Chapter 362: Ghost Castle of the Ultra-Deep Sea (2)

Chapter 362: Ghost Castle of the Ultra-Deep Sea (2)

#1st entrance ceremony: <Belongings inspection>

The induction ceremony consists of three procedures.

Until it started, the prisoners didn't realize the seriousness of the situation.

The belongings inspection was a matter of course, and the second and third health checks and baths were unexpected luxuries.

As a result, the prisoners were generally happy.

"What kind of an idiot would bring a weapon into a place like this?"

"I'm not hiding anything, so I'll be fine."

"Oh, I just want to take a bath."

But Vikir didn't believe a word of what was written in the protocol.

'For those who were dragged to the Nouvelle Vague, they are naive.'

The prisoners do not lose their smiles even as they are dragged away tied up in rows next to them. How long can their expressions be maintained?

Soon, the prisoners, including Vikir, were led by the guards out into the open square.

Only then did their faces change.


"What, you said you were going to check our belongings?"

"Then why are you taking us to this cliff...?"

The scene in front of them was quite a sight.

Sheer cliffs. And then, far off in the distance, almost a dot, another cliff.

And sharply sharpened blades were connected between cliffs.

...And there was more.

On top of the giant blade bridge connecting cliff to cliff, giant iron balls that could have been used for demolition in a construction site were swinging from side to side like clockwork.

"What the hell is this? You don't want me to cross this, do you?"

"We're on a ridge!"

"What are those iron balls!"

The prisoners' faces turned white at the horrific sight before them.

'I see.'

Vikir nodded.

The Nouvelle Vague's word of mouth is no ordinary thing.

It would be disguised in everyday words, but the reality would be horrific and brutal.

... just like right now.


Finally, the guards showed their true colors.

They stabbed the prisoners in the back with knives, clubs, spears, and tridents.

They were going to kill them if they didn't get on the blade bridge.

In the end, the prisoners cried and put their feet on the blade.

They had to walk barefoot over hundreds of meters of blades.

If they lost their balance for even a moment, they would fall to the bottom of an unknown cliff.

One of the prisoners shakily asked.

"What happens if I fall off that cliff?"

"...I'll leave it to your imagination."

Lieutenant Garm, who was leading the prisoners, replied in a bureaucratic tone.

Next, the prisoners stood in a line and began to walk on the sharp blade.

The razor-sharp blades dug into their bare feet with each step.

Each cut would be deeper and deeper under the weight of their bodies.

The cold blade cut and cut at the soles of the prisoners' feet.


The prisoner, who was spewing out blood and falling to his knees, fell straight in front of the blade and his entire body was broken into pieces.

hududug- hududug- hududug-

Red blood and flesh rained down.

Seeing the prisoner in front of them fall to his death in an instant, the other prisoners became even more nervous and stood on their toes.

They strained their big and little toes, holding on to the blade with their toes and walking slowly.

That was how the prisoners were able to move.

..., but it was really just a way to get around.


A giant iron ball passed in front of the prisoner's eyes.

The balls traveled across the bridge in sections, each with a tremendous amount of weight and speed.

If you were hit even once, your entire body would be crushed like fish meat and you would be thrown off the cliff.

"Haha- idiots, there's no way we're going to get hit by these balls!"

A prisoner was crawling like a cockroach, holding onto the blade with both hands and feet.

His hands and feet were already covered in blood, but he was still crawling quite steadily on his legs.

"Ew!? Leeches!"

Screams erupted from the prisoners.

Countless leeches were raining down on the prisoners' heads.

These tiny little vampires were clinging to the prisoners' bodies, sucking out whatever they could, and it didn't look like they were just drawing blood.

"Huh? This isn't blood...."

"It's bones, it's bones!"

"They suck skin, these bastards!"

Screams of horror erupted from among the prisoners.

What the leeches sucked varied.

Some leeches sucked blood, as they were supposed to, some sucked bones, and some sucked skin.

As the prisoners languished in the leech swamp, the guards scribbled on charts.

"Number 12, bone density normal..."

"Number 36, low blood volume, we're going to have to speed this up."

"No. 43, skin condition good, no impairment to work."

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Tongue'."

Health checks are what leeches are made of.

The fact that leeches are aggressively attacking means that there is no major problem with the prey's body.

Just like that.


The leeches clinging to one of the prisoners suddenly became paralyzed and started screaming in pain.

"kkeuleug! kkeuleug! kkeuleug!""

Sakkuth De Leviathan.

A wicked man whom even the poisonous Leviathan had banished for having a mental problem.

The leeches that clung to his body, sucking blood, bone, and skin, stiffened and fell away.

Perhaps the blood or marrow contained poison.

'...That's a lot of trouble.'

Vikir thought to himself as he stood quietly by the leeches, giving them what they had to give, and watched Sakkuth laugh nonchalantly in the distance.

'It's a good thing he's a troublemaker.'

If Vikir was careful, he might be able to use Sakkuth to his advantage.

#3rd entrance ceremony: <Bath>

The prisoners, who had crawled out of the leeches' swamp, lay exhausted on the floor.

Their bone density, muscle density, and blood reserves had decreased, and they were hanging on for dear life.

...The only thing left to do is to take a bath.

But none of the men had the look of anticipation on their faces.

The survivors were dragged into an empty, circular plaza, where they found something unpleasant.

It was a mass of skeletons.

The skeletal remains of human beings were rolling around, and upon closer inspection, there were many strange features.

"Are those little holes in the bones caved in?"

"Burned or melted."

"What the hell... are they going to do again."

The prisoners looked around anxiously.

And then, once again, a terrible surprise struck them.


Boiling, yellowish groundwater burst from the ceiling.

The acrid smell seemed to contain a lot of sulfur.


The prisoners scrambled to avoid the sulfur raining down from above.

But the bubbling sulfur soaked everywhere, fairly evenly.


With tiny holes piercing all over his body, the prisoner finally collapsed to the ground.

The prisoners, who had been lying around a moment before, quickly rush over and crawl under the dead man's body.

This was to avoid a shower of sulfur.

"Hey, give me my umbrella!"

"Shut up! He's been my friend since we were on earth!"

"Give it to me! It's mine!"

The prisoners fiercely argued with each other, tearing at the dead prisoner's body.

In the meantime, the dead prisoner's body was torn apart and turned into countless umbrellas.

Finally, the hours-long shower of sulfurous water ended.

Through the thick cloud of stale steam, gas masked guards entered the room.

Lieutenant Garm Nord looked around and nodded.

"All prisoners are disinfected, we will proceed with floor assignments now."