Chapter 2551 Shocking Revelations

Name:The Rise of the Black Plain Author:
Chapter 2551 Shocking Revelations

After accepting the Divine Dragon's tooth in the world of the supreme leaders of Zeta Draconis, Minos would embark on a six-month journey to the Fern Leaf Nebula.

On this journey, he would have to fly most of the time by himself, and only a few times would he be able to stop to cultivate. Since he had to fly for most of the journey, his strength had improved little in the meantime.

But he had finished his journey the day before when he arrived at the first space station in the Fern Leaf Nebula!


'And? Where am I going now? I'm already in the galaxy you indicated.' Minos tried to communicate with the remaining will of the seraph in the wing tattoo on one of his hands.

After a few moments of silence, the tattoo warmed and the soul fragment of the seraph appeared around Minos in the cultivation room where he was.

Minos had paid for an area where he could cultivate and recover from the journey to this space station. Only after resting and stimulating his powers a bit did he turn his attention to his current mission.

When the seraph appeared, this spiritual essence was silent for a moment, identifying where in the Fern Leaf Nebula they were.

'I see... You've traveled very far indeed. We are near my home, Minos,' said the semi-transparent being, his tone somewhat humorous, a smile appearing on his face.

'How do I go on? It must be difficult to reach the entrance to your master's dimension.'

'Not really,' the spirt said, shaking his head. 'My lord's dimension is easily accessible to any seraph. I'll be with you, so it will be easy to get in. Besides, we're not far away. We only have to fly to the planet Astrimia. From there, I'll lead you directly to the spatial distortion that gives access to my homeworld.'

Minos looked at the spirit in surprise, not thinking a special dimension could be accessed so easily. 'That's it? Really? What prevents other beings from entering this dimension?'

'The laws set by my lord. It will be easy for us, but anyone else would have such a hard time finding this distortion that even a level 120 tracker would need a lifetime to find it.

Minos swallowed his saliva in horror, not having thought of this possibility before.

'Could this be what the Elder of Armhands is watching me for? Is he waiting for me to get closer to becoming the heir to the Celestial behind my inheritance?' Minos felt drops of sweat trickle down his face, worried as never.

The seraph's spirit saw the worry on the young man's face and sighed.

'Don't think about it too much, Minos. You are far more likely to meet one of your competitors than a Celestial outside the Upper Realm. And even if you're unlucky, he'll give you the chance to take the next test. Your heart will be more valuable to him if he waits.'

'Still, that's too much, isn't it? I don't see myself being able to stop someone so powerful!' Minos felt the urgency in his heart.

'It's true... That's why I never told you before. But there's nothing you can do about it. Aside from hunting down others like you, all you can do is continue your journey and hide until you reach the high level of the 12th stage. By then, this will no longer be a problem for you.'

Minos clenched his fists in worry, but in the end, the seraph's spirit was right. There was nothing he could do about it now.

However, something in the seraph's speech caught Minos' attention.

'You said that hunting down the other competitors would help me? Why is that?'

'Well, each of the heirs of the owner of the inheritance you're vying for received parts of the body of a True Celestial. In your case, you received the heart. There are others who have received hearts for sure, but there are others who have received eyes, brains, and other body parts.

If you or any of your 99 rivals find your rivals outside the dimension of the owner of the inheritance, you can steal these organs and use them to increase your power.

You have become stronger by absorbing the Incorruptible Heart. But your power would increase even more if you could absorb a second part of a True Celestial's body. Absorbing three would be even better, and absorbing four would basically open the doors to the Upper Realm for you.

It's this way because you're weak. But for someone who has already reached the 13th stage of cultivation, a single part of a True Celestial's body would be enough for them to enter the Upper Realm.'

Minos understood his situation and saw an opportunity, but also a a terrible danger to his life!