Qin Yi stood in the hospital’s corridor. He thought, how did it come to this?

Just then he had just found Ye Ming. He hadn’t even had time to discipline him yet, to make him regret lying to him…. but somehow then they had ended up here.

Qin Yi closed his eyes. In front of him floated the image of Ye Ming coughing up blood.

No…. it definitely wasn’t what he was imagining.

The doctors were currently conducting tests on Ye Ming. There would be a result very soon. There definitely wasn’t anything wrong with him… he was just using some kind of despicable trick to avoid punishment, that’s all!

Qin Yi hands tightened into fists.

The time went by slowly, minute after minute, second after second… it was so slow, it was impossible to bear.

Finally the doctor walked out. He adjusted his glasses and said, “Mr. Qin, are you a family member of the patient?”

Qin Yi froze for a moment, then nodded.

The doctor’s face was filled with regret. He said, “After investigations, the patient has late stage lung cancer.”

For some reason when Qin Yi heard this answer, he didn’t feel much surprise. He felt like a prisoner who had already been put on death row and now had finally reached the execution ground. The previous anguished waiting was only to send him towards this path.

But even someone who was about to die couldn’t help but want to fight one last time.

He stared at the doctor and said hoarsely, “But previously, there wasn’t anything wrong with him….”

The doctor considered for a moment then said, “According to my calculations, he has been ill for a long time. But if the patient is stable and in a good condition and purposely doesn’t want anyone to discover, then it can be done. As for why he would suddenly deteriorate like this, it’s probably due to his mental state recently. After all outside factors can impact his condition very drastically. Anything could happen and you can’t generalize.”

Qin Yi’s face was completely bloodless. His nails dug into his palms. So what he was saying was… Ye Ming suddenly deteriorated because of him?

In a second a cold chill spread throughout his body.

Qin Yi closed his eyes and said, “Can you do your best to treat him? No matter what you want I can give you, just ask.”

The doctor could tell that Qin Yi definitely wasn’t poor but he could only sigh. “We will do our best but you have to know, even if we use the best medicine and equipment, it will be delaying time that’s all. If it was discovered earlier there might be some hope, but right now the situation is very dire.”

Qin Yi said, “I understand.”

Although the doctor saw death every day and was used to it but he still felt some sympathy. He nodded. “That’s good. The patient is sleeping but you can go see him. We will go and develop an appropriate treatment plan, rest assured.”

Qin Yi thanked him and then turned and walked towards the ward room.


The youth lay quietly on the bed. The sun shone through the window onto his body, making that pale skin glow like glass under sunlight.

Qin Yi suddenly was too scared to go closer. He was scared that if he walked in that person would disappear like foam. Like the Ye Ming that had appeared in his dreams countless times, he couldn’t grasp him no matter how hard he tried.

After some time Qin Yi finally slowly walked inside. He lowered his gaze and stared at the sleeping person.

I haven’t even made you feel the bitterness of regret, make you regret leaving me, haven’t let you experience the pain and despair I felt back then and you want to die?

Like this… how can I revenge myself on you?

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening -20, right now the blackening value is 50.]

Qin Yi reached out his hand and lightly touched Ye Ming’s forehead. He lowered his head and pressed their faces together, his forehead was against Ye Ming’s, his nose was was against his nose. He closed his eyes and maintained the position, not moving an inch.

He could still feel the other person’s breathing. Feel the warmth of his skin. He could keenly feel that this person… was still alive.

But he had already walked onto the path of death… and he was powerless to stop him.

This time Qin Yi understood with complete clarity that this person would leave him.

It wasn’t the same as three years ago. At that time this person was still living in some place he didn’t know about. He had taken his money, he might be living well with a carefree life, perhaps with a new lover…

It was also different to two months ago. That was an accident. If he protected hm well then that kind of accident wouldn’t happen again.

{T/N: He’s referring to the incident when Ye Ming had the bad fever.}

But this time it was different to all the previous times.

Even though this person was still by his side, but he would slowly leave him and this time he would not return.

It was like grabbing a handful of sand, only to see it slip through your fingers…

Qin Yi felt his eyes were itchy. How could you… just leave like this?

You haven’t repaid what you owe me yet.

So, I won’t let you die.


Ye Ming slept for an entire day before waking up. When he opened his eyes he saw that in was a clean, spacious, bright and luxurious private hospital room. Momentarily he revealed a joyous expression but before he could express his feelings he heard 888’s angry voice.

[888 laughed coldly: You swore and promised me that this method would be effective! The blackening was only reduced by 20 points!]

Ye Ming touched his ear. He felt like recently 888’s voice had become louder and louder.

[Ye Ming: I just promised it would reduce his blackening. A reduction of 20 points still counts as reduction! How can you say its not effective? No one can eat one meal and turn into a fatty, you need to take things slowly.]

[888: You promised me you would definitely complete the mission!]

[Ye Ming: Of course I will! Right now the reason Qin Yi’s blackening didn’t reduce a lot is because he hasn’t connected my illness with the reason I left him yet. After all he’s not sure when I became sick. It’s not easy to connect this kind of ridiculous thing at once. Just because he still has some blackening doesn’t mean he still wants to revenge himself on me, it’s only that he still has some knots in his heart that’s all.]

[Ye Ming: I will let him know slowly about the “truth”, then naturally the blackening will reduce further.]

[888: He he.]

[Ye Ming: Lord Eight, rest assured. I will let you see that your investment was definitely not a mistake! ^_^]

Don’t talk anymore, I already want to cut my hand off, 888 thought.

Ye Ming got up from the bed and walked over the door to have a look. Two burly men dressed in suits and wearing sunglasses stood outside looking at him.

