Ye Ming looked around at the house he’d rented. It was small and he didn’t have many things. Without regret he booked a plane ticket, took out all of his savings, bid goodbye to the house and left.

Ye Ming put away his poor amount of cash. He was dressed in some old clothes that had gone white from constant washing and carried a canvas bag. Standing at the airport he heaved a sigh.

[Ye Ming: This is definitely the most poor I’ve been since transmigrating. This is the first day of missing my experience points.]

[888: It doesn’t matter, you will slowly get used to it.]

[Ye Ming: Can’t you comfort me a little?]

[888: Isn’t what I just said to comfort you?]

[Ye Ming: ….]

Ye Ming put one hand in his pocket and stood lazily in the queue. He got his plane ticket quickly. There was still a couple of hours before boarding so he bought himself a bowl of instant noodles and sat down in the food hall to eat.

As he ate he couldn’t help but express his feelings.

[Ye Ming: To tell you the truth, I can’t wait to return to see my beloved Qin Yi. Right now he must be super rich! If he just gives me a single hair from his leg, then I don’t need to eat instant noodles for the rest of my life.]

[888: I think right now he won’t be willing to even give you a hair from his leg.]

[Ye Ming: You never know ah ^_^]

Ye Ming finished his meal and felt like he had recovered a bit of his spirit. He took out the plane ticket in his hand. He looked into the distance and revealed a hint of nostalgia. He said deeply, “Homesickness is like a plane ticket, I’m over here and he’s over there.”

As an emotionless system 888 didn’t know why he had a sudden urge to hit someone.

{T/N: In Chinese Ye Ming is being all sentimental and poetic, completely ignoring the fact of what he did to Qin Yi so 888 just wants to beat him up haha…}


Please read this at the original site:

After over ten hours, Ye Ming finally returned to the city he had started everything in. Truthfully he really did feel quite nostalgic. He didn’t rush to see Qin Yi but instead looked online for a place to rent. This was a big and economically prosperous city with tens of millions of people, so the housing prices kept rising without falling. It took Ye Ming a lot of effort to find a small house to rent in a remote suburb. He paid two months of rent up front and felt extremely uncomfortable that he didn’t have much money left.

At the very minimum Fang Xiao had good qualifications. This careless guardian system was too useless, but Ye Ming didn’t care too much. Since he needed to reverse the situation, he thought this was a good situation to utilize.

Ye Ming gave the place he was living a basic clean up and then opened his computer to surf the internet. He began gathering information regarding Qin Yi.

[888: What are you doing?]

[Ye Ming: I’m doing my job. Look, this RongXin construction company is pretty good. I’m going to apply for it.]

[888: …..]

[Ye Ming: Recently the Qin Group has a large project and that is building an international business center. At present they have already entered the construction phase, and several contractors have been employed to complete it. RongXin is one of them. Although the company is not big, it’s not too close nor too far from Qin Group and happens to have a co-operative relationship. Also it just happens to be currently hiring.]

[Ye Ming: If I work here and just plan a little bit, then I can have an accidental meeting with Qin Yi, how perfect!]

[888: ….. That’s your plan?]

{Ye Ming: That’s only the second step. First I have to get close to him to see his attitude. Then comes the most important third step!]

[Ye Ming: I have to give the impression that I deeply love him from my heart, but because of outside influences I can’t control I had no choice but to leave him. Even after three years, I can’t forget about him but can only hide my pain in my heart!]

[888: I have some words to remind you. As the host, you definitely can’t expose your identity as a transmigrator on a mission. If it is exposed then you will forcibly removed from the world. Also I think that even if do this, he might not be willing to believe you. Lastly, in the unlikely scenario that he does believe you, do you think he will so easily forgive you for your betrayal? Is “I had no choice” an excuse for lying to someone?]

[Ye Ming: Big brother why are you being so serious all of a sudden? Did I say I was going to use this explanation? Rest assured, I know what to do ^_^]

Once the objective had been set, Ye Ming set off immediately.


Please read this at the original site:

RongXin’s President Hu had started off as a constructor foreman. He didn’t have much education but he had some street smarts. In the last few years his company had been doing better and better, and recently he was ecstatic to receive the Qin Group’s contract. As long as he cooperates well with Qin Group, then he didn’t fear he could earn money in the future.

President Hu had a good eye. He didn’t just look at what was in front of him but he thought about the opportunities that the big ship Qin Group could bring to him. So in terms of this large venture he had put in 120% of his effort, even if he earned less he was determined to it well.

Anyway that was stretching too far. Today President Hu came to conduct an interview. A girl from his company’s finance department had gone on leave to have a baby, so they had to hire someone new.

