Chapter 2268 What's Behind the War

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2268 What's Behind the War

Hearing that the only ones who could explain the situation were dead or unconscious, Ruth changed her expression and commented. "We have to get one of them to wake up. I sense that the enemies are attacking us to prevent anything about the origin of this incident from leaking out."

"That must be the case." The level 104 doctor agreed with her, having been thinking about this for some time.

"Unfortunately, waking them up is more difficult than you might think. I'm alone here, and they're either badly injured or in special states that can't sustain energy in their bodies." The doctor explained to her. "But without energy in their bodies, waking them up will be impossible."

"I'm not as strong as the Officer, but I can try something." She took a step forward, putting herself at the Sovereign's disposal.

The doctor had no expectations of this level 95 human, but Ruth was the only doctor besides him there. As weak as she was, her help would be better than nothing!

Meanwhile, Rhett ordered those two who had stayed behind with him.

"You two should split up and help protect this place. Try talking to the guards on the outskirts and understanding more about what happened to this group earlier."

The two of them accepted and then went on to find out more about the situation.


While Rhett's group realized that there was something behind the situation they were in, Minos and Maximillian continued on to the only city in the Bellowing Garden region.

They traveled for a few hours longer than their companions alongside Rhett. Still, soon, they entered an alien-friendly city in that area of the continent.

Misthall was a city with a quarter of the population of Examire, which was large enough to contain a lot of diversity and opportunities for Grandmasters and low-level Sovereigns. Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

"It could be. Legend has it that the Scroll of Hearts only appears every 10,000 years. It's been a month since the local sects moved in search of it, so if someone hasn't found it, it'll be hidden for another 10,000 years." The same person who started this conversation commented, sighing in disappointment.

"I hope I'm still here next time..."

While that group continued talking about it, Minos turned his attention to the barista serving him and asked. "When did these local sects return from their search for the Scroll of Hearts?"

"Oh? Interested in that, traveler?" An individual with blue scales, four arms, and 1.9 meters tall dressed as a barista asked from the other side of the counter where Minos was standing. "That happened about three weeks ago.

Even though the appearance of the Scroll of Hearts happened about a month ago, the area where it was supposed to appear is close to where we are. A few days would be enough for one to go there and return in success or failure."

"What is this Scroll of Hearts all about?" Minos saw that it coincided with the start of the Armhands' conflict in this area and was interested in looking into the matter.

"This ancient book is said to be a historical relic left by a Supreme being who was at their stage's peak. It is said that this Supreme wrote the book using the hearts of a thousand enemies.

From it, they condensed some of their wisdom and had it hidden somewhere in Oqia before they made their final attempt to advance to the 13th stage.

What happened is unknown. All we know is that a long time later, people appeared around our region talking about the book of hearts. Eventually, it got its current name and became a sought-after artifact.

But there are legends that it only appears to predestined people. That is, it is not something that can be found. One has to earn it, and through that, it would show itself."

"Interesting. Is there any possibility of a competition developing for this book if someone were to find it?" Minos asked.

"Competition? You mean like taking someone else's book and using it to your advantage?" The barista asked, understanding Minos' question.

Seeing the brown-haired young man nod in the affirmative, the alien said. "It wouldn't work. But there would certainly be a fight. As far as I know, the book can't be stolen, as you asked. But the information that someone has it would be enough to attract enemies and people looking to kill or study it."

"I see," Minos muttered as he paid for his drink and left a generous tip for the barista.