Chapter 2449 The End of The Blossom World

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2449 The End of The Blossom World

"Do you want to wipe out the dominant race of The Blossom World?" Egerton asked Minos, looking at him seriously, finally realizing it wasn't beyond their means.

"That's what I promised them when they tried to kill my whole family," Minos said as he looked at the man who, like everyone else in the area, was at his limit and needed a few hours' rest. No one there was seriously injured enough to require medical attention or complex treatment. But everyone had suffered to some degree in order to eliminate the strongest enemies earlier.

"Is that really necessary? Their strongest men are already dead. We just need to kill the remaining high-level Sovereigns and our work here will be done." Egerton suggested.

"Senior, if you disagree with my methods, you can return to The Enchanted Realm. My group and I can finish this planet on our own," Minos said seriously, while Grisdi and the 12 members of his group looked at Egerton.

Minos needed powerful allies to carry out the crucial part of his plans in The Blossom World, to eliminate the strongest remaining natives. Without someone to weaken and distract the level 114 Sovereign from such a world, he could never use the Black Hole Bomb as he had done. For that, he needed the support of Egerton and those high-level Sovereigns from The Enchanted Realm.

But now that the local level 114 Sovereign had died along with many of the world's strongest men, what was left in The Blossom World wasn't enough to threaten Minos.

He alone could wipe out that civilization in a matter of days, considering what was left behind.

Egerton could see this for himself after witnessing Minos' abilities at their peak earlier.

'He will wipe out this civilization and take all the wealth of this world with him if I let him...' Egerton thought about what less loss would mean for him and his planet.

"All right, if you want to take your revenge, I'll help you. How about we divide the resources of this planet according to those we kill?" Egerton suggested.

"That's good enough for me." Minos saw no problem with that. He certainly wanted the resources of his enemies. After all, he wasn't the type to give up the spoils of war. But his primary goal was to deal with an enemy that had nearly wiped out his entire family. So he didn't mind sharing his booty with Egerton.

"Egerton, are you listening?" He used his communicator, trying to understand the situation of his companions.

A month ago, Egerton had warned him about the attack his group was planning and how interesting it would be to have reinforcements join the attack to end the war once and for all.

But when he finally overcame the odds against him, he couldn't help but be shocked to find The Blossom World without air defenses and with signs of fighting spread over areas large enough to be seen from space.

After three minutes of trying to contact Egerton, the voice of Minos' ally sounded over the comms of the warship that had just entered The Blossom World's atmosphere.

"This is me, Egerton. We're on the ground at the planet's north pole." "What's your status? What happened on this planet? I just got here and came across an enormous crater where the capital of this civilization was supposed to be."

Egerton laughed and said. "We defeated the damned enemies! We'll wipe out the population of The Blossom World and get our new colony!"

"What?" this peak Sovereign asked in shock, while everyone in his crew thought they had heard wrong.

"Don't ask me too much. It has to do with my new ally. We'll talk about it later when we get home. For now, just come to the north pole. We'll have a banquet to share the spoils of war after we finish destroying this civilization."

This newly arrived level 114 Sovereign accepted Egerton's recommendation, even though he found it all strange and outside of what he would expect from his old comrade-in-arms.

"We will reach your position in a few minutes. I'll talk to you when I get there."

The newcomer ended the call and ordered his men to set sail for the planet's north pole, where they would meet Egerton and Minos' group in a few minutes.

On that day, the civilization of The Blossom World would end, the first step toward ending the war in the galaxy!