Because the company wasn’t big the salary wasn’t particularly high. The previous candidates didn’t meet President Hu’s standards. He had the common problem of all bosses of small companies: the person he wanted didn’t want to work for his company, the person who wanted to work for his company he didn’t want… however the one who had come today sounded pretty good.

Not only had he graduated from a famous school but he also had experience working for the Qin Group. He had only just returned from overseas… President Hu was very surprised and curious why someone like this would be interested in coming to his company to work in the small finance department.

Ye Ming was wearing a clean white shirt and black trousers. He politely knocked on the door before opening it.

President Hu pushed his beer belly forward and smiled saying, “Are you Fang Xiao? Please sit down.”

Ye Ming nodded his head and sat down on the chair. His back was very straight, he wasn’t proud nor was he humble. Although he was thin and his dress was very plain, but it couldn’t cover his outstanding temperament. On his delicate face he wore a confident smile.

President Hu looked at him with an admiring glance. He dove straight into the main question. “I’ve already read your resume. Can you tell me why you chose our company?”

Ye Ming smiled. “I’ve just returned to China and I need a job. This company is quite suitable for me.”

President Hu looked at him. “Just like this?”

Ye Ming paused then said, “Yes. Of course if the company is willing to pay me three months salary in advance, I’d be very grateful.”

President Hu smiled when he heard these words, finally he had dispelled the doubts in his heart.

Ye Ming probably desperately needed money. That’s why he was willing to come interview at a small company. Compared to those big companies with strict rules and procedures, a small company is more likely to bargain with him.

President Hu didn’t care why Ye Ming was short on money. He asked Ye Ming a few more questions and hired him feeling very satisfied. Not only did he eliminate the trial period but generously gave him a large advance on his salary. He patted Ye Ming’s shoulder and said, “Work hard. I hope you will like it here.”

Ye Ming displayed a grateful expression. He nodded and said, “Thank you. I think I will like it here.”

They agreed he would start the next day. Ye Ming took the salary he had just obtained and went out and ate a big seafood dinner.

[888: Is this the reason you wanted the salary advance?]

[Ye Ming: Yes. Isn’t eating an important task? I’m really poor ah! Cryingsilenttears.gif]

[888: Cold.jpg]

Just like this Ye Ming began his working life.

Because his personality was modest and courteous, and his appearance was clean and handsome, the employees in the company both old and young, male and female all had good impressions of him. In no time he was quickly integrated into the company.

Since he had advance salary, Ye Ming of course didn’t put himself through any hardship. He ate and drank well and as the days passed pleasantly. After a month had passed he began to think about how to meet Qin Yi.

There were two ways. One was to go to the construction ground. Qin Yi was always very rigorous and serious, according to the stories he would regularly go to personally review the progress of the site. However since Ye Ming was from the finance department this wasn’t really convenient and also seemed a bit forced. The second was to wait for Qin Yi to come himself. Ye Ming knew that President Hu was very eager to build the relationship with Qin Yi. There was a high possibility that he would invite Qin Yi here for work related reasons.

Ye Ming watched and waited. If he wanted to accidentally meet it wasn’t difficult but he had to find a good opportunity. He needed to both meet and make Qin Yi feel that he didn’t want to see him and even was trying to hide from him.

This day Ye Ming was working as usual in the company and suddenly heard 888’s prompt, Qin Yi was here!

Ye Ming immediately put down the work in his hand. He stood up and said to the colleague next to him, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

[Ye Ming: It’s been more decades since I last saw him! My heart feel quite nervous ne >_<]

[888: Really?]

[Ye Ming: Yes, it’s more real than gold!]

[888: He he.]

Ye Ming found a good opportunity to walk around the corner. He raised his head and immediately saw the man walking towards him.

Qin Yi doesn’t seem to have changed much. If he had to point something out, then he would say the aura around him is not the same as before. Underneath his handsome, straight brows; the black eyes were missing the old light and there was an additional seriousness. His thin lips were pressed tightly, the jawline seems colder than before. He wore a dark colored suit and he was standing tall and straight. In the moment he glanced over, his gaze was extremely sharp.

Ye Ming froze as though he had lost his soul. After he saw Qin Yi looking, he seemed to forcefully recall himself. He backed away a few steps then hid in the bathroom, as though terrified that Qin Yi had seen him.

Actually Ye Ming’s appearance and disappearance had only taken the span of a blink of an eye. The President Hu who was following behind Qin Yi didn’t notice at all but Qin Yi’s footsteps stopped.

