Chapter 2450 Dividing the Spoils

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2450 Dividing the Spoils

After a few minutes, the other level 114 Sovereign from The Enchanted Realm arrived at the north pole of The Blossom World.

Arriving with his spaceship and two other warships, the man who had been called to this world to assist his companions was surprised to find Egerton and a group around a campfire.

There were no enemies around, only allies or natives of the Enchanted Realm, while huge skewers of meat lie around the large fire.

"Egerton? What's going on here?" This individual asked as he looked around with a strange expression on his face, walking around the area while feeling the good mood of the group there.

His companions disembarked from their three warships and then turned their attention to defending themselves in case any enemies appeared.

Seeing the group of newcomers, Egerton laughed and said. "Ozodat, we've conquered the planet. We killed all the natives!"

"Is that serious?" A level 113 Sovereign from Ozodat's group asked, looking seriously at Egerton.

When Ozodat gave him the same look, Egerton replied. "Yes, we've just eliminated the last group of locals. We arrived here 20 minutes ago to divide the spoils of war. Sit down, there's plenty of meat for everyone."

At first, Egerton didn't want to wipe out an entire civilization. But since Minos wanted to commit such an atrocity, the specialist agreed to do the same and enjoyed its benefits.

With The Blossom World now having lost 97% of its natives, that world could now be colonized by a new civilization, and the war in the galaxy could be ended after news of this event spread.

Among the most immediate benefits to Egerton and The Enchanted Realm were the vast resources they could immediately bring back to their planet.

"All right, we can accept those terms. Do you have any specific areas to choose from?" Ozodat asked Minos.

Minos tossed the two leaders from The Enchanted Realm a map of the planet they were on. "I have already divided the areas according to my suggestion. My group will stay here for a week to collect the resources that catch our eye. After that, the entire planet will be left for your civilization to explore."

The two men analyzed the map and accepted Minos' proposal.

"After that, will you go directly to Dream Station? Aren't you interested in staying here for a while?" Ozodat asked.

Someone like Minos would be worth staying longer in the galaxy!

But Minos was in a hurry to get back to Zocarro.

"I intend to return to Zocarro as soon as possible, so I have no interest in staying here any longer. I'm a member of a guild on such a planet, but I've been away from it for a long time. I'm afraid that if I don't hurry, I'll be in serious trouble." Minos explained with a bitter smile. By his reckoning, if he left in a week and didn't have too many delays on the way, by the time his group reached Zocarro, about 80 years would have passed for Maximillian's group that stayed behind.

That was a long time, which meant he and his five guild mates would have a lot of work to do to make up for the long time they had gone without doing any missions.

"So that's it..." Ozodat said in a sighing tone, until his eyes fell on Grisdi and Kendrick, who were looking at each other meaningfully.

Ozodat's eyes lit up with a certain thought. He smiled and asked Minos. "Is there any chance that a native of my world could accompany you to Zocarro? It's not easy for our civilization to send people to that planet, so I'm willing to pay any cost for you to take her with you." He pointed in Grisdi's direction.

Minos smiled when he heard this, while Kendrick and Grisdi stood up from where they were, realizing that this was somehow about them.

Minos surprised them all. "Of course I can. Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets to Zocarro all right. But I can't guarantee her long-term safety. Zocarro is even more dangerous than this galaxy."