He closed the door expressionlessly and then walked over to the window. After opening it he looked down. Downstairs on the grass there were two identically dressed big brothers grinning at him.

Ye Ming: “…..”

[Ye Ming: Looks like my family’s Qin Yi has gotten smarter, scared that I’m going to run away again~]

888 completely ignored him.

The one who pays is the big boss so Ye Ming naturally didn’t want to provoke 888’s bottom line. He obediently didn’t annoy him and left him alone.

Ye Ming couldn’t leave the hospital room. Considering the danger that 888 was in of losing his job and that he might be regretting his actions, it was reasonable for him to be somewhat aggressive towards him, so Ye Ming had to work quickly.

According to his analysis, Qin Yi should be coming very soon.

Qin Yi indeed arrived very fast.

The first time Ye Ming had pushed open the door, the security guard had immediately notified Qin Yi and told him that Ye Ming had woken up. At that time Qin Yi was in the middle of a meeting.

In the eyes of those around him, since Qin Yi had returned to the company three years ago, he had always been rigorous, serious and responsible. He was a strict superior who expected only the best from his subordinates in their work.

But today he not only took a personal call during a meeting but he then immediately cut the meeting short and left. All the high level management opened their eyes wide. Was something big happening recently they didn’t know about?

Qin Yi didn’t care about the opinions of others and went straight to the hospital.

He opened the door and saw Ye Ming sitting on the bed. He looked bored. When he saw him his face didn’t look surprised or frightened. He was very calm.

Qin Yi looked into Ye Ming’s eyes. Suddenly all the words he had prepared disappeared. He said he asked, “You already know, is that right?”

Ye Ming nodded his head, admitting it.

Qin Yi stared at him fixedly, barely able to suppress the emotion in his eyes.

He shouldn’t have worried about how to break the news to Ye Ming. He had agonized over this for some time but as soon as he saw Ye Ming he knew it was all unnecessary.

Probably there was no one more clear about his body’s situation than Ye Ming himself.

The person who didn’t know was him.

Qin Yi swallowed. He said slowly, “When did you find out? Why… didn’t you tell me?”

Ye Ming smiled. He said calmly, “I found out not long after going overseas.” He paused. His black pupils gazed at Qin Yi. “As for why I didn’t tell you… don’t you already know? Why should I tell you? So you can laugh that I got what I deserved?”

Qin Yi’s hands tightened into a fists. He used all his willpower to suppress his impulses!

Why didn’t you tell me…. If you told me then I wouldn’t have treated you like this. I would have helped you get treatment sooner.

It’s true that… I hate you. But I don’t want you to die!

I want you to live.

Qin Yi breathed out deeply. His chest felt suffocated. He asked one last question. “What about the money? That one million, why didn’t you use it to get treatment?”

The doctor had said that if Ye Ming had been treated earlier then perhaps…

The corner of Ye Ming’s mouth raised. He said somewhat helplessly, “How did you know I didn’t get treatment? Of course I used up all the money for treatment, otherwise why would I fall to this state?”

Some emotion seemed to be welling up inside him. After a few moments he said softly, “So I guess this really my retribution.”

Ye Ming words “retribution” made Qin Yi’s temper flare. He strode forwards and looked at Ye Ming with furious eyes. He said, “Retribution? Looks like even you know that someone like you deserves retribution!”

Ye Ming’s eyes flickered. Then he said softly, “Yes I know. Are you happy now? Can you let me go now?”

Qin Yi ground his teeth. “Keep dreaming!”

Ye Ming smiled bitterly. “It’s no use to keep me. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to repay your money….”

Qin Yi stared at him. After a long moment he asked coldly, “Do you want to die?”

Ye Ming thinned his lips and looked away.

You’re not wrong. I want to die. I want to die in a place that you can’t see me. This was something I should have done in the beginning. Right now I’m just returning to the correct path.

Qin Yi bent down. He twisted Ye Ming’s head towards him and stared at him with his red eyes. He said slowly, “You will get better. Until you return what you owe me, don’t even think about dying.”

“Even if you die… don’t think about leaving my side!”

Authors (not translator!) notes: Don’t worry next chapter he will understand. The meaning of the blackening value in this chapter and the previous chapter are a little bit different. Because the blackening which exists under a deep love and that which exists under a deep hate have a different connotation. The fact that the blackening wasn’t eliminated completely doesn’t mean the little gong hates him so much or wants to revenge himself upon him so much. Sometimes it is only a reluctance to accept or an inability to fully think things through. It is impossible to fully put aside your feelings and become harmonious straight away. Love and hate will exist simultaneously and there will be conflict. 

Also the blackening value needs to be reduced slowly. Once it is fully eliminated, Xiao Ye will have to leave. If it happens straight away it won’t be fun keke 

Also regarding some questions about late stage cancer. Generally you can’t live for long but doesn’t mean you will die straight away. There a lot of people who have lived for a few years so the timing is just right. Also cancer needs to be screened for specifically. It won’t be discovered during a routine cold examination. At the time of getting the cold if the patient has the desire to conceal and does not undergo special examination, then the chance of finding it out is low. In these three years what kind of treatment he may have undergone and what he has been through is unknown. Once the truth comes out the gong will make his own assumptions. Hair can be grown again after chemotherapy treatment, it won’t keep falling out. So it can be interpreted that Fang Xiao has undergone treatment (he didn’t use the one million) and has temporarily recovered, but then it worsened again. The stupid author can only think this much. If there are problems with this then please treat it as a golden finger QAQ. After all Xiao Ye still has golden thigh 888! After all 888’s ability is not as simple as 444×2 hahahaha!