He ShaoChen saw Qin Yi’s appearance and sighed. He said, “I warned you not to do anything you’d regret, but you-”

“Enough!” At this moment a cold voice was raised. Ye Ming swung his hand and a cup from the table was knocked to the ground with a loud noise.

This sound was like the sound of a switch, making both Qin Yi and He ShaoChen turn around to look at him.

Ye Ming raised his eyes and said evenly, “I already told you that I found out after I left the country. You’re both thinking too much.”

Of course He ShaoChen didn’t believe it. He said in an agitated manner, “Even now, you still want to hide it?”

Ye Ming’s expression became colder. He said to him, “I’m very grateful that you came to see me but if you continue to make wild guesses like this, then you’re not welcome here anymore.”

He ShaoChen looked anguished. “You…”

Ye Ming directly interrupted him. “I’m tired. If you guys have to argue, please do it outside.”

Qin Yi stared at Ye Ming… a flash appeared in the depths of despair of his dark pupils. Suddenly he walked outside without even turning around.

He ShaoChen opened his mouth, staring at Ye Ming. But finally he followed him wordlessly.


After that day, Qin Yi didn’t come to visit Ye Ming for three days.

Although Qin Yi didn’t come however the bodyguards and doctors he left behind were very attentive. They continued to treat Ye Ming very well. Ye Ming didn’t have any intention of running away so he stayed obediently in the hospital, not talking or asking about anything.

[888: The blackening wasn’t lowered but you don’t look worried at all?]

[Ye Ming: There’s no need to be worried. Qin Yi just can’t accept everything in a short span of time. After he’s had time to calm down and reflect, once he understands, he will come back ^_^]

[888: You’re not worried at all that he’ll collapse under the strain?]

[Ye Ming: I’m really worried at him! But at the same time I choose to believe in him! My YiYi is the best!]

[888: ……]

[Ye Ming: However there is one thing I need your help with. Since you’ve helped, then help to the end. My life and death hangs in the balance….]

[888: Shut up.]

[888: I’ve already fabricated your medical records.]

[Ye Ming: I love you QAQ]

888 just sent him a “get lost” message.

It wasn’t until the third night when as Ye Ming was preparing to go to sleep and emerged from his shower, that he saw Qin Yi sitting silently in his hospital room.

Qin Yi was still wearing the same clothes he was when he had left. There was a beard growing on his face. He looked as though he hadn’t rest or taken a shower. He completely didn’t have the sharp appearance from before, instead his dark pupils were filled with a deep and complicated emotion that couldn’t be expressed. After some time he said in a very hoarse voice, “You lied to me.”

Ye Ming looked at Qin Yi’s appearance. His heart was filled with a pained feeling but he tried to not let it appear on his face. He looked away and said, “Isn’t that something you knew already.”

Qin Yi looked at him and said slowly, word by word. “I’m talking about your illness. You lied to me.”

Ye Ming pressed his lips together. Then he gave a short laugh. “You… don’t tell me you believe He ShaoChen? That was just his wild guess. What reason would I have to lie to you about something like that?”

Qin Yi thinned his lips and managed to say, “There is reason.”

Ye Ming paused.

Qin Yi slowly stood up and walked to stand in front of Ye Ming. He stared into his eyes and said gravely, “Isn’t the thing you like the most money? Right now I have a lot of money. What I couldn’t give you back then I can give you know. If you really loved money then you would have used your illness to obtain my pity and sympathy…. That way you can obtain a lot of money and make me feel indebted to you. Then you live the life you’ve always wanted.”

He paused and then suddenly spoke with more sharpness. “But if you never wanted my money, then you would behave as He ShaoChen said and lie to me. You would tell me you only discovered the illness after you left the country. That way I wouldn’t have any reason to forgive you and wouldn’t sympathize with you. That why I won’t be saddened by your death.”

Ye Ming’s face changed color slightly.

Qin Yi said, “Which one are you?”

Although he asked but actually in his heart he already knew the answer.

Ye Ming momentarily panicked. He forced himself to remain calm and raised his eyebrow, laughing lowly. He said, “There is another possibility you haven’t considered.”

Qin Yi looked at him in a questioning manner. “Oh?”

Ye Ming said smiling, “If I came back and told you the reason I left is because I became sick and was scared that you would be saddened and distressed, then would you definitely forgive me? Would you really believe this kind of ridiculous excuse?”

“I had no idea if this kind of laughable method would actually work in deceiving you so that’s why I couldn’t be bothered, that’s all.”

“Really?” Qin Yi looked at him deeply. He then said in softly in a voice that couldn’t be described. “If I told you that it would definitely work, would you believe me?”

Ye Ming listened to Qin Yi’s words and his heart skipped a beat. Although Qin Yi was just asking him a question but he understood that this probably was his true feelings.

He wanted to believe him.

Even after he had wronged him like that, he still wanted to believe him….

Ye Ming’s eyes felt sore. He was scared that he would say something he shouldn’t say and expose all his fragility and emotions to the person he loved who wanted to believe in him.

He used all his power and just managed to suppress this impulse.

After a while, Ye Ming spoke again. He laughed strangely and said, “There’s also one final reason.”

Qin Yi looked at him calmly. He didn’t look agitated or flustered. It was as though no matter what Ye Ming said he could accept it.

