Chapter 363: Ghost Castle of the Ultra-Deep Sea (3)

Chapter 363: Ghost Castle of the Ultra-Deep Sea (3)

The entrance ceremony was over.

The bodies of the dead prisoners were tossed off the cliffs into the crater like garbage.

No one cared about the fate of the prisoners, who would still be reported as 'alive and imprisoned' in the terrestrial registers because they had not been officially 'executed'.

They would remain trapped in this prison on paper forever, even after death.

On the other hand, the prisoners who survived the ceremony received their floor and room assignments.

Vikir, who had not only come here with more than three thousand life sentences, but had also shown a nonchalant attitude during the inspection of his belongings, medical examination, and bath, was naturally assigned to Level Nine, the ninth floor.

... Clang!

Vikir was locked in a cramped room. Level Nine was basically a solitary confinement system.

The atmosphere in the room was surprisingly plain.

A large black brick stone chamber. The entire stone chamber was lined with bars made of BDISSEM, a substance that absorbs mana and physical power.

"This is why you can't even dig through the bricks with a spoon."

Not only were the bars closely spaced, but they covered the ceiling, walls, and floor, making escape impossible.

There was no point in digging a hole to get out through the walls or the floor, as they were 10,000 meters below the ocean floor.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Cold droplets of water dripped from the bricks.

The water was extremely salty and concentrated.

Indeed, an enormous amount of moisture sticks to the entire body.

A dark, cold, dank aura filled not only the cell, but the entire hallway.

The interior of the stone chamber was bare.

Not even the usual bedding or bowls, just an empty cube of space.

But Vikir's assessment was pretty harsh.

"Not a bad place to live." CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

After rolling across so many bloody battlefields against demons, it's a nice change of pace.

Vikir muttered to himself.


The heavy iron gate beyond rang loudly once.


A door so heavy that it took over a hundred guards to open it.

It opened and the prisoners who had originally been held here were seen entering.

Presumably on their way back from forced labor outside.

"heoeog! keuheoeog! kkeuleuleug-"


"kkeueug- kkeueueueug-"

The condition of the prisoners returning from their forced labor in the workshops was terrible.

Vikir recalled the information he already knew.

Garm opened his mouth as if aiming his words at Vikir.

Vikir heard the words and nodded slowly.

The cell the guard was referring to was probably nothing like the one Vikir was in now.

'Solitary. A terrible place. I've heard it's a hard place to get out of alive once you're locked up in it... and that there's only one prisoner in all of Nouvelle Vague who can survive it.'

Vikir was recalling all the information he'd heard before his regression.

"... Huh!?"

"Oh, they're coming, they're coming!"

"Get out of the way or you'll get eaten!"

The low-level prisoners, returning from their labor, backed away to the left and right, terrified.

The guards, too, stood tense, their weapons crossed, staring at the other side of the gate.

Black shadows stretched across the fiery horizon.

Shadows that are big, small, or incredibly large.




They are the prisoners of Level 9, returning from their work in the center of the labor fields.

All eyes were on the returning prisoners of Level 9.

Vikir turned his head away as if he didn't care, and spoke in a deep tone.

"Hey, guard, do you happen to have a newspaper or something?"

Lieutenant Garm, who was breaking out in a cold sweat, turned his head.

Then, incredulously, he replied.

"Newspapers? Why would you look for such a precious thing in a prisoner?"

"Newspapers are precious? I didn't know that."

"Anything from the outside world is valuable, especially something as informative as a newspaper. Even among the guards, newspapers are rarely seen, and only the warden and a few other privileged people can read them."

The connection to the outside world is both precious and dangerous.

At least that's how it worked in Nouvelle Vague.

Vikir clicked his tongue ruefully.

"We're as good as prisoners and guards who are imprisoned here."

At that, Garm put his hands on his hips in disbelief.

But he did not bother to pull out the three-stage baton attached to his waist.

'...Tomorrow, that leisure will disappear.'

Even if you are a demon trapped in Level Nine, once you taste the labor of the Nouvelle Vague, you will be stunned.

This prison is named after the volcano Nouvelle Vague, which was once hotter than any other.

It is now an extinct volcano, but the geothermal heat still trapped inside and unable to escape is as hot as hell.

Garm expressed his condolences to Vikir, who had to dig down there starting tomorrow, especially the deepest and hottest part of it.

It's where even the demons of Level Nine die casually.