Qin Yi came to the hospital practically every day to see Ye Ming. He almost never smiled and didn’t behave intimately with him. He only sat by his side for a while. Other than forbidding Ye Ming to leave the hospital, he didn’t force him to do anything.

Under Qin Yi’s direction, the hospital liaised with top level treatment organisations from overseas to cooperate for Ye Ming’s treatment. Everything they used was the best. Under these circumstances the illness didn’t worsen however the situation was still dire. The doctor told Qin Yi this probably had something to do with the patient’s attitude.

Although it only been a few short days Ye Ming had somehow gotten even skinnier and he never left the hospital room

This evening Qin Yi came to visit him slightly late. Ye Ming wasn’t sleeping but was reading instead. He serenely turned around and looked at Qin Yi and then continued reading his book as though nothing had happened.

Qin Yi stood in the doorway. On the bed the youth’s side profile was illuminated by the light, it was tender and warm. His appearance was quiet and gentle, not at all like a sick person about to die. Everything was as beautiful as a painting.

This scene took Qin Yi back to three years ago.

Back then the two of them were still together and the person in front of him was just as quiet and gentle. If Qin Yi came close to him he would turn and small tenderly at him. That smile made Qin Yi feel the world was so beautiful… but now all that was left was an illusion which would shatter with one touch.

Qin Yi felt as though something was reigniting within him, the memories which could not be controlled were struggling to be released.

Suddenly he turned around and left.

He was scared if he stayed then he wouldn’t be able control himself from shamelessly begging this person to stay beside him and continue living for him. His pride did not allow himself to beg for mercy like a defeated general. Especially not for a person like this.


Ye Ming obediently stayed in the hospital for some time. He figured that 888 must have reduced its temper somewhat and so he carefully called for him.

[Ye Ming: Dear, are you there?]

[888: Talk normally.]

[Ye Ming: So fierce QAQ]

[888: Are you going to talk or not? If not I’m going to go rest.]

[Ye Ming: I’ll talk, I’ll talk!]

[Ye Ming: I need to create an opportunity to make Qin Yi suspect my motivation for leaving. At the moment he can’t connect the two things because my behaviour back then was too extreme and made him prejudiced against me. But He ShaoChen is different. After in front of him I always showed a pitiful appearance so he will definitely connect it at once. And he will tell Qin Yi.]

[888: So what?]

[Ye Ming: So you need to give He ShaoChen a hint, so he can come to the hospital and find me ^_^]

He ShaoChen’s mood recently was very unstable. He constantly thought about the moment he had last seen Ye Ming. He remembered the cold, cruel look in Qin Yi’s face and was worried about Ye Ming’s safety.

So these days he kept trying to get news of Ye Ming. However stealing someone from Qin Yi’s hands was not an easy task.

If he showed his hand he was absolutely certain that Qin Yi would go on an all out offensive against him. Both the Qin and He family had large corporations so he needed to consider his movements carefully.

Recently He ShaoChen had found out that Qin Yi visited the hospital constantly. After doing some investigations he discovered that Ye Ming had been hospitalised. And the most ludicrous thing he found out was that Ye Ming had late stage cancer. How was that possible?!

How could He ShaoChen sit still? Of course he went to the hospital immediately.

The bodyguards that were responsible for watching over Ye Ming had only received instructions not to allow him to leave the hospital but not to control his movements. They also hadn’t been told anything about restricting people from visiting him so they didn’t stop He ShaoChen but only sent a message to Qin Yi, notifying him of what had occured.

He ShaoChen successfully met with Ye Ming.

That day Ye Ming had just finished chemotherapy and his condition was very bad. When he saw He ShaoChen appear suddenly, he looked very surprised. He said hoarsely, “What are you doing here?”

He ShaoChen stared at the other person. It had not even been a month since they last met but Ye Ming had lost a lot of weight and his illness was evident. His heart suddenly hurt deeply. He said lowly, “I heard that you are ill.”

Ye Ming looked a bit embarrassed. “You also heard.”

He ShaoChen looked at the expression on Ye Ming’s face and his eyes were full of anguish. He asked, “When did it happen?”

This was the same question that Qin Yi had asked. At that time Ye Ming had without hesitation told him it was after going overseas but in the face of He ShaoChen who had always been so concerned about him, Ye Ming hesitated before lying. Then just as he was about to tell him the same lie, He ShaoChen spoke again.

He ShaoChen stared fixedly into Ye Ming’s eyes. He immediately noticed his hesitation and said seriously, “You knew about this and that’s why you left, is that right?”

A panicked expression immediately flew into Ye Ming’s eyes.

Everything was seen by He ShaoChen. How could he not be clear about what was happening? Now all the mysteries had been solved. Other than for this reason, how could the deeply in love Ye Ming choose to leave Qin Yi? How could this person be so stupid?!

He ShaoChen’s heart painfully contracted as he felt deep injustice for Ye Ming. “Back then you probably didn’t think you could live this long, is that right? You didn’t want Qin Yi to know that you were sick so you left him!”

This time it wasn’t a question but a statement.

“Don’t guess wildly…” Ye Ming looked as though he was frightened Qin Yi would come back. He hurried to stop him talking.

He ShaoChen became more and more angry. He said furiously, “You’re this concerned about him but is he concerned about you? You’re nearly dead but you’re still thinking about him. Do you think after you’re dead he will still remember you!?”