Ye Ming said, “I’m someone who is about to die, what do I need money for?”

Qin Yi closed his eyes. The agony was suffocating.

You are a good actor. You have enough self-control and you’ve thought it out carefully. The whole reason was to stop me from loving you. But how did you know what I wanted? How can you be so sure your selfish decision was the correct one?

Do you not know that what I want is to face everything together with you?

Who asked you to make such a sacrifice?

Qin Yi tightly pressed his lips together. Suddenly he took out a file and placed it in front of Ye Ming.

Ye Ming didn’t open it but his face had already changed.

Qin Yi raised the corner of his lips and gave a self-deprecating smile. His voice was wooden. “Didn’t you say you weren’t lying to me? Why don’t you open it and take a look?”

Ye Ming didn’t touch it. A few moments passed and then a fierce expression appeared on his face. “So what if I lied to you, what does it matter? How can you be so sure I left because of you? Don’t think so highly of yourself! The reason I left has nothing to do with you!”

Qin Yi stared at him for a long time. Then he suddenly embraced him, holding him tightly in his arms. He lowered his head and whispered softly into his ear. “I know everything now.”

I know that… actually you didn’t want me to be sad.

[Ding! Qing Yi’s blackening -20, current blackening value is 30].

Qin Yi looked at Ye Ming one last time then got up and left.

Actually he really wanted to stay but thinking about the fact that he hadn’t showered or slept for three days and night, his body was messy and dirty, and he didn’t want to make Ye Ming uncomfortable.


When Qin Yi returned the next day he had resumed his usual appearance. Only reddened and sallow eyes revealed his exhaustion and the fact that he probably hadn’t been living well these couple of  days.

When he came Ye Ming was eating. After eating a few mouthfuls he began coughing. Qin Yi walked over and lightly patted Ye Ming’s back to help him breathe.

Ye Ming felt Qin Yi’s movements and his eyes went red.

He discovered that the gentle Qin Yi was more difficult to face than the Qin Yi that detested him. His heart wavered constantly and the desire to tell him everything was overwhelming… luckily just then he had coughed violently, so he could use it to cover up his feelings.

Ye Ming pressed the corner of his eye and said placidly, “I coughed so hard I cried.”

Qin Yi looked at him quietly but the pain in his heart was immense. Really the signs had been so obvious, why was the him from before unable to discover it?

Hate had blinded his eyes so he didn’t see the fragility under this person’s sharp appearance, didn’t see the pretense that he tried so desperately to maintain.

If he really was a despicable liar then why had he never tried to make excuses for himself?

Now that he thought about all the scenes of the past, and recalled every single word Ye Ming had said… all of it now mocked his idiocy and his inability to see the truth.

He ShaoChen was right. This was his fault.

But from now on he wouldn’t let anything more blind his eyes.

Qin Yi passed a napkin to Ye Ming. “Use this.”

Ye Ming took it and lightly rubbed his face. Then he began eating again as though Qin Yi wasn’t even there.

Qin Yi didn’t disturb him but just sat silently by his bedside looking at him.

He suddenly remembered that before he had always sat like this beside this person, not close nor far away. At that time his pride did allow himself to touch him so he could only hide the deep longing in his heart.

But now… he wanted to get closer but discovered he had done too many wrong things so he could no longer reach out his hands lightly.

Ye Ming finished eating his food and discovered Qin Yi hadn’t left yet.

He saw the sorrow deeply repressed in Qin Yi’s eyes, and pain blossomed in his chest.

Back then the whole reason he left was to avoid seeing Qin Yi upset but now as things stood Qin Yi was even more in pain. If he gave up now then what was the purpose of everything he had done before? He couldn’t go back any longer.

Ye Ming looked coldly at Qin Yi. “What’s the matter, are you scared I’ll run away again?”

Qin Yi’s face went pale and after a few moments he asked, “Do you have to speak to me like this?”

Ye Ming said, “I don’t know what you mean. Is there a problem with my words?”

Qin Yi looked at Ye Ming and then suddenly got up and walked towards him. He kissed the top of his forehead extremely lightly, like the touch of a dragonfly over water. He said, “It doesn’t matter. As long as you’re happy.”

I will wait until the day you personally admit everything.


Qin Yi came every day to see Ye Ming and spent a lot of time at the hospital accompanying him. Although he didn’t say much it was clear his attitude was different from before.

However Ye Ming’s demeanour became more and more cold. He ignored Qin Yi most of the time. He wanted to use this attitude to persuade Qin Yi to give up but Qin Yi didn’t seem to mind at all.

This went on for around half a month. One evening Qin Yi didn’t come as usual but instead a guest came to see him.

Other than He ShaoChen, this was the second person to come to see Ye Ming. When Ye Ming saw who it was, an expression of surprise flew onto his face.

[Ye Ming: My YiYi is so hardworking. In such a short period of time he’s already figured out where that money went. As long as I give him a hint, he’ll definitely complete the task responsibly!”

[888: ……]

[Ye Ming: We’ve moved another step closer to success. This proves that good people have good karma >_<]

[888: Can you be more shameless?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[888: If it wasn’t for the fact that back then you had no choice but to leave the world, would you really have donated that money away???]

[Ye Ming: Why are you looking at me like that. Don’t I look like the kind of person who would do charity? Can’t you see the great love in my heart?]

[888: He he.]