Ye Ming opened his eyes in disbelief and his face was red with humiliation. He stretched out his hand and forcibly pushed away Qin Yi. He backed away and said angrily, “I’m leaving!”

President Hu’s eyes flashed. Since this was the person that President Qin wanted, how could he let him leave? He immediately rushed forward to stop him but at this time Qin Yi stopped him. He said softly, “It doesn’t matter. Just let him go.”

President Hu stayed on the spot. He felt like he didn’t really know what Qin Yi was thinking. Did he want to or not want to let Ye Ming off?

Ye Ming looked at Qin Yi deeply. The moment he turned around his eyes betrayed a hint of pain but then he decisively opened the door and left.

President Hu saw that Ye Ming had left so he didn’t know what to do. Before he had a clear idea of Qin Yi’s position, he didn’t want to leave. Just as he was thinking about what to do, Qin Yi said to him, “Please sit.”

President Hu felt extremely flattered. Qin Yi was really asking him to sit! He hurried to sit down and exposed an eager and obedient expression.

Qin Yi slowly turned the glass in his hand. He sighed deeply as though he was sad about something and said, “It seems like my old friend doesn’t want to see me. I don’t know if President Hu has any ideas?”

President Hu’s eyes lit up and he laughed in his heart. “President Qin you’re mistaken. You’re such an important person, why would Xiao Fang not want to see you. He’s just momentarily confused. I can promise you that he’s definitely willing to see you!”

Qin Yi looked at him deeply and then laughed softly. “Is that so? Then I feel relieved. Let’s cooperate well.”


Since no one stopped him, Ye Ming successfully left the private room. He sighed with relief and rushed into the bathroom.

[888: Just 3 cups of wine? You only lowered the blackening value by 5, what if he doesn’t want to see you again?]

[Ye Ming: It’s not possible. From the way he plotted with President Hu against me, it’s clear he doesn’t want to let me off. This is a good situation. I’m not scared that he wants to get revenge on me, but that he’d overlook it and let it go. As long as he we can continue to meet, then I have ways to eliminate the blackening value.]

[888 sighed deeply: However… why did he say he wanted you to name a price?] 888 was slightly confused about what was going through Qin Yi’s head.

[Ye Ming: This ma… why don’t I freestyle rap for you and you’ll understand!]

[888: ???]

[Ye Ming: Check it out! My ex-boyfriend is tall and handsome. He has wide shadows, narrow waist, abdominal muscles and long legs. Money isn’t important ah baby. Living is the most important wow~ Back in the past we loved each other, but reality tore us apart~ Although I once heartlessly abandoned him, but now that we meet again, he wants to buy me back with money ah yo~yo~yo~!]

888 had the strong impulse to beat the host to death.

Since this kind of thing happened Ye Ming couldn’t go back to participate in the dinner gathering so he left the hotel, got a taxi and went home.

[Ye Ming: I’m sleepy. Older brother can you help me take a look at President Hu. I need to know when he’s going to make a move.]

888 really didn’t want to pay attention to Ye Ming but he was a professional system. No matter how junk the host was, he didn’t want to let his personal feelings interfere with his work.

Ye Ming drank a lot of wine last night so the next day he slept in without guilt. The sun was high in the sky by the time he slowly made his way to work. On the way 888 informed him about the developments from President Hu the previous night.

[888 thought for a few moments then said: “Are you sure you want see President  Hu right now?]

[Ye Ming: Yes. After experiencing what happened last night, how can I still continue to work there as though nothing happened? Of course the normal behavior is to quit and run away.]

[888: Yes that’s what he thought too so he stayed up all night to think of a way to trap you.]

[Ye Ming: I knew it. President Hu started up as a construction foreman so he doesn’t have any bottom line. Right now he wants to please Qin Yi so in order to achieve that he’s willing to do anything. That’s the reason I initially chose him in the first place. Just one look and you can tell he’s a helpful cannon fodder. Of course I need to cooperate and let Qin Yi get his revenge against me. Right now he’s extremely angry so I need to reduce his anger before moving onto the next step. There’s one phrase that can beautifully sum up Qin Yi’s feelings towards me right now.]