Ye Ming’s face finally changed. His tone became more harsh. “That’s enough. If you only came to say these things then sorry and please leave.”

He ShaoChen looked very hurt.

Ye Ming saw and his heart softened. He wanted to say a few things to comfort He ShaoChen but couldn’t find the right words. After all, all the way to the end, he still couldn’t respond to his feelings. Just as he was hesitating, the door was violently pushed open and hit the wall with a loud “peng!” sound!

A man strode inside with large strides. He raised his head and his eyes were read. It was Qin Yi! How much had he heard?

Actually Qin Yi had been standing outside for some time. He arrived almost immediately after He ShaoChen. Initially he had wanted to rush inside but after hearing the conversation he didn’t know why but he paused..

Until he heard that sentence… then finally he couldn’t be calm anymore.

So he didn’t find out after going overseas, but knew before? Because he thought he was going to die, so Ye Ming left him?  Was this the real reason he had left him?

This conjecture weight upon him like a thousand tonnes, crushing all his hate and perseverance into mud. Even his body and soul felt as though it had been shattered into fragments.

He didn’t believe it!

Qin Yi directly ignored He ShaoChen. He walked up to Ye Ming and said in a hoarse tone, “Is what he said true?”

Ye Ming’s mouth moved but he didn’t speak. Qin Yi suddenly reached out and covered his mouth. He said, “No, you don’t need to reply. You’ve never spoken a single word of truth to me anyway.”

Qin Yi’s voice was calm and had a hint of anguish. It was as though he was already resigned to it but Ye Ming suddenly felt deeply pained.

No… I didn’t want to lie to you.

I didn’t want you to be disappointed it. I didn’t want you to be sad. I didn’t want you to feel pain. So, I’m sorry that I’ve been lying to you this whole time…

He ShaoChen laughed coldly at Qin Yi. “Did you hear everything?”

Qin Yi behaved as though he hadn’t seen him at all, continuing to look at Ye Ming.

At first when he had received the bodyguard’s message he had wanted to rush in here to kill these two wretched betrayers but now his mind was overwhelmed by different thoughts, he couldn’t think of anything else…

Could it be that Ye Ming didn’t really want to leave him? Because he thought he was lying to die, so he left…

He ShaoChen’s eyes were cold. He grabbed Qin Yi’s arm and pushed him violently to one side. He said coldly, “What are you doing? This kind of important thing, as the person closest to him, how come you didn’t know?! Isn’t it a joke if now you feel regret?”

Yes… it was a joke. This kind of important thing, how come he had no idea? When he was the closest person to him?

No matter if it was three years ago or three years later, he didn’t know a thing.

All the color slowly left Qin Yi’s face.

He ShaoChen saw how thin Ye Ming looked and his heart was filled with pain. He said to Qin Yi, “Why didn’t you know? Ah?! If you found out a bit earlier, maybe he could have been saved!”

Qin Yi was pushed back a few steps. His expression was disorientated.

If he found out earlier, perhaps Ye Ming could have been saved…. If he didn’t torture him this way, perhaps the illness wouldn’t have deteriorated…

So really, was it all because of him?

He had personally caused his death.

Qin Yi raised his eyes. The expression in his black pupils was like a beast that was trapped without a way out. Suddenly he punched He ShaoChen and said harshly, “You’re lying! I don’t believe it! You despicable scum! Fang Xiao is my person, why do you keep hanging around him? Back then I thought of you as my brother and took you to meet him, and how do you repay me?”

Qin Yi’s voice was filled with bloodthirstiness and his eyes with hate. “I should kill you. Why do you keep getting involved with us, who do you think you are!”

He ShaoChen wiped the blood away from his lip. Without hesitation he returned the blow!

Qin Yi’s face was punched sideways. It wasn’t impossible to duck but he didn’t know why he couldn’t move. It was as though his entire body was frozen.

Then he heard He ShaoChen say, “I know I shouldn’t have gotten involved in your business. I know I shouldn’t have fallen for Fang Xiao. You can blame me. But you have to know, Fang Xiao never betrayed you! How about you, do you really care about him? You didn’t even know he was sick!”

He ShaoChen laughed bitterly. “Do you know back then before you guys left, I already confessed to him? But he rejected me. He preferred to leave and start anew with you. Three years later when he came to me for help, do you know how pleased I was? I told him that he could stay and that I would take care of him. I wouldn’t treat him any worse than you… but without hesitation he still left. No matter if it was three years ago or three years later, he never accepted me. It was always my unrequited love.”

“It’s true that I’ve wronged you. You can do what you want to me. But why are you getting revenge on him for?!”

Qin Yi’s body trembled. He felt like he had suddenly lost all energy. He said hoarsely with eyes full of agony. “You’re lying to me…”

He ShaoChen said coldly, “What would be the benefit of my lying to you?”

Qin Yi’s mouth was full of the taste of blood. This vision also seemed to be covered in a layer of blood, so everything seemed distorted and absurd.

It couldn’t be… the truth shouldn’t be like this…

The truth couldn’t be like this.

What would be the reason of Ye Ming doing this? They loved each other too much, they trusted each other. What suffering couldn’t they bear together? Why did he have to chose to leave him?

This kind of ludicrous reason, he couldn’t believe it!