President Hu looked at Qin Yi with a confused expression. “President Qin, what’s wrong?”

Qin Yi stared fixedly in the direction of the corner. There was no one there. It was as though what had happened before was just an illusion but he knew it wasn’t.

After a moment Qin Yi turned back around. His voice carried a chilling hint. “I think I saw someone I know.”

President Hu said in a confused manner, “Someone you know?”

Qin Yi’s eyes were dark. He recalled the shocking moment previously and the hand hanging by his body unconsciously tightened into a fist.

Today he had come here only by chance after receiving President Hu’s enthusiastic entreaties. He knew President Hu had always wanted to work with him but he never expected…. that he would see Fang Xiao here.

In this place that he never expected, in a time he never expected, het met that person again.

Like a small pebble, unexpectedly falling into the lonely and cold lake.

Three years had passed. In countless midnight dreams he had fantasized how when that person appeared in front of him again, he would take revenge on him, and make him taste the bitterness of regret. But along with the cruel passage of time, he couldn’t help but admit that perhaps that person would never appear again. And so that hate carved into his bones gradually became an deep unwillingness to accept.

Just at the time he thought he would never see that person again… that person appeared.

QIn Yi walked forth slowly and finally come to stand by the tightly closed door.

If he just pushed it gently then he could see that person again…

This was the closest they had been in three years. Qin Yi raised the corner of his lips in a cold smile however he did not stretch out his hand to break this barrier. He had already hated him for an entire three years. The hate had already fermented in his heart, taken root and sprouted… but it had also made him cold and rational, no longer impulsive.

President Hu hurried to keep up. He saw that Qin Yi was standing outside the closed bathroom. He smiled awkwardly and said, “Do you want to-” go to the toilet ma?

He didn’t get to the finish when Qin Yi interrupted him. He said naturally, “It’s nothing. Let’s continue. The project you were talking about before, I want to know more about it.”

President Hu was filled with joy. Just before Qin Yi was very cold and distant towards him, and didn’t seem very interested in his proposals. Although he was not quite sure what had caused him change, but he couldn’t waste this opportunity, and immediately began to talk a river!

Qin Yi half-heartedly listened to President Hu talk, continuing to walk forward. He didn’t even turn around to look.

I know you’re there. I’ll just let you think I haven’t discovered you. But this time you won’t have anywhere to run. I’ll let you know the feeling of falling from heaven to hell, and let you taste the bitterness of utter despair.

What you gave to me at that time, I will slowly, bit by bit, return to you.

Even in his dreams President Hu didn’t think he would be able to achieve so much today. He originally only opened Qin Yi would become a bit more familiar with his company. As long as he was more familiar then they could slowly build the relationship. But he never expected that Qin Yi would display such interest in his company’s operations, even appreciating their work and clearly stated that he was willing to cooperate in the future.

At the very end, President Hu felt as though he was floating on air. He flattered Qin Yi all the way to the door and then warmly invited Qin Yi to eat with him however Qin Yi refused.

Although he was disappointed, President Hu wasn’t surprised. According to status, it wasn’t appropriate to eat with Qin Yi. Anyway he had already made a lot of gains today!

He diligently opened the car door for Qin Yi. As Qin Yi was just about to step into the car, he appeared to have suddenly thought of something. He turned around and said, “Speaking of, I saw someone that looked like my old friend in your company.”

President Hu had always had quite observant. He noticed a nostalgic look in Qin Yi’s eyes. He asked carefully, “Really? That’s such a coincidence. What is your friend’s name?”

Qin Yi’s voice was very low. He said slowly, “His name is Fang Xiao. He used to be my best friend but a few years ago we had a disagreement, and afterwards to refused to see me… I looked for him for a long time, but I never found him.”

President Hu’s heartbeat increased. He immediately realized that this was a great opportunity to please Qin Yi.

Ye Ming stayed in the bathroom for a while then after confirming Qin Yi had left, he slowly returned to his office.

[888 said suspiciously, “He didn’t see you?]

[Ye Ming: No, he 100% definitely saw me.]

[888:  He saw you but unexpectedly he didn’t come in and beat you to death?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[Ye Ming: Must you talk to me like this? Heartbroken.expression.jpg]

[888: Oh.]

[Ye Ming: Just now did you check the blackening value? How high is it?]

[888: 85.]

[Ye Ming: It’s not low ah…..]

Ye Ming touched his chin. He went back and continued to work. The next few days passed peacefully. Qin Yi didn’t make any movements and then just as 888 was starting to question his understanding of human emotions, President Hu came into Ye Ming’s office.

