Chapter 23: Extremely Possessive?

Chapter 23: Extremely Possessive?

The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.

--Sun Tzu


"It appears, Sir Llyod appears quite taken with Elfie's company. It seems he may not share our enthusiasm for delving into the lore. However, you, my lady, strike me as a woman of both beauty and intellect. I would be honored to share some elven lore with you, if you're interested."

Alwyn's flirty tone made Alice blush, especially when he laid his hand on hers.

Kaisen's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, sensing the flirtatious atmosphere.

"Uhm, Alwyn-kun, I--"

"Why the hell not!"

Kaisen chimed in, not in his usual perverted mode but in his flamboyant "hunter of men" persona.

He gayly put his hand on top of Alwyn's, wiggling his fingers like they were having a romantic rendezvous.

It was like watching two love-struck teenagers making googly eyes at each other, except it was two grown men, one of whom was very much straight.


Alwyn was surprised by the sudden shift in the foolish boy's behavior.

He had never really paid much attention to Kaisen before, considering him rather insignificant.

Like Alice was tied to that silly Llyod, so if he wanted to snatch her away, all he had to do was show her that her boyfriend could be swayed by another woman.

It was all about making her feel insecure and jealous, making her see Llyod for what he truly was:

Just another guy who could be easily led astray by lust.

That was his cunning plan.

But he hadn't counted on this guy, Kaisen. He'd schemed to steal Alice away, but now this dude was hitting on him.

"Uhm, Sir Kaisen--"

"I'd love to discuss the lore with you. We can compare notes and decide on the best course of action. Maybe even play a game or two... of balls, you know? Smashing balls together and aiming for the hole. Bang, bang, bang..."

Kaisen said with a wink, and Alwyn gulped, his mind reeling from the situation.

Not to mention, this dumb human's fingers were drawing on his elegant hands.

How could someone just touch Alwyn, the future Elven king's hand like that?

It felt...It

Alwyn quickly snatched his hand back, chuckling nervously.

Alice blushed furiously, not because her friend was acting flamboyant towards another man, but because when Alwyn pulled his hand away, Kaisen's hand landed on hers.

It was a moment of awkward hand-holding, and Alice didn't know where to look.

As if that wasn't enough, Kaisen started caressing her palm with his fingers, rubbing them slowly against her own, intertwining them with his smooth skin.

Alice's blush deepened as she watched their hands move together, feeling a strange warmth spreading through her body at the simple and subtle touch.

"Of course, Sir Kaisen, we should compare our lores and select the best course of action. B-but I think, we shouldn't limit the knowledge and invite players from other worlds with other lores to join us. We can compare them all together, how about that?"

Alwyn smiled, his gaze subtly shifting towards Elfie.

The signal was so discreet that a regular human might have missed it, but Kaisen, being the pervert he was, was watching the elf closely, ready to catch any further indiscretions.

And as expected, the elven girl Elfie gracefully approached Kaisen, her movements as elegant as a swan gliding on water.

She stooped low, so low that if it were the Queen or even Alice, their breasts would've threatened to spill out of their dresses.

But poor Elfie, with just two unripe avocado seeds perched on a modest mound of flesh for breasts, had nothing to fear.

"Some tea for you, sir Kaisen?"

Elfie's smile was indeed captivating, and Kaisen couldn't help but notice it.

She couldn't deny the sudden craving for his touch, a feeling she never expected to experience.

'What is this attraction I'm feeling? Its completely different from master's when he beat me.'

The longer his hand rested on her shoulder, the more Elfie found herself drawn to him.

Her body pressed against his legs, she felt a newfound warmth spreading through her heart, a sensation she couldn't quite explain.

"Alice-san, help me with the healing, would you? I feel like I have sustained burns on my legs."

Kaisen requested.

Alice felt a surge of jealousy as she watched Elfie on her knees, touching Kaisen's legs.

But when he called for her aid, she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness, practically jumping from her seat to assist him.

Alwyn's face twisted into a scowl as he watched Alice.

He couldn't understand why Alice seemed angrier at Elfie for talking to the stupid gay than she was at her own boyfriend.

Llyod, noticing the tension, stood up from his seat and approached his best friend.

"Elfie-san, let me handle this from here."

Alice said, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

"I made the mess, so I should take care of it."

Elfie replied, returning the fake smile.

"Oh? I didn't know you were a healer, Elfie-san? What level is your healing magic at?"

Alice feigned surprise, placing a hand over her mouth.

" not a healer."

Elfie's voice dropped to a whisper, but Alice wasn't one to back down easily.

"What was that, Elfie-san? Speak up! I can't hear you very well."

Elfie scowled, feeling her master's disapproval looming over her like a dark cloud.

"I'm not a healer, but I'm pretty handy with potions and first aid, being an archer and all."

Alice smirked, feeling her plan coming together.

This was going to be good.

"And why should he only get first aid when he can be fully healed without feeling any pain at all? Why should I, as Kaisen-kun's best friend, subject him to this torture when I have the power of the strongest healing spell?"

"Uh...Alice-san...Don't need to get any angry--"

"Shut up, Llyod-san! This doesn't concern you. This concerns the health of another player. The health of my "best friend!" And nobody can dissuade me from that."

Llyod was taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise as Alice snapped back at him, silencing him with just a few words.

He had never seen her this angry before, and Kaisen shared his sentiment.

It was a side of Alice they had never witnessed, and it left them both speechless.

'Hey, system... What's Alice's status right now?'

[Emotion: Extremely possessive.]

[Love for you: 94%]

'What the fuck? Extremely possessive? Like a yandere?'

His eyes slowly shifted to Alice, and he could practically see flames dancing in her eyes as they bore down on poor Elfie, who dared not meet her gaze.

'What the hell is happening?'

"Ha, ha, ha... No need to quarrel. Why don't we ask Sir Kaisen who he wants to be treated by? After all, he's the patient here, right?"

Alwyn, the stupid pointy ears, chimed in as he approached, observing the scene with keen interest.

Both women, one flustered and the other seething with rage, turned their attention to the patient, who gulped audibly at the sudden tension in the air.