Chapter 309: Hell Tree (5)

Chapter 309: Hell Tree (5)

"I'll get them all."

Vikir said to the hellhounds in front of him.

Grenouille's response was short and to the point.

"... Are you out of your mind?"

Grenouille's reaction is understandable.

Every single one of the hellhounds in front of him has powerful bones and massive muscles.

Their teeth and claws are sharper than the edge of any great sword, and the sulfur dripping from their eyes and mouths will burn and melt anything it touches.

Moreover, there are so many of them that you can't see them all at once.

What on earth can one person do in such a situation?

But Vikir remained nonchalant.

'I already knew hellhounds would come out.'

Vikir's attention was drawn to the luxuries left behind in the ruined academy: perfume, cigarettes, and cosmetics.

Such a brazen arrangement of scented items must have foreshadowed the trap to come.

Vikir tried to think of a few creatures with an unusually sensitive sense of smell, but there weren't many.

One of them was a hellhound.

'Gnolls are very easy opponents, goblins are not difficult, and if they come out, they will probably be land sharks or hellhounds with a sensitive sense of smell.'

All the props and terrain were designed by demon, and if you messed with them, you'd die.


Vikir drew his magic sword, Beelzebub, and faced the horde of hellhounds.


One hellhound, confident in the power of the pack and gaining momentum, bravely charged in and suffered a serious injury to its nose.

The big nose and the fist-sized chunk of flesh behind it fell to the ground.

[Kkegaeng! Kang! Kiiing-]

A hellhound with its entire nose and bridge cut off struggles backwards, spraying hot blood and oil.

Vikir takes advantage, slicing the lower jaw off another hellhound as it tries to bite at his side.

And after that, another hellhound that tried to claw at Bikir's buttocks lost nearly half of its right front leg, and the one next to it was pierced through the throat and died.


[Kaeaeng! Kaeng!]


Only then did the hellhounds notice.

The other side wasn't trying to kill them, but rather maim them.

This, of course, was a planned move by Vikir.

'Hellhounds are rare in the early levels. Their hunting rewards are very generous.'

Vikir heard a beeping sound in his ear.


[Vikir, a 'Level 1 Warrior', has successfully hunted the first 'B+ Rank Monster Hellhound' in the Tutorial Zone!]

[Rewards are given for 'difficult' achievements!]

Just killing one gave you the reward.


It's a red bead. It was a 'strange candy' that increased your strength stat by 1.

'I wonder what they'll reward me with if I kill them all.'

Even in the memoirs of the pre-regression heroes, there was no mention of killing all of these monsters.

That means Vikir is tackling a quest that no one else has ever attempted.

All for the sake of the greatest reward of all!

Swash, puck, swash, puck!

Vikir moved at breakneck speed.

Parts essential for movement, such as fingers, toes, joints, and internal organs, are thoroughly protected.

Those parts that weren't necessary for combat were boldly surrendered, and in return, he made sure to grab his opponent's eyeballs, tongue, legs, etc.

Behind him, Grenouille frowned at the terrifying sight of Vikir fighting as if possessed by an evil spirit.

'What the hell, that guy. Is he a level 1? Why is he fighting so well....'

Grenouille knew he wasn't a normal guy from the University League, but he didn't expect him to be this strong.

If he's 100 times weaker now, how strong was he originally? How much was he hiding?

Each time the red awl flicked back and forth, one hellhound inevitably closes its eyes and sticks out its tongue.

Several hellhounds tried to fight back, but there was no way a proper fight was possible with sulfur flowing out of their eyes and noses.

Dug, dug, dug, dug.

As Vikir killed more hellhounds, stat candy continued to drop.

Red candies for strength. Green candies for agility. Blue candies for stamina.

Red candies were the most common, followed by blue candies, and then green candies.

"The agility stat is really hard to get."

Vikir thought as he looked at the pile of candies in front of him.

'If the candy store opens later, I can exchange 300 stat candies for 1 level candy, so I'd better start saving up for that.'

Just then.

A fairy appeared in front of Vikir's eyes.

They usually appear out of nowhere, but this time it was even more sudden.

[Wow, did you kill all th ese child ren ? Are yo u qu ite irre gular ? ]

The fairy stuck out its tongue as it looked at the dead bodies of hellhounds spread out on the floor of the recycling bin.

Then, in a soft voice, it gave Vikir a choice.

[ Sin ce you ha ve ma de su ch a gr eat ach ieve ment, you sho uld take the gr eat rew ard, rig ht ? ]

At the same time, something appeared in front of Vikir's eyes.


['Level 1 Warrior' Vikir has successfully hunted down the 'B+ Rank Monster Hellhound Pack' for the first time in the Tutorial Zone!]

[Rewards will be given out for 'great' achievements!]

[You will be able to adjust the difficulty of the mission for one time]

[Would you like to increase the difficulty level?]

[The mission with the increased difficulty will be a 'bonus stage']

[If you clear the 'bonus stage', you will receive additional rewards!]

Asking if I want to increase the difficulty.

That means. Now that the entire group of hellhounds has been killed, will you allow a more dangerous monster to appear?

"How could you possibly allow this, you idiot!?"

Grenouille raised the middle fingers of both hands and shouted at the fairy.

But Vikir, standing next to him, had a different idea.

"I'll do it. Send something."

A more powerful boss monster. This was what Vikir wanted.

The stronger and more dangerous the monster, the better and more valuable the reward.

The fairy laughed unpleasantly next to Grenouille's astonished expression.

[I li ke it, I li ke it, I li ke it so mu ch? Are you will ing to ta ke on th at chal lenge? Th en we can get star ted rig ht aw ay , rig ht ? ]

At the same time, a black hole appeared in the fairy's back.

It was similar to the hole that had appeared when the hellhounds had been summoned earlier, but there was only one, and it was much wider in diameter.


A monster of adjusted difficulty began to appear before Vikir's eyes.

"...Ah, this must be a dream."

A magical beast that was enough to make even Grenouille, who had somehow managed to hold on until now, lose his mind.

But Vikir's comment was short.

"Long time no see."

Three heads emerged from the gate. Only one body.


Danger rating: A+.

Size: 7 meters

Found in: Ridge 7, Red and Black Mountains

-A.K.A. 'Hell Watchdog'

This dog has no interest in wraiths trying to enter Hell, but will immediately tear them to shreds if they try to escape.

It lives in the depths of the Oil World, the final destination for all wraiths, and is considered the ultimate of oil world monsters.

Cerberus the Hell Watchdog, the boss of the bonus stage.

It's glaring at Vikir with a fiery, intimidating gaze.