[888: What phrase?]

[Ye Ming: If you’re living well, then there must be thunderbolts in a clear sky.]

[888:…..] If was right to let this slag send himself to death.

Because Ye Ming had a hangover so his face was very pale. He didn’t go to his office but went directly to see President Hu.

President Hu’s eyes flashed. Smiling he said, “Xiao Fang ah, what do you need me for?”

Ye Ming thought about President Hu’s attitude from the day before. Although he knew he wanted to get close to Qin Yi he still felt somewhat dissatisfied. So he said coldly, “I want to quit today.”

President Hu’s smile faded slightly. “I gave you a three months advance in your salary. Now it’s been only two months and you want to quit? That’s not very regular.”

Ye Ming was prepared for this. He took out the money from his pocket and said, “This is the salary for two months. Please count it.” After saying it he turned around to leave.

But just as he reached the door, two tall and burly security guards walked in and stared at him coldly. Clearly they were not about to let him leave.

Ye Ming’s eyes flashed with anger. He turned around to President Hu. “What’s the meaning of this? I’ve already returned the salary to you, please let me leave.”

President Hu didn’t look at the money on the table. His eyes were filled with contempt and his manner of speaking had changed too. He said coldly, “Mr. Fang, since you are the friend of Qin Yi I really don’t care if you return the money or not.”

Ye Ming asked, “Then why don’t you let me go?”

President Hu’s face became icy. He said, “The salary is not important but today you have to give me an explanation about the one million missing from the accounting books!”

Ye Ming was stunned. He said, “What one million?”

President Hu took out an accounting book and said, “I carefully looked through the accounts you did in this period of time. I discovered that there’s one million of funding that hasn’t been recorded. However the other side said they’ve already sent it to us. The only person that’s been handling these accounts is you… you return the one million and I’ll let you go. What do you think?”

Ye Ming snatched the accounting book and very quickly flipped through it. His expression changed and he said angrily, “I didn’t take any from the company. You’re setting me up!”

President Hu looked at him coldly without the friendly atmosphere from previously. Unsmilingly he said, “It’s not just the accounting book. I have lots of evidence. Do you really think you can get away with it?”

Ye Ming’s entire body was trembling. He took a deep breath and said coldly, “Why are you doing this to me?”

President Hu said, “What am I doing to you? Clearly it’s you who has the unclean hands, embezzling company funds. And you dare accuse me? You really can’t judge a book by its cover. You appear like a clean person but I didn’t expect you could do something so low as this.”

Ye Ming’s face was bright red with anger. He pointed out and said, “You scoundrel!” After speaking he tried to rush out.

The two security guards were prepared. One of them hit Ye Ming in his stomach. Ye Ming didn’t expect him to use violence. He bent over with pain and he was grabbed roughly and forced back into the chair. Before he could even have time to react he was tied up by the security to the arms of the chair!

President Hu got up and said, “You stole my money and you want to run. It looks like I can only call the police.”

Ye Ming stared at him hatefully. But the other person had come prepared. If he really called the police then even if Ye Ming jumped into the yellow river he probably wouldn’t be able to wash himself clean. His eyes were red and he ground his teeth. “Why are you doing this?”

Why was President Hu treating him like this? This was something he didn’t understand. Unless he was because… Ye Ming suddenly thought of something and his entire body froze.

{T/N: Just a reminder that Ye Ming is acting here as Fang Xiao so even his thoughts/feeling embody what Fang Xiao is thinking. The actual Ye Ming obviously knows everything that’s going but right now he’s fully immersed in his role.}

President Hu didn’t reveal anything. He just said coldly, “I’ll give you an hour to think about things. Either you return the money or I’ll notify the police. I advise you think carefully.”

