Chapter 22: Who’s this Stupid Elven Dude?!

Chapter 22: Who's this Stupid Elven Dude?!

The quest wasn't a main quest, but rather the starting point for the main quest line in the game.

However, in this world, it seemed more optional.

It felt like they were filtering out players based on their interests, like some sort of in-game matchmaking.

'Well, if I want to meet other hotties and maybe even get close to the queen herself, I guess I have to accept the quest.'

He thought for a second.

'Hey system, can I add the queen to my prey list?'

[That's not possible. You need at least a likeability of 20% to add someone to the prey list.]

'Is the likeability increase based on their level?'

[That's true. The higher the level of a woman is, the less likely they are to fall for your charm.] Geett the latest novels at

'Well, that sucks.'

"Before my dear adventurers delve into other matters, let me mention one more thing."

Queen Roslyn continued, her voice echoing across the crowd.

"There's another gift for you all. A gift that will mark you as pseudo Lightbearers until the real one is found. And that gift is..."

A knight, fully armored, stepped forward and knelt before the Queen.

He extended his hands, presenting a red silk cloth.

On the silk lay a sword, nestled inside its scabbard.

The crowd watched in anticipation as Queen Roslyn turned toward the knight.

Her figure was now fully visible to all, her ample bosom and curvy hips drawing the attention of every onlooker.

'Wow! If Alice-san's ass was heaven, then her ass is a fucking black hole that engulf anything and everything at all.'

Queen Roslyn gracefully reached for the sword, her fingers delicately wrapping around its hilt.

As she lifted it, the adventurers held their breath in anticipation.

"This sword bears great significance to our kingdom and to each of you. It is known as 'Radiance.'"

Gasps of awe rippled through the adventurers as they recognized the name.

Kaisen, however, remained clueless about the sword's abilities.

Queen Roslyn's smile widened as she observed their reactions, pleased that they recognized the importance of the sword.

"Yes, indeed. It is the same blade wielded by the man immortalized in this statue—Eldrin Sunblade, the first Lightbearer."

"That can't be right! The sword is supposed to be a late-game item, or at least that's what the manual says."

Remarked a guy standing beside Kaisen. He had to crane his neck to look up at the larger man, and to his surprise, he noticed the man had pointy ears.


"Indeed! Radiance is an end-game item, yet here she is, presenting it to us."

Another one chimed in.

"That's true! Having Radiance in our hands is like a dream come true. Just look at her assets, those curves. I'd bend her over and--"

'Okay...not so noble as I thought.'

Kaisen thought to himself, brushing off the elf's strange comment and turning his attention back to Queen Roslyn.

Some argue they're the good guys, and the Queen's the real villain;

Others insist Night Shade's just a minor baddie, a lackey of some bigger boss.

It's all pretty confusing. Like, really, really confusing... for those who care, that is.

You might assume that Kaisen doesn't give a darn, but you'd be dead wrong.

Don't write him off as just some skirt-chasing perv who's not Lightbearer material.

He's all about finishing the quest, advancing the plot.

He doesn't even care about rewards or prizes; he just wants to wrap up the game and send everyone home.

That's his whole deal, plain and simple.

Trust the guy, alright?

Back to the now, Kaisen was getting mighty annoyed with this elf who'd been glued to them ever since the Queen's exit.

"I dare say, there appears to have been a significant alteration in the lore. Might I suggest a private discourse to examine these changes?"

The elf, with eyes like emeralds, said, giving his long green locks a sassy flip.

The words sounded sensible enough, but there was something about the way the elf spoke that rubbed our protagonist the wrong way.

Kaisen wouldn't have been so wary of this twit of an elf if he hadn't overheard the way he talked about the Queen, making even the sleaziest humans seem respectful by comparison.

And now here he was, chatting like some posh noble entertaining a peasant, acting all high and mighty.

What really got under Kaisen's skin was how the elf was only giving Alice and, to a lesser extent, Llyod, the time of day, while flat-out ignoring Kaisen.

It was enough to make him want to kick the elf's sorry ass.

"Sure thing, Alwyn-kun. Let's compare our lores and make a decision based on that."

Alice agreed enthusiastically, flashing a smile that seemed to please the smug elf.

"Some tea, sir Llyod."

But Alwyn wasn't alone; he was accompanied by an elven woman named Elfie, who was a stunner by human standards.

She towered at least seven feet tall, her figure graceful and agile, with muscles that spoke of archery prowess.

With her green hair and eyes, Elfie certainly fit the elven stereotype, but to Kaisen, there was nothing particularly eye-catching about her assets.

With her petite breasts and modest buttocks, Elfie wasn't exactly curvy, but that didn't diminish her beauty.

Her elven grace and natural allure made her undeniably attractive.

Kaisen couldn't help but notice Llyod practically drooling over Elfie.

It seemed the man had no discernible type at all.

First, he was mesmerized by the Queen, who was like a living sex doll, and now he was ogling a slender archer with no standout assets.

Like come on, man, have some standards.

"Yes, please..."

Llyod accepted the cup with a grateful nod, allowing Elfie to pour the hot tea.

Alice couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she observed Llyod's happiness.

Meanwhile, Alwyn's smile widened as he leaned in, placing a gentle hand on Alice's.

"It appears, Sir Llyod appears quite taken with Elfie's company. It seems he may not share our enthusiasm for delving into the lore. However, you, my lady, strike me as a woman of both beauty and intellect. I would be honored to share some elven lore with you, if you're interested."