clothes, and the faces are more haggard, hug like goodbye.

The host introduced with red eyes, "This is the only two times the two have met in the disaster area for nearly two months, but it interprets the most romantic love and the greatest love in the world. mind."

"Su Ruan." Lu Mingchen's voice suddenly sounded on the TV.

Su Ruan froze for a moment, then turned to look at the man sitting next to her.

The man looked at her with a smile, and the voice on the TV continued. Because of the military, he could not show his face, but his voice was low and full of magnetism, and anyone could hear it of affection:

"It is said that this body is a country, and no matter how difficult it is to be a minister, I used to think that dying to go to the country was the most glorious destination in my life."

"It is you who made me understand that it is my greatest mission and responsibility to protect with my whole life."

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. The luckiest thing in my life is to put on this military uniform and to meet you."

After the voice fell, a line of words appeared on the screen:

Su Ruan looked down at the man holding her big hand and looked up at the man with tender eyes, tears finally fell.

The chin was raised, the hot lips kissed the corner of her eyes, "soft, in the next life, we are still together."