Ye Ming had given all the money he possessed to President Hu just now. Where was he supposed to get a million dollars from? But if he called the police… this would destroy his career and ruin his reputation. His face was full of anxiety.

The two security guards stood silently behind him. President Hu lit up a cigarette and said, “Think quickly. My patient isn’t that good.”

The time ticked by, Ye Ming’s hands were full of sweat. His head was chaotic, he couldn’t think of what to do! Despair filled his heart.

At this time there was suddenly the sound of knocking on the door. Dong dong dong, the sound disrupted the heavy atmosphere in the room. Ye Ming turned around on reflex, his heart was beating very quickly.

Who was it now…

President Hu gave a pointed look at the security and he immediately went to open the door.

Ye Ming stared frozen at the person who had come in. As he saw the familiar serious and handsome face…. He didn’t know why but his eyes became red. He said in a slightly choked voice, “Qin Yi…..”

Qin Yi had suddenly appeared in this place. But to him this wasn’t good news. It confirmed something he had suspected but didn’t want to believe… at this moment, Ye Ming suddenly wanted to try one more time. He wanted to lie to himself one more time, perhaps things weren’t as they seemed.

Maybe this event didn’t have anything to do with Qin Yi.

Ye Ming stared at him with a trace of hope in his eyes. He looked as weak as a thin sheet of ice. He said, “Can you help me?”

Qin Yi revealed a smile. He walked step by step until he stood in front of Ye Ming. He leaned down and stared Ye Ming’s reddened eyes. He said in a soft voice, “In this situation, you want me to help you?”

Ye Ming’s lips trembled. “I’m… I’m being framed….”

“Oh?” Qin Yi raised his eyebrow and looked at President Hu. He said coldly, “Are you framing him?”

President Hu wore a righteous expression. He said, “President Qin, Mr. Fang is your friend so of course I wouldn’t frame him! I have evidence that he stole one million from my company. I never thought he was this kind of person!”

Qin Yi casually glanced at the account books in President Hu’s hands without any intention of taking it. Instead he turned around and looked in a disappointed manner at Ye Ming. he said softly, “We didn’t see each other for three years but you’re still doing these kind of things. It seems like a leopard can’t change its spots.”

Ye Ming heard Qin Yi’s cold words and saw his icy expression. At last he understood what was happening. It was right in front of him, it couldn’t be more clear.

In that moment he seemed to return to three years ago. Three years ago he took that one million.

In his life, even when he was living in poverty, he always kept his bottom line. There was only one thing he did that dirtied his heart and this thing had haunted and tortured him for three years.

He used those despicable means to hurt the person the most loved, and the person who loved him the most.

A paltry one million, to the Qin Yi of today it was nothing. But to the Qin Yi back them, it was everything.

It wasn’t President Hu to whom he owed one million, but Qin Yi.

Ye Ming closed his eyes, covering the painful expression on his face. When he opened his eyes again he had become calm once more. He closed his eyes part way and said, “President Hu isn’t wrong. I shouldn’t have done that wrong thing. You guys can call the police.”

In this world, everyone had to pay for their mistakes. If this was what Qin Yi wanted, then he could offer no argument. His actions previously were laughable, what right did he have to ask Qin Yi for help?

Qin Yin looked at the calm expression on Ye Ming’s face and eyes become even more chilly. He… does he think if he puts on this act of deep regret then he would let him go? Does he think he can make up for his crime in this manner? Calling the police is being too easy on you!

No, this was only the beginning.

Qin Yi laughed from deep in his throat. He turned to look at President Hu, “I’m really sorry about this incident. Since Fang Xiao is my friend, then I’ll pay the one million for him.”

President Hu smiled merrily and said, “Aiya, President Qin how can you say this. As long as you’re willing to back him up, then this one million is nothing. Just think of it as an offering of our friendship.”

Qin Yi said neutrally, “Even brothers need accounting for, so of course friends do too.”

