Chapter 2267 About the Mission

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2267 About the Mission

Ten days after leaving Armhands headquarters, Minos' group arrived in the area where they had to carry out their mission.

With one more day of travel, they would enter the area where the unauthorized warfare of some members of their guild was taking place.

Today, they were stopped in a forested area, where the group was resting and preparing to deal with the situation of their mission from tomorrow!


At the place where the group stopped to rest, Rhett was sitting on a rock next to a peak where they could see hundreds and hundreds of square kilometers.

There were forests densely covered with trees in one corner, a large lake not far from where they were, but also mountain ranges with their tops frozen in the distance on the horizon.

Although Zocarro was very different from the Spiritual World, some things would always be more or less the same in any habitable world in the universe. Just as the natives of the Spiritual World would appreciate nature's beauty, the alien next to them could do the same.

"Do you have views as beautiful as this in your world?" Rhett asked the people in his group.

"Certainly. Our home world is tiny compared to Zocarro, but there is plenty of diversity and many beautiful landscapes." Minos replied, being the one in his group who had traveled the most in the Spiritual World despite his young age.

Rhett commented. "Not mine. Where I come from is an endless savannah without many breathtaking views like this."

"Where do you come from?" Ruth asked as she sat in front of a small fire, roasting some vegetables.

Rhett didn't answer her as he changed the subject. "I want to hear from you what we're going to do from tomorrow. How should we deal with this problem, Recruit Ruth?" He looked at her.

Everyone turned their eyes to Ruth as she took a deep breath. "We should solve the problem created by the guild members. Even if the guild didn't authorize this confrontation, now that we have members involved, we can't just back down."

Minos complemented her speech. "We have to deal with the rebels as well. First, we'll win the confrontation and show the strength of Armhands, and then we'll punish those who started this little war."

That force represents a great danger for a Grandmaster and a newly promoted Sovereign. Be aware that there are even high-level Sovereigns in that sect."

High-level Sovereigns were those between levels 110 and 114!

"We'll be careful, Officer," Maximillian said, agreeing to take that risk because the result of their investigation could earn him a lot of merit points if there really were a secret behind Silverdawn's actions.

So the group agreed to go ahead with these arrangements, and as soon as they had finished resting, they got back on the road, heading towards the point in Bellowing Garden where they would go their separate ways.

That would take place over the next 20 hours when Ruth's group would reach the men of their guild waiting for reinforcements, while Minos and Maximillian would move on to Misthall.


Arriving at the location of the guild members who had started the current war, Rhett and those of his group still with him were soon in what looked like a tent, where several aliens were on special medical stretchers.

There were no other reinforcements besides them there, so as soon as they arrived, the only doctor on hand came over to them.

"Officer, where are the other groups? Why haven't we received any help so far?" The doctor from that group of rebels asked.

Rhett didn't know the exact reason why no one but them had arrived, but he could imagine. 'The groups sent are probably more interested in solving the problem than saving these rebels.'

He said nothing about it and asked. "Officer, what's the situation with your group? I have a doctor here with me and men to help defend the area."

"Help? A group made up of external members?" That doctor looked at the two individuals next to Ruth.

Rhett had the same rank as that being, but he was a warrior, while the one in front of him was just a doctor. So he asked. "Are you going to answer me, or will you keep making things difficult?"

"Sigh... I don't know how to explain it. My group had about 30 members. We didn't often act simultaneously. When all this madness started, my colleagues and I, who are still conscious, weren't with the part of the group that started the fight." He said.

"Those who know what happened are either unconscious or dead."