President Hu’s expression when looking at Ye Ming had became more enthusiastic. Initially he thought he had just picked up a talented employee but he never would have dreamed that he and Qin Yi had this kind of relationship. President Hu thought it was a high likelihood that the Fang Xiao that Qin Yi mentioned was the Fang Xiao standing before him. This kind of good opportunity how could he let it pass him by? Even if it was one chance in ten thousand, then he had to grasp onto it.

But he remembered that Qin Yi had said that Fang Xiao didn’t want to see him… so he couldn’t directly tell him what he wanted.

President Hu smiled like a fox. He put his arms around Ye Ming’s shoulder and said loudly, “Recently everyone has been working hard! Tonight I’ll invite everyone to a gathering. You can eat anything I’ll pick up the bill!”

When the audience heard the boss was going to pay, they got immediately excited and began to loudly yell their agreement.

Ye Ming’s shoulders were being held by President Hu who looked at him with an enthusiasm that made it difficult for him to refuse. He could only smile and say that since it was a dinner gathering that of course he would participate.

Everyone left the company happily, squeezing into a few cars. President Hu was at the front leading the way, and directly took them to the most expensive hotel in the city. Everyone got even more excited and said that the boss is being extremely generous today!

[Ye Ming: Today I can see my family’s beloved Qin Yi ne, so happy.]

[888: I can confirm that he is indeed eating here today, but it’s with a client to discuss business. How can you be sure you will see him?]

[Ye Ming: Of course. Today President Hu put in a lot of effort, the whole reason is to trick me to see him. O(∩_∩)O~]

[888: …….]

Every ate happily, as they ate they took photos and played hand games, the joy was overflowing.

At this time President Hu picked up the wine cup and sat down next to Ye Ming. He said in a familiar manner, “The company has an important client who is coincidentally also eating here. Xiao Fang, why don’t you go with me to pay our respects to them?]

Ye Ming appeared extremely taken aback at being invited by President Hu to go and drink with the client. However since it was the boss’s request, he naturally wouldn’t reject something trivial like this. So he picked up his wine cup and smiled, saying, “Okay.”

President Hu was overjoyed and took Ye Ming and left.

The hotel’s decorations was extremely luxurious. On the floor was thick carpet so when walking there was almost no sound.

President Hu’s important client was clearly no ordinary person. He took Ye Ming to the highest level, and went to the hotel’s most exclusive private room. His expression was slightly nervous and he carefully stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

After a moment, a voice asked them to come in.

President Hu pushed open the door and went inside. Ye Ming was behind him. He raised his head and saw the man sitting inside the private room. His footsteps stopped and he tightly grasped the wine cup, visibly stunned.

Qin Yin pressed his fingers together. He calmly sat there, looking at Ye Ming’s body with a gaze full of darkness but there no surprise in this demeanour.

President Hu quickly waved at the stupefied Ye Ming and said, “Xiao Fang, why don’t you come over here?”

Ye Ming’s fingers grasping the wine cup were white. He looked at President Hu and then looked at Qin Yi. He looked as though he wanted to turn around and leave. His expression was full of dilemma. Finally he lowered his head and slowly walked over.

Perhaps…  today as just a coincidence. Maybe Qin Yi had forgotten him a long time ago and didn’t care anymore. He shouldn’t be self-defeating.

{T/N: A note of clarification. When Ye Ming is acting as Fang Xiao, even his thoughts are Fang Xiao’s thoughts. He only goes back to normal when he leaves and starts talking to 888 again. Just think of it as him being completely immersed in his role like a method actor ( ´ ▽ ` )}

Please read this at the original site:

His heart was chaotic, he couldn’t notice anything else and just followed President Hu and drank wine. Because he drank so quickly he started coughing.

From the moment Ye Ming came in, Qin Yi’s eyes never left his body.

The person in front of him was thinner then he remembered but still just as handsome. On his pale face there was a faint flush, his eyes were slightly dewy, it was extremely attractive. He was just the same as before… as soon as he touched alcohol, his face would go red. Qin Yi had once liked the Ye Ming like this, really liked him… but right now he only felt he hurt his eyes.

President Hu noticed Qin Yi’s expression and felt like there was something wrong. He felt an awkward feeling in his heart… this doesn’t seem like the kind of expression when greeting an old friend, it seemed more like seeing an enemy. He felt that this situation wasn’t good, but as the situation stands he could only take it one step at a time.

After a moment Qin Yi raised his cup and gave Ye Ming a jesting smile. “Long time no see.”

Ye Ming licked his lips. He knew that as things stood, there wasn’t any use to run away. Since he had come back for this person then he had prepare to face the responsibility head on.