President Hu hurried to nod. He was very good at reading the situation. He said, “President Qin is right. Then I won’t hesitate. Since you’ve spoken then I’ll give Mr. Fang to you. I have some matters so I’m going to go first. You can use this area to your satisfaction. I guarantee no one will disturb you!”

After speaking he hurried away along with the security guards.

Ye Ming had been expressionless throughout. After he understood what Qin Yi was up to, he didn’t have any more expectation. Anyway all of this was his fault to begin with, now it was only going back to the origin.

Qin Yi pulled over a chair and sat down opposite Ye Ming. He regarded him with a dark gaze, as though he wanted to look inside him. After a few moments, he suddenly asked an unexpected question. “Do you really like money this much?

Ye Ming’s lips were pale. After a second’s pause he said coldly, “Yes.”

After hearing this answer it was as though Qin Yi finally had obtained the solution to a question that had been plaguing him for countless nights. He didn’t need to have any more doubts. After three years he finally heard the answer out of this person’s lips. At this moment a thick black shackle was unchained from his heart and the monster inside roared, ready to break through.

But he kept his smile on his face and even said with a tone of regret, “Why didn’t you lie? Isn’t your specialty deceiving people?”

Ye Ming turned away his head as though he didn’t even want to look at him.

Qin Yi reached out and grasped Ye Ming’s jaw. He used considerable force and slowly turned his head back around.

Ye Ming’s face was white with pain. He was forced to look at Qin Yi in the eyes. A violent expression loomed in those black pupils, a bone-deep hate leaked out.

Ye Ming looked into his eyes and couldn’t look away… far away on the other side of the world, he had also jerked awake from nightmares in the middle of the night. He had seen those hate-filled eyes in his dreams and now finally he had seen it in reality. So this is what it looked like, it was pretty similar to his dreams.

So Qin Yi hated him to this degree…..

He can be said to have achieved his objective.

Qin Yi lowered his head and bit the corner of Ye Ming’s lips. Their teeth clashed against each other, drawing out the metallic taste of blood. He laughed lowly. “Yesterday I told you to name a price, but you rejected me.”

A humiliated expression rose into Ye Ming’s eyes but he had no way to escape his current predicament.

Qin Yi’s hand touched Ye Ming’s neck. He lightly undid the buttons of Ye Ming’s shirt and revealed his clavicle and a small expanse of smooth and white skin… this was the body that had once obsessed him. It could still stir his heart but now it just wanted to make him torture it more.

“So, it seems you have now named your price.” Qin Yi smiled in a mocking manner.

Ye Ming closed his eyes. It was as though he completely understood the reality of things. His lips revealed a tortured smile and he replied, “Then how much were you willing to pay? Judging by President Qin’s current status, if its too low won’t it be inappropriate?”

As these words fell into Qin Yi’ ear, fury boiled in his chest. He raised and sharply slapped Ye Ming!

Ye Ming’s face was hit sideways. After a moment he turned back around. “I owe you a million. Since you didn’t call the police, how many times do you want me to sleep with you? Let’s be frank with each other.”

A bloodthirsty rage rose into Qin Yi’s eyes. He hated this person so much he wished he could hack his corpse into a thousand pieces! He kicked his chair violently then grabbed Ye Ming’s collar, lifting him up and closing the distance between their eyes. He had completely seen through this thoroughly despicable person!

Underneath this beautiful face and clear eyes, lay a heart that was filled with dirty mud!

“Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re in any position to bargain with me?” Qin Yi’s voice was icy. He spat out each word one by one. “Or do you think that defective goods like you are still worth money?”

“It’s true I’m not worth anything, but you like it.” Ye Ming smiled. He stuck out his tongue and licked away the fresh blood around his lips.

This sentence finally broke the last string of rationality in Qin Yi’s mind, pushing him over the edge. All that was left was the fire of rage burning through everything. He grabbed Ye Ming by the throat and with his other hand ripped off his clothes. The buttons flew everyone, rolling all over the floor.

