Chapter 308: Hell Tree (4)

Chapter 308: Hell Tree (4)

[Wi ll yo u sur vive ? ]

Due to its unique oral structure, the end of the word always ends in a high tone, making it sound like an interrogative.

But no one had enough time to worry about such small details.

<Hell Hound>

Danger Rating: B

Size: 3 meters

Found in: Red and Black Mountains, Ridge 2

-A.K.A 'the dog that drives hell'.

It brings terrible disaster to anyone it encounters, and once bitten, no one survives.

The sulfurous fire that spews from its eyes and mouth is drawn from the depths of the Oilpole Hell, and will not be extinguished until the life it has used as fuel is completely consumed.

Hellhound. A sinister beast that breathes sulfuric fire from its eyes and mouth.

The number of hellhounds charging toward the 108 students was exactly 108.

[ It's ok ay to be 100 tim es wea ker, rig ht? You gu ys are 108, th ese chil dren are al so 108, Ple ase ho ld on we ll ? ]

The fairy was twisting her body like she was going crazy with joy.

And then, an aristocratic female student who belatedly realized the situation screamed.

"Kyaahhhhh! What is that!""

The game was begun.


The number "108" appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Finnd new chapters at

All the students realized that the number was rapidly decreasing as time went on.

'108 people survive 108 hellhounds for 108 minutes.'

This was the mission of the second floor of the basement.

"Hiii! How am I going to beat this!"

"You idiot! You don't have to fight! You win if you survive!"

"We can run and hide! This is an academy, even if it's in ruins!"

"This is where we've been living for the past few years! I know where we can hide!"

'If I could use my full power, I would form a party and fight, but it is impossible to fight against a pack of hellhounds now that I am 100 times weaker.'

"Let's go to the girls' dormitory! The roof there should be enough to keep them at bay!"

"No, we have to get into the water tank!"

"There's an underground bunker in the grocery store! The doors there are thick!"

"Let's go to the gym! There are lots of things that can be used as weapons!"

The students rushed to the places they knew best.

But there was something they overlooked.

The terrain here is subtly different from the Academy.

Everything was in ruins.

"What! Oh, the roof's collapsed! Eek! Hellhounds are coming! Jump!"

"What, the water tank is full of rotten water! We can get in, but we can't hold our breath for 108 minutes!"

"Ugh, the doors to the underground bunker are all rusted and corroded!"

"There's not a single workout machine in the gym! Damn it!"

The big terrain was the same as they knew it, but the small details were different.

The students frantically ran and hid from the swarming hellhounds.

...And one of them was Grenouille, a first-year vice leader student at the Hot Class.

"Ugh! Aaaah-"

Grenouille ran frantically, his face covered in tears, snot, and drool.

Behind him, he could hear the clashing teeth of the hellhounds.

That means they're close.

'No, you're wrong, It's hard to even escape with a body that's 100 times weaker!'

If he didn't hide somewhere right away, he would die a horrible death that would leave his body untouchable.


"Hey! Aren't you Grenouille?"

"Hey! It's dangerous! Get over here! Now!"

A voice called out for Grenouille from the side.

"Yeah, but it's kind of weird that he was all red when I called him."

"He's a first year, so he's a bit naive. I only took him because he's from the Leviathan family, but ah- who cares about his status outside the tower when we're down here."

The male and female students smirked and nodded.

Just then.


From above, the Hellhounds stirred.

A single one had separated from the pack and burst through the door of the grocery store.

'Eek! Since there are no visible baits, let's search!'

'Don't worry. No one knows about this basement.'

The boys and girls crouched down, covering each other's mouths.

The hellhound slowly circled the store, scanning the area.

But when it saw nothing, it turned and started to walk out of the store.

Just then.


The hellhound's eyes changed.

It immediately ran to the corner of the store and began scratching frantically at the floor.


His claws, heated by the sulfur fire, tore through the hardwood floor like paper.

Inside were a group of boys and girls with grotesque expressions.

"Ugh. How did you know!"

"Kyaahhh! You said we wouldn't be found out!"

At the same time, they realized.

The Hellhound's nose was flapping frantically.

'Wow, new Beatrice Newell! It's a limited edition perfume, and I couldn't find it because there weren't any celebrities who were said to be the king of the imperial capital!'

'Wow, this is a tobacconist's shop, with a stack of fancy cigarettes. Aren't these the cigarettes I never got around to smoking?'

'Well, maybe they're just trying to get us to relax before we get into the real game?'

And then they realize that before they hide in the basement, they've been sprayed with limited-edition perfume and smoked fine tobacco.

The Hellhounds used their keen sense of smell to pinpoint the location of students wearing perfume, cigarettes, and cosmetics, and they were in hot pursuit.

Anyone who wore even a drop of hand cream was not immune from the hellhounds' pursuit.


"...That's what it's going to be like."

"What, what? What did you just say?"


Vikir looked away, watching the goings-on at the grocery store in the distance.

Behind him, Grenouille looked terrified, and in front of him was a pack of hellhounds.

The other hellhounds, who had been chasing the runaways, had caught up to Vikir.

Grenouille despaired at the dead-end alley behind them.

"Ugh! That's why I told you to go to the dormitory wing, there's plenty of places to hide in the area where my room was! You ignored me and came this way, and now you've brought all the hellhounds from everywhere!"

The hellhounds currently surrounding Vikir and Grenouille accounted for most of the total number of summoned.

With most of the Hellhounds concentrated here, the survival rate of the other students is quite high.

However, it's hard not to feel like a broken man in this harsh situation.

'I'm crazy! I shouldn't have followed this guy! I shouldn't have been so weak after all the help I got earlier...!'

Grenouille regrets his choice.

"Don't worry. There's a way out."

Vikir said simply.

Grenouille retorted in disbelief.

"There's no way, how are we going to run and hide from all these hellhounds!"

"...hide? Why hide?"


Grenouille gives Vikir a blank look in response.

But Vikir is completely unfazed and replies with a nonchalant expression.

"I'll get them all."

The hellhounds here... No, all the chunks of experience.