He did his best to maintain a neutral expression. He said softly, “Long time no see.”

Qin Yi seemed to feel like what was happening was very amusing. He lifted the wine jug from the table then walked over to personally help Ye Ming fill his wine glass. His lips wore a smile that was both gentle and cool. He said, “It’s been three years, to celebrate, you should drink at least three glasses.”

Ye Ming looked down at the wine glass, his face was quite white.

The alcoholic content of this wine is very high. One cup already made him choke, if he drank full three cups… Qin Yi obviously knew he couldn’t hold his liquor.

Qin Yi stared at Ye Ming unblinkingly. He smiled and said, “What? You don’t want to give me any face?”

It was clear to everyone that Qin Yi was deliberately trying to embarass Ye Ming. The clients sitting around the table had amused expressions. Although they didn’t know who this person was exactly, he had obviously offended President Qin. Even if he didn’t die today he’d at least lose a layer of skin.

President Hu’s back was wet with sweat. His brain was swiftly moving. He thought about the words Qin Yi had said when he left… at that time Qin Yi must have recognized Fang Xiao! Back in the day these two must have had some kind of grievance, thats why Fang Xiao hid and wouldn’t see Qin Yi. So that’s why Qin Yi borrowed his hand to trick Fang Xiao into coming. Right now he had to make a decision. Either he would stand on Qin Yi’s side, or on Fang Xiao’s side. The answer to question was one that didn’t require thought!

President Hu’s flashed with light. His expression was no longer as familiar as before. He said without hesitation, “Xiao Fang, President Qin is asking you to drink.”

Qin Yi looked briefly at President Hu. Although he disdained this kind of person but he couldn’t deny that this person had a good eye for the situation.

President Hu immediately showed a charming smile towards Qin Yi like a dog. Although Fang Xiao wasn’t Qin Yi’s friend, but if he was his enemy then…. he could help take him down!

Ye Ming couldn’t go forward or retreat. He knew that if he didn’t drink today then he probably couldn’t leave these doors.

He looked at Qin Yi’s cold expression and remembered his old warmth and tenderness, and felt quite bitter in his heart. He raised his wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. The strong wine entered his body, burning his throat and stomach painfully. His alcohol tolerance had always been ordinary, and right now the burning sensation brought tears to his eyes.

That’s right, wasn’t this his whole purpose? To let Qin Yi hate him… so he shouldn’t feel sad or heartbroken. That’s what he told himself.

Qin Yi didn’t miss any single expression on Ye Ming’s face. The youth in front of him had a red face and tears in his eyes, as though he had been harshly bullied. The beautiful lips were sealed tight and no sound came out.

Had this been in the past, then the old him probably would have immediately embraced him to comfort him. But right now…

He only wanted to see him suffer more, feel regret more!

Qin Yi raised the corner of his lips and then refilled Ye Ming’s cup to the brim. Smiling he said, “Please.”

Ye Ming didn’t hesitate and drank it all again!

After three cups had entered his body, Ye Ming’s body swayed slightly. He turned around and wanted to leave but just before he had drunk too quickly. His body couldn’t take it, he suddenly clutched his stomach and after making a gasping sound, vomited it out!

He retched for a while, only feeling this vision was quite dark. At this time he was suddenly pulled into a hot and wide embrace. Confused, he raised his head and saw that Qin Yi had taken out a napkin and was tenderly wiping the corner of his mouth.

Ye Ming’s expression was shocked. He couldn’t understand what Qin Yi was doing. Just then didn’t he dislike him very much? Why was he being so gentle now? Did he not hate him anymore?

Qin Yi saw Ye Ming’s confused expression. The person in his arms had once been the person he had loved the most. The twisted hatred in his heart grew like a vine, wrapping itself around his heart, and stabbing its barbs into the flesh and blood.

The person in his arms was so real. It wasn’t a dream, he was really by his side. Seeing him again he finally understood that those things from back then, those memories of joy and pain, hadn’t faded at all in his heart. Instead, with the passage of time, became even more engraved into his bones.

Although his heart was full of hate, he still wanted to see his person so much!

Qin Yi grasped Ye Ming’s chin and looked at his delicate eyes. He used his thumb to rub his softly parted lips. His eyes revealed a deep-rooted desire. He smiled softly and said, “Stay here… how much do you want, you name a price.”

This kind of person, if he was interested then he could just use money to obtain him.

He saw Ye Ming’s eyes fill with an incredible humiliation, and his heart was filled with a never before experienced thrill of gratification.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening value -5, current blackening value is 80.]