Ye Ming tightly closed his eyes. He didn’t want to let Qin Yi see the sorrow in his eyes.

He shouldn’t have come back but in the end he couldn’t let go of this person. But it didn’t matter because he could continue to let Qin Yi hate him.


Qin Yi stretched out his arms and put on his coat. Carefully he tidied his tie and then looked at Ye Ming who was still on the floor. His gaze slid over Ye Ming’s body. Suddenly he took out a wad of money from his pocket. Without looking at it or counting it, he threw it on Ye Ming’s face.

Ye Ming was curled up on the floor. His body was filled with marks from the previous struggle and fresh blood slid down between his legs. When the money landed on his face, his body jerked slightly. After some time, some life returned back to his eyes.

He stared at the money on the floor and then slowly moved his body. He knelt on the floor and then slowly picked up the money piece by piece.

Qin Yi stood to one side, staring at him from high above. Seeing his person without dignity kneeling there picking up the money. Seeing how low this person had fallen.

Now do you understand? This is the outcome you deserve.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening value -5, right now the blackening value is 75.]

The corner of Qin Yi’s mouth raised. “Count the money you earned with your body carefully. Don’t forget, you still owe me one million. You need to repay it all with interest!”

After he spoke he turned around and left.

Ye Ming stared mutely at Qin Yi’s departing figure. It was only after confirming that he wasn’t going to come back that he got up with some difficulty and redressed himself, leaving the company. This time no one stopped. Luckily it was at night so no one saw his sorry state.

888 was quiet the whole way home. Although he didn’t agree with the way his host did things and thought he deserved some comeuppance, but seeing him treated so cruelly… he couldn’t help but feel a little distressed for him. After thinking for a while, he finally spoke.

[888: Actually it’s okay not to do the mission….]

[Ye Ming: How can I not do it! My experience points is reliant on him!]

[888 suddenly felt angry: Is your experience points so important? That you would go this extent?] Even though he knew the host had the protection of the system, but this kind of plot really made the heart hurt.

It was rare that Ye Ming didn’t not reply straight away. He revealed a complicated expression and his eyelashes fluttered slightly as though he was pained in is heart, But he spoke in a careless tone, “It’s nothing. I predict something like this.”

888 had never seen his host reveal this kind of expression during a mission. Suddenly he felt deep distress well up like a curse in his heart.

Ye Ming added, “There was only one thing I didn’t predict.”

[888 couldn’t help asking: What?]

[Ye Ming: I didn’t expect that Qin Yi would still love me this much hahahahahaha!]

[888: ……]

[Ye Ming: Big brother you look cold but actually you’re very passionate inside, I’m super touched hahahahahaha!]

[Ye Ming: Number 1, Qin Yi didn’t call the police. Number 2, he didn’t take my wallet. Number 3, he didn’t cut me open. Instead used all his energy to set a trap for me and used his body to personally punish me! The most important thing is in the end he still gave me money! If this isn’t true love then I don’t know what is!]

[Ye Ming: His technique is just as good as before. No, it’s even more vigorous and wild! The only imperfection is that it hurt a bit a first. Oh well you can’t have everything. Still I want to thank you for your concern, kiss kiss, love you.]

888 really wanted to return to three minutes ago and eat all his words!

Ye Ming looked at the money that Qin Yi had given him with the affectionate of a lover, carefully counting it. He said sincerely, “My family’s Qin Yi is just as generous as ever. It’s a pity that I can’t use this money for now.]

He reluctantly locked the money away in a draw and sighed. “How can someone who is proud like me use the money I got from selling my body?”

[888: If you dare, change your expression and say that line again.]

[Ye Ming: ^_^]


The writer says:

Qin Yi: If you’re living well, then there must be thunderbolts in a clear sky.

Ye Ming: Crycrycry

888: If you’re living well, then there must be thunderbolts in a clear sky.

Ye Ming: … why are you joining in?