Chapter 2550 Zeta Draconis

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2550 Zeta Draconis

Ten months later...

Minos' journey between Omicron Aquarii and Zeta Draconis passed quickly, as he spent most of his time cultivating in an individual cultivation room.

Just like the journey from the Artificial Moon to his previous stop, there was not much demand for the journey to Zeta Draconis. In fact, it was even lower than that between the Artificial Moon and Omicron Aquarii.

After a smooth journey, Minos had landed on a space station in Zeta Draconis, where he discovered he would have to travel to a planet in that galaxy to continue on to the Fern Leaf Nebula.

After two weeks of traveling through a universal wormhole, he arrived on this planet, the home of the Divine Dragons!


Upon arriving on the planet of the Divine Dragons, Minos faced an entrance barrier where he underwent an interview with an enormous dragon.

This creature's body differed from the dragons of the Spiritual World, but it closely resembled the form of the ancestral Dragon God of his world.

After receiving permission to enter this world, Minos couldn't help but imagine there was some kind of connection between this world and Panvuter in the distant past.

'Fah'um of Dunov was probably a 12th stage being when he was alive.' Minos imagined as he arrived on the surface of the planet that was home to the supreme dynasty of Zeta Draconis.

As soon as he left the magnificent volcano-shaped building, Minos saw gigantic creatures flying back and forth, dragons the size of floating islands, but also much smaller juniors.

This was not a populated world. In hundreds of square kilometers, there should only be a few dozen creatures. But most of the creatures there were huge, and only a few of them did not belong to the sovereign race.

The Divine Dragons didn't accept aliens to live in their world, only those who were just passing through and were willing to pay for the dragons' services.

There were special creatures on Zocarro that Minos would not find easy to fight and that would show less fighting efficiency than he had already shown on his journey. But such creatures—creatures like him—were rare and hard to find. But in this world of dragons, Minos could tell that there were several of them.

This even made him a little afraid of the journey he was about to take, afraid that eventually he would meet one of his competitors for the Celestial's inheritance.

If that happened, it was almost certain they would hunt each other to the death!

More importantly, there was no guarantee they would have the same conditions as the Celestial's inheritance. As far as Minos knew, time passed differently in every part of the universe. He was at level 106, but there might be competitors of his who were still at level 102, or even at level 113!

He didn't want to meet any of them, even if it meant a chance for him!

Minos replied to the dragon, "yes, I inherited it. The senior want to see?" He showed the dragon one of his hands.

Interested, the enormous creature touched Minos' body, then felt the powerful Dragon's Gaze of this human, but also how strong this small body was.

"Oh?" His eyes opened wide, while some aliens in the area looked in his direction, feeling his aura rise.

"You really have a dragon fragment inside you... No, actually, there are two." The creature narrowed his eyes as he sensed something from a weak dragon and something from a higher-level being.

'Where did he find this elder?' The level 112 Divine Dragon wondered as he sensed the remnant of the Dragon God from the Spiritual World in Minos.

But he didn't give it much thought. Looking into Minos' brown eyes, this creature threw a dragon's tooth at the winged human.

"I can see you're interested in leaving through one of our wormholes. Continue your journey. When you have time, come back and visit me. This dragon's tooth will help you travel to me throughout my world. I'll help you get special permission. But I can't guarantee you won't have any problems.'

Minos thanked him with a smile on his face, seeing his chance. Soon he would leave without thinking too much about where it would lead him or the dangers.

Better to have this simple connection now than to leave with nothing!